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Obesity in the end stage kidney disease population

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1 Obesity in the end stage kidney disease population
Dr Maleeka Ladhani PhD Candidate, Sydney School of Public Health Prof Jonathan Craig, A/P Germaine Wong

2 Framework 1) Prevalence of obesity in the incident and prevalent ESKD population 2) Access to transplantation for those with obesity

3 Prevalence of obesity in ESKD

4 27% 19% Australian Institute of Health and Welfare 2015.
Cardiovascular disease, diabetes and chronic kidney disease— Australian facts: Risk factors. Cardiovascular, diabetes and chronic kidney disease series no. 4. Cat. no. CDK 4. Canberra: AIHW.

5 Aims To describe the trends of obesity in the incident and prevalent Australian and New Zealand ESKD population, over time Specifically stratifying by: country sex age diabetes status modality of renal replacement

6 Methods All adult Australian and New Zealand patients 1995 – 2014
49,884 patients (8,745 NZ - 32% Maori) 286,500 observations over the whole period BMI categorised according to WHO definition

7 Obesity in incident RRT patients
ie BMI at RRT initiation for all adult patients

8 Australia and New Zealand

9 Sex differences - Australia

10 Sex differences – New Zealand

11 Age Aust

12 Age NZ

13 Diabetes -Australia

14 Diabetes – New Zealand

15 Modality – Australia

16 Modality – New Zealand

17 Obesity in prevalent patients
ie all patients on RRT each year

18 Australia and New Zealand

19 Modality – Australia

20 Modality – New Zealand

21 Access to transplantation

22 BMI association with all-cause mortality
Ladhani et al, NDT 2016

23 BMI association with all-cause mortality
Ladhani et al, NDT 2016

24 Chang et al Transplantation 2007

25 Chang et al Transplantation 2007

26 Aims To examine access to transplantation for people with obesity in 3 ways 1) Pre-emptive transplantation 2) Time to first transplant 3) Placement on the waiting list

27 Methods 1) Pre-emptive transplantation 2) Time to first transplant
Descriptive data limited to 2014 2) Time to first transplant Kaplan Meier curve restricted to incident patients <70 years, 3) Placement on the waiting list Logistic regression limited to 2014 and patients <70 years with outcome of listed or not listed Adjusted for relevant confounders +/- centre effect

28 Pre-emptive transplantation

29 Time to transplantation

30 Baseline stats Active (n=1,073) Not active (n=7,551) p-value
Age (yrs) median (IQR) 52.0 (42.0, 61.0) 60.0 (51.0, 68.0) <0.001 Male 661 (61.6%) 4354 (57.7%) 0.014 BMI (kg/m2) Median (IQR) 26.0 (22.7, 29.3) 27.3 (23.1, 32.4) Race Caucasian ATSI Asian Maori/Pacific Other 716 (66.7%) 30 (2.8%) 198 (18.5%) 40 (3.7%) 77 (7.2%) 4728 (62.6%) 1441 (19.1%) 609 (8.1%) 395 (5.2%) 342 (4.5%) Modality - HD - PD 723 (67.4%) 350 (32.6%) 6138 (81.3%) 1413 (18.7%) Baseline stats

31 Baseline stats Active (n=1,073) Not active (n=7,551) p-value
Primary renal disease GN Polycystic Reflux Hypertension DM Other 441 (41.1%) 140 (13.0%) 72 (6.7%) 74 (6.9%) 180 (16.8%) 166 (15.5%) 1789 (23.7%) 441 (5.8%) 278 (3.7%) 684 (9.1%) 3100 (41.1%) 1259 (16.7%) <0.001 Diabetes 268 (25.0%) 4086 (54.4%) Coronary disease 207 (19.3%) 3707 (49.3%) Cerebrovascular disease 75 (7.0%) 1456 (19.4%) PVD 147 (13.7%) 2603 (34.6%) Smoking history 458 (42.9%) 4145 (55.4%)


33 Centre effect modeled as a random intercept

34 Conclusions Obesity is increasingly common in the ESKD population
Despite evidence that long term patient and graft outcomes are not affected by obesity, people with obesity are: less likely to start RRT with a transplant less likely to receive a transplant over time less likely to be on the waiting list for a transplant – despite adjusting for confounders

35 Implications There appears to be a discrepancy in access to transplantation for people with obesity that is not supported by long term outcome studies This needs to be looked at further Thank you to all ANZDATA contributors

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