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What is Leadership?.

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Presentation on theme: "What is Leadership?."— Presentation transcript:

1 What is Leadership?

2 Starter Create slide show of leaders from literature, politics, history and locality. Who do you admire the most? Why?

3 Training Outcomes By the end of the session you will:
Understand what leadership and management is Have opportunities to develop your own leadership skills Consider your leadership within the school’s values

4 Task 1a: What is a good leader?
What benefits does leadership bring? What responsibilities do leaders have? What qualities does a good leader need?

5 Task 1b: What is a good leader?
What personality traits should a good leader never demonstrate?

6 Task 1c: What is a good leader?
How would you define school leadership? How would you define school management?

7 Task 2: What is school leadership?
Group 1: What leadership issues and challenges face pastoral leaders? Group 2: What leadership issues and challenges face curriculum leaders?

8 Task 3a: Vision and Values
Create your own vision for a curriculum area or pastoral grouping. "Vision is the art of seeing the invisible." (Jonathan Swift)

9 Task 3b: Vision and Values
Compare your vision with your school’s vision. School Vision Example We aim to be an outstanding, values-based school at the heart of our culturally-diverse community, striving for excellence, enabling our children to achieve their highest potential in all areas of life.

10 Task 4: Player Manager What judgements will be made about you?
What are the biggest challenges as a result? How will you deal with these? How will you prioritise your tasks?

11 Plenary On a Post-it© note, spend a moment considering your personal leadership style and any areas of development you may have.

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