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Welcome to Revenue Court Case Monitoring System (RCCMS)

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Presentation on theme: "Welcome to Revenue Court Case Monitoring System (RCCMS)"— Presentation transcript:

1 Welcome to Revenue Court Case Monitoring System (RCCMS)
Live URL: Demo URL:

2 RCCMS Software Features
Preparation of Computerized Registers. Preparation of Cause List, Disposal List. Preparation of Notices. Facilities to know interim orders. Provision to Provide judgments. Track Case status using SMS Inform about case hearing with SMS

3 Workflow System Every court will have two users and each district have one administrator: Case Worker : Filing cases, Backlog Entry, Case Dairy Updation, Cause list Generation, Disposal of Cases etc. Manager: Verify case details for approval of case hearing. Manager can approve/reject/return the case. Note: First hearing date can be given only after approval.

4 3. District Admin: Create Masters such as
Add Courts, Add Employees, Add Logins Reset Password, Assign/Revoke Roles

5 District Admin Login

6 Add Courts (Administration->district admin->add courts)

7 Add Employees Administration->district admin->add employees

8 Add Logins (Administration->district admin->add logins)

9 Pointer to remember while creating logins
Every district will be provided with admin login, Using this logins you can create all other logins with in the district. Before creating logins, you have to create all Courts and employees of within the court. Logins ID gets populated/generated automatically based on the role. You no need to enter login id explicitly. One role will have one login only Map employee to login Select Workflow as YES and bio-metric as NO

10 Assign/Revoke Roles of Case Worker and Manager

11 Roles of Case Worker New case details entry
Modify the case details before approval Backlog case details entry Forward Case to Next Level for approval Updates the first hearing date after approval new case Update the case dairy for all the running cases Cause list generation Postponement of cases (Single and Bulk) Disposal of Cases Taken on board Revoke cases Process public petitions Certified Copy

12 Roles of Manager Verification of Case Details sent by the case worker and update the case status as below Approve with remarks Return back to case worker Reject with remarks

13 RCCMS Flowchart Workflow sys
Start Start RCCMS Flowchart Workflow sys online offline Case worker files the details received from advocate/Pet. and generates Case ID & forwards to Next Level Advocate/Petitioner file the case online. System through csc, generates Advocate/pet. Approaches to case worker with all doc. is case approved? Manager Verify Case Details and Take the action ( approve, reject, return) rejected Rejection list Caseworker verifies the details and generates Case ID and forwards to next level (Manager) Forward Taken on Board (Those case to be pre-pone and heard today it self) return Yes Caseworker Update first hearing date Update the date of hearing (present date) and reasons Generate cause list and Update the Daily case Proceedings i.e Case Dairy Select the main case then link main case with other cases No Is Case stage for Orders ? Update the date of next hearing and reasons Yes Update cases pending for order and announce the pronouncement date Connected Cases (While proceedings some cases are merged with another case and then date of hearing/stage of these cases will same here after) Revoke Case (If already disposed case to be reopen) Dispose the case with scanned copy of order Stop

14 Backlog Data Entry Those cases which are running can be entered using backlog form provided in the case worker login. As these cases are already running, after data entry you can start updating case dairy directly. No need to send to manager.

15 Acknowledgement Number and Case ID Formats (Every case will have Ack
Acknowledgement Number and Case ID Formats (Every case will have Ack. No and case id) Acknowledgement number is 15 digit number and it is unique through out state. It looks likes as below RD Where RD005 is RCCMS Application Code. And remaining 10 digits are running number. Case ID Look likes as below RP/6/2016 where ‘RP’ is case Type Abbreviation, 6 is running number and last 4 digits indicates year. Note: Case id is unique with in the Court.

16 Case Worker Login

17 Home Page

18 Backlog Case Entry (case registration->add backlog case details)

19 Backlog cases (Case details Tab)

20 Backlog cases (RRT details Tab Optional)

21 Backlog cases (Petitioner details Tab)

22 Backlog cases (Respondent details Tab)

23 Backlog cases (Upload Document Tab)

24 Backlog cases (Final Save Tab) Allow Pop-ups in browser to Gen
Backlog cases (Final Save Tab) Allow Pop-ups in browser to Gen. Acknowledgment)

25 Acknowledgement

26 Points to Remember in Backlog cases
Case ID and Acknowledgement number gets generated automatically after you click on Final Save Button (Make note of Acknowledgement Number as well as Case ID on the File for future reference) Once Case Data is entered, you have to update first hearing date (this can be taken as next hearing date for backlog cases) you can start case proceedings directly after updating hearing date No approval is needed.

27 New Case Entry Case Registration->App for new case details
This is same as Backlog case entry but Case has to sent to Manager for Approval. Once the manager approves, Case Worker can give First Hearing Date. Cause list generation and Proceedings of the case starts once first hearing date is updated.

28 Forwarding case to Manager from Case Worker Case Registration->Forward case to next level

29 Go to Action Tab Enter remarks and click on Forward button

30 Action Taken By Manager (Manager Login)

31 Action Details->Cases Pending for action

32 Verify all the details and go to action tab, put remarks and update status

33 Points to Remember In Manager Login Action Module
Manager can see case worker remarks Manager can enter his own remarks and he can update the status as RETURN/APPROVE/REJECT RETURN indicates whenever some documents/data is missing he can ask case worker to update the same and revert back APPROVE indicates approval of case for giving first hearing date REJECT indicates to rejection of the case.

34 Update first hearing date

35 Update Case Dairy

36 Cases Pending for order

37 Disposal of Cases

38 Postponement of Cases

39 Taken on Board

40 Generate Notice

41 Connected Cases

42 SMS Alert to Pet/Res/Adv for Cause list

43 SMS Alert to Pet/Res/Adv for Postponement of cases

44 Issue of Notices, LCR, Para wise Remarks Entry

45 Revoke Case

46 Reports

47 List of Reports Cause List Case Details Cases for Orders
Rejected Cases Disposed case list Application Details with Status Checklist for filed cases Pending cases from public Case Type Reports Day-wise data entry summary

48 Search Case

49 Disposed Cases

50 Generate Cause List

51 Check list for Filed Cases

52 Case Type Report

53 Pending Petitions from Public

54 Cases for Order report

55 Thank you.. Happy to Help

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