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© ORCA Education Limited 2005
Food and Energy ^*#{}#*^ SHOW tom, tom.acs, 40, 68 PLAY Acknowledge PLAY Explain SAY Hello | Hi | Good Day, SAY I am Tom. | My name is Tom. | I am the VT character Tom. SAY ^PAUSE=300^ I will provide some extra guidance and information ^PAUSE=300^ during this {prez entation=presentation.} | I will help with some extra information during this {prez entation=presentation.} ^PAUSE=800^ SAY My colleagues may also give some help. | There are other characters who may also be called on to give some guidance. | Some of my colleagues may also help out. ^PAUSE=1300^ PLAY Explain2 SAY In this {prez entation=presentation} we will look at food and energy. | Today we will look at food and energy. SAY Our food is essentially our fuel. ^PAUSE=1300^ PLAY Blink SAY So ^PAUSE=300^ if you are going to plan meals you need to understand how we use this fuel ^PAUSE=300^ and how much different people might need.^PAUSE=1300^ PLAY Announce2 SAY For example ^PAUSE=300^ catering for athletes in a training camp ^PAUSE=200^ would be quite ^EMPHASIS^different from deciding on a menu in an office restaurant.^PAUSE=2300^ SAY While we are talking ^PAUSE=300^ you can ^EMPHASIS^Suspend us ^PAUSE=300^ or ask us to ^EMPHASIS^Resume ^PAUSE=300^ by right clicking on us and then choosing ^PAUSE=300^ Suspend ^PAUSE=300^ or Resume ^PAUSE=300^ from the menu.^PAUSE=1300^ PLAY Decline SAY If you choose ^EMPHASIS^Hide ^PAUSE=300^ we will stop completely! ^PAUSE=1300^ PLAY Sad SAY ^PAUSE=600^ PLAY Alert SAY Oh yes! ^PAUSE=300^ SAY There are some terms that may be new to you. SAY If you want to see them before the {prez entation=presentation} click on the New Words button. PLAY Point225 SAY ^PAUSE=800^ SAY These keywords in the text are red and underlined, ^PAUSE=300^ if you click on a highlighted word you will see a ^EMPHASIS^short definition PLAY GestureDown SAY at the bottom of the page. ^PAUSE=800^ END New Words © ORCA Education Limited 2005
Where does Energy come from?
Energy comes from the sun. Energy cannot be created or destroyed but can be changed from one form to another. Plants convert solar energy to chemical energy by photosynthesis. The chemical energy is used to make carbohydrates, protein and fats. Animals oxidise carbohydrates, protein and fats (i.e. use oxygen and glucose) to produce energy, carbon dioxide and water. *
Why is energy needed? for warmth. for body functions
inc. heart and lungs for growth and tissue repair for active movement B vitamins are needed to convert food to energy and iron for transporting oxygen and energy release. *
How is Energy Measured? All energy can be measured.
This includes energy from the sun, the energy we use and the energy contained in food. Energy is measured either in joules or calories. Both measures are used in the same way as pints and litres. One kilocalorie or kcal (sometimes written as Calorie) equals kilojoules or kJ kcal = 4184kJ. The calorific or energy values of the macro-nutrients are: 1 gram protein = 4kcal or 17kJ 1 gram fat = 9kcal or 38kJ 1 gram carbohydrate = 3.75 or 16kJ. * ^*#{}#*^ SHOW tom, tom.acs, 42, 68 PLAY Wave PLAY Announce2 SAY Fat has more than ^EMPHASIS^double the amount of calories per gram than protein ^PAUSE=300^ and carbohydrate. ^PAUSE=1300^ PLAY Explain SAY Fat is calorie ^EMPHASIS^dense because it is designed for the compact storage of energy. ^PAUSE=1300^ PLAY Explain2 SAY We tend to measure energy in calories. ^PAUSE=1300^ SAY We also use {jools=joules} which are like the ^EMPHASIS^metric equivalent, ^PAUSE=300^ PLAY Surprised SAY a bit like pints and {liters=litres.} ^PAUSE=1300^ PLAY Think END
What types of foods would be from cereals? *
The British Diet This chart shows the energy sources in the British diet. Reference: British Nutrition Foundation ^*#{}#*^ SHOW peedy, peedy.acs, 42, 68 PLAY Wave PLAY GestureUp SAY Cereals are an important part of your ^EMPHASIS^human diet.^PAUSE=1300^ PLAY Confused SAY As a parrot^PAUSE=300^ I tend to get fed millet^PAUSE=300^ which is one of many cereals. ^PAUSE=1300^ PLAY Explain SAY In fact millet grows in the poorest, ^PAUSE=300^ driest conditions.^PAUSE=1300^ PLAY Alert SAY I ^EMPHASIS^much prefer fruit. ^PAUSE=1300^ PLAY Decline SAY In fact ^EMPHASIS^anything is better than millet!^PAUSE=1300^ SAY Other cereals are maize^PAUSE=300^ from which you get sweet corn ^PAUSE=300^ and corn flakes. ^PAUSE=1300^ PLAY LookUp SAY Rice is a cereal, ^PAUSE=300^ as are oats, ^PAUSE=300^ barley and wheat.^PAUSE=1300^ PLAY Acknowledge SAY There are lots of uses of cereals^PAUSE=300^ including breads, ^PAUSE=300^ cakes, ^PAUSE=300^ {paster=pasta} ^PAUSE=300^ PLAY Suggest SAY and even beer and whisky! ^PAUSE=1300^ PLAY Think SAY Oh well, ^PAUSE=300^ back to my millet lunch. ^PAUSE=300^ END What types of foods would be from cereals? *
How much energy do we need?
