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Who is your hero?.

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Presentation on theme: "Who is your hero?."— Presentation transcript:

1 Who is your hero?

2 Match the words with their meanings:
nation`s resistance королевские вооруженные силы war and peace войска Air raids Армия troops долг, обязанность a duty служить нации The Army война и мир to serve the nation воздушные налеты Royal Armed Forces национальное сопротивление

3 Read and underline the correct world
1) What period in the life of the Royal Family is described? I World War\ II World War 2 )Which person is the information about? Queen Elizabeth II \ The Queen mother of Queen Elizabeth 3 ) Hitler called her « the most beautiful\ dangerous woman in Europe». 4) During the II World War the Queen stayed with \ left her nation. 5) She and the King visited the damaged areas, hospitals \ theatres. 6) The Queen provided \ supported the Red Cross. 7) In her Royal duties she served the nation for about 10 \80 years.

4 Check your answer 1 What period in the life of the Royal Family is described? II World War. 2 Which person is the information about? The Queen mother of Queen Elizabeth. 3 Hitler called her « the most dangerous woman in Europe». 4 During the II World War the Queen stayed with her nation. 5 She and the King visited the damaged areas, hospitals. 6 The Queen supported the Red Cross. 7 In her Royal duties she served the nation for about 80 years.

5 The Queen mother of Queen Elizabeth

6 Grammar in Focus Инфинитив в качестве определения
Когда нам надо сообщить, что кто-либо стал первым (the first), последним (the last), единственным (the only), мы можем использовать инфинитив в функции определения после the first, the last, the only.

7 Make up sentences To fly, was, to space, Gagarin, in 1961, the first.
Russian, Boris Pasternak, the second, writer, was, a Nobel Prize, to get. Was, on the Moon, the first, Neil Armstrong, to walk. To win, sportsmen, in Sochi, Russian, the only, are, 33 medals. Young, in the team, Lipnitskaya, the only, is, figure skater.

8 an English writer of plays
William Shakespeare Admiral Nelson Isaac Newton a real wartime leader Queen Elizabeth II an English writer of plays a popular British music group Rudyard Kipling a British physicist and mathematician The Beatles a British writer, got the Nobel Prize for literature the queen of the UK

9 Georgy Zhykov Ivan Pavlov Dmitry Mendeleev Peter the Great Alexander Suvorov Valentina Tereshkova

10 What kind of person can you call a hero?
My hero is …. He/she is …, … and …. He/she is a person who/whose …. He/she is the first/the only to…. He/she (can) … and …. I admire … because he/she …, …, …. I would like to be like my hero ….


12 Dialogue - Do you have a hero? - … . - Who is your hero?
- My hero is … . - Why do you admire him/her? - I admire … because he/she is …, … and … . - Who can you call a hero? - I think, a hero is a person who is …, … and … . He/she is the first/the only to….

13 Do at home, please Activity book Number 10 page 140
My heroes in books and films.

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