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Weekly Wednesday Webinar

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Presentation on theme: "Weekly Wednesday Webinar"— Presentation transcript:

1 Weekly Wednesday Webinar

2 AIR Help Desk Zac Sweeny

3 Large Print and Braille Returns
Corey Palermo

4 Returns Districts receiving large print braille test books
Ignore the return shipping instructions sent with shipments Refer to the instructions sent via the listserve Sent this afternoon

5 Privacy & Rostering Roster process must be careful, precise Teachers are not entitled to see assessment-related information for all students Overly broad access may constitute a breach of student privacy Teachers must only have access to students for whom they have a direct responsibility

6 iOS 9.3 iOS 9.3 update We are not aware of the current update effecting the SecureBrowser

7 Chrome 48 vs 49 Stay frozen at Chrome 48 Enable AIR Chrome 49 support
Allows testing on devices which are updated to Chrome 49, if not these machines would not coexist with the SecureBrowser.

8 Student Data

9 Student/Accommodation Edits
Direct all calls/ s to WVDE

10 Student/Accommodation Edits
CASE County Code School Code SSID WVDE Notification Date - MM/DD/YYYY AIR Notification Date - MM/DD/YYYY Resolution Date - MM/DD/YYYY Explanation/Notes - (Please include dates AIR contacted to resolve issue) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

11 General Summative Assessment

12 Secure Browser Make sure all devices have new secure browser installed

13 Please remind schools to double check the correct test is administered
Summative vs Interim Please remind schools to double check the correct test is administered

14 Test Security Incident Log

15 Test Security Incident Log

16 Homebound Remind principals of the importance of testing homebound students 4.7. All homebound public school students are to be assessed at the schools in which the students are enrolled or at alternate testing sites approved by the district test coordinators. All participating educators and students shall be required to follow all testing guidelines and security procedures set forth in this policy.   

17 School Test Dates End testing window Calendar adjustment
Last day of instruction Calendar adjustment Due April 4th Schools should stay within Elementary and Middle schools 25 WVGSA Days + 5 Make-up Days High Schools 5 CCR Days + 25 WVGSA Days + 5 Make-up Days

18 Science Assessment Science Item Development
Grade level on form and subjects taught in high school Please remember to submit you nomination forms ASAP for teacher participation in further science assessment endeavors

19 To Upload Appeals: - Download Excel Template

20 APPEALS To Upload Appeals: Download Excel Template Enter data into the Excel Template Type = Invalidate, Reopen, Reset, or Restore (dropdown menu) NOTE: Grace Period Extension (GPE) is listed but requests for GPEs will not process – you must call the office. Search Type = Result ID, SSID (WVEIS), or Session ID (dropdown menu) Search Value = Value for the selected Search Type (IDs) Reason = Reason for Appeal request

21 APPEALS To Upload Appeals: Download Excel Template Enter data into the Excel Template - Upload file

22 APPEALS To Upload Appeals: Download Excel Template Enter data into the Excel Template - Upload file Preview File (did file load correctly?)

23 APPEALS To Upload Appeals: Download Excel Template Enter data into the Excel Template Upload file Preview File Validate File

24 APPEALS To Upload Appeals: Download Excel Template Enter data into the Excel Template - Upload file Preview File Validate File Select Records for Appeals Request (Notice: I only uploaded one student ID but received three records.)

25 APPEALS To Upload Appeals: Download Excel Template Enter data into the Excel Template - Upload file Preview File Validate File Select Records for Appeals Request (Notice: I only uploaded one student ID but received three records.) You MUST be very careful to select the correct test.

26 APPEALS To Upload Appeals: Download Excel Template Enter data into the Excel Template - Upload file Preview File Validate File Select Records for Appeals Receive Success Screen

27 Questions ?

28 Embedded Designated Supports and Accommodations
Students may access and practice testing with the following embedded designated supports and accommodations in the interim tests Text to Speech (P01) Text to Speech, including ELA reading passages (P13) Braille Online Adaptive- Braille Embosser (ELA & Math) (P35) and (P17)

29 Text to Speech (P01) Text to Speech, including ELA reading passages (P13) Braille Online Adaptive (ELA & Math)-(P35)Braille Embosser (P17) ICAs IABs Diagnostics

30 Test Delivery System User Guide
PDF located WV Assessment Portal, under Resources, User Guides Step 4a: Text-to-Speech Check pg. 32 If assistance is needed with Braille, please contact Annette Carey.

31 Preparing for Alternate Summative Assessment
Melissa Gholson, Ed. D. Coordinator Office of Assessment

32 Testing Status Update DLM is experiencing a network outage affecting KITE Client, Educator Portal, and phone and services to the KITE Service Desk. An update will be provided around noon CT Wednesday regarding the amount of Educator Portal and KITE functionality which will be available in the short term.

33 DLM Updates Do Not Use a Local Caching Server (LCS)
A Local Caching Server should not be used for DLM testing. When students complete tests on a LCS, the KITE system assigns the next testlet at a lower linkage level than may be appropriate for the student. Students who take DLM tests using a standard internet connection will not encounter this problem. If you are unsure as to whether or not you are using an LCS, please contact your local IT staff or the Technical Liaison for your district. (The KITE Service Desk will not have access to this information). Do not contact the DLM HELP DESK for issues that can be looked up in Educator Portal or the Data Steward Manual. This is creating long wait times on calls due to large volume.

34 Alternate Assessment Webinar
When: Tomorrow, Thursday March 31 at 10:00 a.m.-11:00 a.m. Who: Should Attend: District Test Coordinators, Data Stewards and Technical Liaisons How: To join the teleconference only Call-in number: Participant PIN: Join Skype Meeting  Please notify anyone who is responsible for DLM district testing. This will be the last webinar before the test window opens.  This webinar will be recorded. An containing the link to the recording will be sent out following the call.

35 Reminders Alternate Summative Window is April 4-June 3, Submit your schedule by clicking on the hyperlink attached if you have not already done so. Please do not your window to us. This same link will be used to request any extensions. Data lockdown procedures are currently in effect. PLEASE DO NOT YOUR SCHEDULE TO ME! Use the hyperlink for schedule and extensions.

36 FAQs Do we have parent letters and pamphlets for our DLM students? The letters were sent with the WVGSA and the brochures were in with the boxes with the WVGSA brochures.  Letters were by

37 FAQs   If the math PT is given over multiple days, can students use notes from day 1? Yes.  Math PT notes can be used on the following days math PT session.  These notes and scrap paper should be collected at the end of each testing session and returned the next day.  Each student should write his or her name on top of the paper.  The notes should be stored in a locked secure area until redistributed.

38 FAQs In the TA Certification video, it mentions that testing over multiple days can only be done on certain tests.  Can a student resume testing on a different day for both the CAT and PT?  Yes, for PT and CAT.  However, not for science.   

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