This depends on physical activity, basal metabolic rate, age and sex. Basal metabolic rate is the rate at which a person uses energy to maintain the basic functions of the body. An adult will use about 1.1kcal per minute. Babies and infants tend to have a higher BMR due to their rapid growth. Men have a higher BMR than women as they tend to have more muscle. Older adults have a lower BMR as muscle tends to decrease with age. The BMR accounts for three quarters of our energy needs. ^*#{}#*^ SHOW tom, tom.acs, 78, 68 PLAY LookRight SAY If these people are very active they will be looking for ^EMPHASIS^quality carbohydrates. ^PAUSE=700^ PLAY Explain SAY These would come from potatoes, ^PAUSE=300^ {paster=pasta,} ^PAUSE=300^ rice ^PAUSE=300^ and bread. ^PAUSE=600^ These would give us a^EMPHASIS^sustained supply of energy. ^PAUSE=600^ They are also rich in other minerals, ^PAUSE=300^ vitamins, ^PAUSE=300^ {fiber=fibre} ^PAUSE=300^ and proteins. ^PAUSE=1300^ PLAY GestureRight SAY This pizza would include plenty of energy from^EMPHASIS^quality carbohydrates. ^PAUSE=300^There is a place for even things like a jam sandwich.^PAUSE=1300^ PLAY Alert SAY Jam contains sugars which will give more quick release energy. ^PAUSE=1300^ PLAY Explain2 SAY If you ate ^EMPHASIS^only jam your supply of energy would not last long. ^PAUSE=600^ PLAY Explain3 SAY There is a place for ^EMPHASIS^all types of food ^PAUSE=300^ but getting the balance right is ^EMPHASIS^very important. ^PAUSE=1300^ PLAY Acknowledge END Why would this pizza be a good source of energy? *
Activity Levels and Energy
The estimated average requirement (EAR) for energy for a year old is 2755kcal (M) and 2110kcal (F). EAR is based on age, sex and how active we are. Pregnant and breastfeeding women need extra energy for the growth of the baby and production of milk. * ^*#{}#*^ SHOW tom, tom.acs, 42, 68 PLAY Wave PLAY Announce2 SAY The group of people who have the highest energy requirements ^PAUSE=300^ are the fifteen to eighteen year olds. ^PAUSE=1300^ PLAY Explain SAY At your age, ^PAUSE=300^ you are still growing which requires energy.^PAUSE=1300^ PLAY Explain2 SAY Also teenagers are more ^EMPHASIS^active than adults^PAUSE=300^ who may have a job sitting behind a desk all day and then just going home to watch TV. ^PAUSE=1300^ PLAY SitRight SAY We do become less active as we get older ^PAUSE=300^ but today a growing trend is for^EMPHASIS^older people to keep active in retirement.^PAUSE=300^ Although having a nice rest seems a good idea to me! ^PAUSE=1300^ END
Best Activities to use Energy
From the table suggest how you could keep active without doing sport. * ^*#{}#*^ SHOW peedy, peedy.acs, 42, 68 PLAY Wave PLAY LookUp SAY So why does it not mention flying! ^PAUSE=1300^ PLAY Alert SAY You try flying for half an hour! ^PAUSE=700^ Go on^PAUSE=300^ try a little experiment^PAUSE=300^ flap your wings for thirty minutes and see how many calories you use up. ^PAUSE=1300^ SAY I will just listen to some music. LOOP 8=Idle3_3 SAY So how are you doing, ^PAUSE=300^ burnt up much energy? SAY ^PAUSE=1300^ You are not doing it ^PAUSE=500^ are you! ^PAUSE=1300^ PLAY Explain SAY OK ^PAUSE=300^ maybe you find active sport ^EMPHASIS^embarrassing. PLAY GestureDown SAY I suppose not everyone has as good legs as me. ^PAUSE=1300^ PLAY GestureUp SAY If you add up these figures you can see that people can use up excess calories by just keeping busy, ^PAUSE=300^ SAY and then maybe walk quickly to your mates or the shops. PLAY Decline SAY Instead of always dragging out your parents ^EMPHASIS^taxi service! ^PAUSE=1300^ PLAY DontRecognize SAY Keeping active you know helps you mentally ^PAUSE=300^ as well as physically. PLAY Pleased END Reference: British Nutrition Foundation
Energy Values in the Diet
Energy values can be calculated by using food tables. Starches should represent 50% of our food energy (about 275grams) and fat no more than 35%(about 75grams). Protein should be 15% of our food energy or about 55grams. An average portion of cheese and ham deep pan pizza will provide about 550kcals, 16g fat (12g saturated) and 40g protein. 77g carbohydrate and 5g fibre. Chips 400kcal, 16g fat and a fizzy drink 100kcal (all NME). What is your opinion of this meal? *
Should we then let children eat what they want? *
