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How to Develop Secure Software using Agile Methods? Dr. Imran Ghani

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Presentation on theme: "How to Develop Secure Software using Agile Methods? Dr. Imran Ghani"— Presentation transcript:

1 How to Develop Secure Software using Agile Methods? Dr. Imran Ghani
Agile Conference (c)

2 Outline Myths about Agile
Agile Methods and Secure Software Development Scrum, XP, FDD, and DSDM Software Process Improvement (SPI) Agile Methods for Security Findings Conclusion Q &A Agile Conference (c)

3 The World is Going Agile (Securely?)
Agile is like “Nasi Lemak” Fast & Tasty Everybody is trying it… Agile Conference (c)

4 Myths about Agile Agile is for “Experienced Developers”
Agile is for “Small Projects” Agile does not support “Secure Software Development” Agile Conference (c)

5 Agile Methods do not support “Secure Software Development”
How Developers and Customers Interact on Security? Basic Scrum, XP, FDD and DSDM, really don’t!! Quick delivery of software does not mean that software is SECURE too!! Developers assume that software will be SECURE, but are surprised when it is not!! Lack of complete view of system, lack of detailed documentation, lack of security awareness of customers and developers. Agile Conference (c)

6 Examples of Software Attacks
Phishing SQL - Injection Cross-site Scripting (XSS) Brute Force Attack Agile Conference (c)

7 Fast + Secure Software Development
Developing Software with Security in Mind (Julia et al., 2007) Authentication, Authorization, Encryption, Audit & Accountability, Data Integrity, Infra Security Agile Conference (c)

8 Recent Web-based Attack Reports : 2012~2013
Most Serious Attacks Cross Site Scripting (XSS) SQL Injection Directory Traversals Brute force Attack Session Hijacking Denial of Service (DoS) Phishing Man in the middle Spam (76% increase) 1 in 5 s was legitimate 76% network traffic increased (source websense report, 2013) FireHost, Tuesday, July 30, 2013 Agile Conference (c)

9 Data Breaches Agile Conference (c)

10 Agile Conference (c)

11 Top 10 Countries Hosting Malware
All are victims: Websites Mobile Apps Social Media Cloud How cybercriminals use certain countries in different aspects of their attack plans. For example, To target victims in Brazil a cybercriminal might find it easier to set up phishing websites in the United States, Send spam from Germany, Host malware in Russia and establish a command and control (CnC) server in China. Agile Conference (c)

12 Top 10 Countries -Web Threat Victims
Agile Conference (c)

13 Agile and Software Security
Agile Conference (c)

14 Scrum, XP, FDD, DSDM - (Mind Map)
Security Ignored Agile Conference (c)

15 Srcum, XP, FDD, DSDM - (Planning)
Security Ignored Agile Conference (c)

16 So, what do we learn from software threats and existing Agile methods?
Agile Conference (c)

17 SPI of Agile Methods Agile process (non-secure)  Product (non-secure)
Agile process (secure)  Product (secure) Process itself needs to change to better fit the development processes that Agile teams use Changes always result in a temporary drop of performance [SEI, 2009]

18 Why Agile Process Improvement?
Long before widely used phrase “software process improvement (SPI)” [Roger, 2010] Focus: “reduced number of security threats/bugs/flaws” Agile Conference (c)

19 Local Security (one web page ): Authentication
Global Security (whole website): Session Mgt Local security > 70% Global security < 30%

20 Misuse case Quick Documentation Attack Tree

21 Scrum and Software Security
User Story !! Security Sub-Story – What is that? Agile Conference (c)

22 DSDM and Software Security
Agile Conference (c)

23 Basic FDD Model FDD Roles: Domain expert, Chief Programmer, Project Manager, Feature Team & Chief Architect Agile Conference (c)

24 Within Phase Security Agile Conference (c)

25 After Phase Security Agile Conference (c)

26 XP and Software Security
Agile Conference (c)

27 Agile Conference (c)

28 Testers Agile Conference (c)

29 Secure Agile Tools - @UTM
Secure Scrum - SAgile Secure XP - SAgile Secure FDD - SAgile Agile Conference (c)

30 Tool Support Security feature Agile Conference (c)

31 Agile Conference (c)

32 Fast + Secure Software Development
Developing Software with Security in Mind (Julia et al., 2007) Authentication, Authorization, Encryption, Audit & Accountability, Data Integrity, Infra Security Agile Conference (c)

33 Are you sure, our Agile team is producing secure software?
Yes Boss, I am!! Let’s enjoy the party  Are you sure, our Agile team is producing secure software? Agile Conference (c)

34 Next generation Agile Conference (c)

35 Upcoming Agile Malaysia 2014 Langkawi, 23rd Sep 2014 Kuala Lumpur: October/November
Agile Conference: For Corporates October/November 2014 Agile Symposium: For Academcian/Researchers Paper submission: 26 May 2014 Sponsors are welcome  Imran Ghani 

36 Use case & Misuse case - Hackers, employees, criminals, terrorists etc

37 Software Vulnerabilities Databases

38 Assessment of Security in Agile
Degree of Agility Attributes Flexibility Leanness Speed Learning Responsiveness Refer to my presentation on Scrum & Security

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