The Energy Balance Energy is stored in the body as fat. When the diet provides more energy than is needed, the excess is stored as fat and the person puts on weight. If we obtain less energy than we need, the fat stores are used as fuel and the person loses weight. We need to balance the energy in the food we take in, to the energy we use in order to maintain an ideal weight. Our appetite is our natural calorie counter. Appetite makes us feel hungry when we need energy and full when we have eaten enough. ^*#{}#*^ SHOW tom, tom.acs, 78, 68 PLAY LookRight SAY Well of course we should not just let children eat what they want. ^PAUSE=1300^ PLAY Explain SAY Their appetite ^EMPHASIS^may tell them ^EMPHASIS^when they need to eat ^PAUSE=300^ but not necessarily ^EMPHASIS^what they should eat. ^PAUSE=1300^ PLAY Point315 SAY There is nothing wrong with what this boy is eating as a mixed source of energy. ^PAUSE=1300^ PLAY Explain2 SAY The problem would be if this were ^EMPHASIS^all he ate. ^PAUSE=1300^ PLAY Explain3 SAY What macro and micro nutrients would he be missing out on? ^PAUSE=1300^ PLAY Acknowledge SAY You know proteins^PAUSE=300^ plus things like minerals and {vit amins=vitamins.} ^PAUSE=1300^ PLAY Think PLAY Wave END Should we then let children eat what they want? *
Why do you think more men are overweight than women? *
Obesity A person who is very fat is said to be obese. An obese person is 20% or more above the desired weight range. Obese people suffer more from coronary heart disease, type 2 diabetes, gallstones, arthritis, high blood pressure and some forms of cancer. In 2000/1, 25% of males and 20% of females were obese. A further 41% of males and 33% females were overweight. ^*#{}#*^ SHOW tom, tom.acs, 42, 68 PLAY Wave PLAY Surprised SAY Well in fact of course women work harder and use up more energy! ^PAUSE=1300^ PLAY Sad SAY The other problem is that men, ^PAUSE=300^ on average, ^PAUSE=300^ drink more alcohol than women. ^PAUSE=1300^ PLAY Think SAY You know alcoholic drinks contain ^EMPHASIS^lots of calories! PLAY Explain SAY It is a fact ^PAUSE=200^ that half a pint of lager has around one hundred calories in it? ^PAUSE=1300^ PLAY Explain2 SAY Two or three pints would equal the energy equivalent of a ^EMPHASIS^full meal! ^PAUSE=1300^ SAY Perhaps there should be more information given about this! ^PAUSE=1300^ PLAY Alert SAY Then of course there are lots of men ^PAUSE=300^ who once they leave school stop doing sport and sit behind a desk or the wheel of a lorry all day.^PAUSE=1300^ SAY So why is it different for women? ^PAUSE=300^ Even fewer women do sport^PAUSE=300^ but they tend to be ^EMPHASIS^much more active at home.^PAUSE=1300^ SAY Unfortunately things have not changed that much and women still tend to do more of the housework and gardening than men.^PAUSE=1300^ SAY I am ^EMPHASIS^deeply ashamed. PLAY GestureRight SAY and eight percent more likely to be overweight as a result of my laziness. ^PAUSE=1300^ END Why do you think more men are overweight than women? *
Exercise During your teenage years you are building the body for the rest of your life. Not taking exercise may well condemn you to a shorter unhealthier life. You should do one hour of moderate exercise a day including preferably 30 minutes where your pulse is over 120bpm. Exercise does not have to be sport. A brisk walk to the shops will do. Exercise helps digestion of food and mental health. *
Some words or terms to learn
Vocabulary Some words or terms to learn Photosynthesis Solar energy Chemical energy Carbohydrates B vitamins Metabolic rate EAR Energy values Energy balance Obesity Coronary heart disease Diabetes *
The Task You can enter here a task for your students.
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All images used in these presentations are the property of their owners, ORCA Education Limited and suppliers inc. Hemera Images, Jupiter Media Corp. and Animation Factory All rights are reserved. The Licence agreement applies to all elements of these presentations. ORCA.VT is a trademark of ORCA Education Limited Microsoft Agent is the property of Microsoft Corporation, Redmond WA. ORCA Education Limited are licensed distributors of Microsoft Agent technology Licence The Microsoft Agent Technology elements including Peedy character may not be distributed beyond the constraints of this product licence Microsoft Agent characters Susan and Tom are packaged with this product as part of the Vox Proxy development tools used by ORCA Education. They are not for resale or distribution beyond their use in these products
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