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Simplified exploded view

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1 Simplified exploded view
Electrical Work free electron atom free electron nucleus free electrons flowing in all directions copper wire (i.e. conductor) positive electrons Simplified exploded view of a copper atom negative free electrons flowing in the same direction (an electrical current) bulb Battery and bulb circuit power source break the circuit and the current will cease to flow switch fuse battery cable 0.5 ohm resistance Equivalent circuit diagram with meter installed Basic electrical theory From Plumbing (3rd edition), R.D. Treloar, page 273 Copyright Blackwell Publishing Ltd, all rights reserved:

2 Production of direct current
Electrical Work 4V 4V 4V 12V 4V 4V 4V 12V Electrical circuits in series 12V 12V 12V 12V direct current (electron flow in one direction) R Electrical circuits in parallel ammeter dilute sulphuric acid alternating current (electron flow back and forth) R copper cathode (positive) zinc anode (negative) soft iron core brown black black grey grey Production of direct current (principle of a battery) brown phase grey magnet earth brown black earth Electrical current Single phase supply (230, ~ 50 Hz) Three phase supply (400 V) From Plumbing (3rd edition), R.D. Treloar, page 275 Copyright Blackwell Publishing Ltd, all rights reserved:

3 Single and three phase connections from generator to consumer
Electrical Work 400 kV super grid (to other power stations) power generating station 132 kV national grid station transformer grid substation grid substation 33 kV heavy industry 33 kV sub- station 6–25 kV 33 kV substation substation substation (3 phases and 1 common) either on poles, above or below ground light industry 11 kV local substation local substation new old 400 kV water heater lighting circuit cooker brown black red yellow downstairs ring circuit (RCD protected) grey blue neutral conductor blue black main double pole switch (400 V between any 2 phases) industrial or commercial customer 400 V 400 V 230 V 230 V 230 V 230 V 230 V circuit protective conductor domestic customers meter Single and three phase connections from generator to consumer circuit breakers or fuses RCD main fuse to equipotential bonding Consumer unit (fuse box) Domestic connection showing a TN-C-S system concentric cable Electrical supply From Plumbing (3rd edition), R.D. Treloar, page 277 Copyright Blackwell Publishing Ltd, all rights reserved:

4 Electrical Work Electrical safety Approved test lamp tripping latch
bi-metallic strip current flow magnetic trip coi minimal amount of probe exposed MCB, cartridge and re-wirable fuse holders Fused test lead Approved test lamp proving unit to check operation of test equipment Typical test meter and proving unit Locked off electrical circuits Electrical safety From Plumbing (3rd edition), R.D. Treloar, page 279 Copyright Blackwell Publishing Ltd, all rights reserved:

5 Electrical Work Earth continuity Equipotential bonding conductors
consumer unit exposed structural steelwork 10 mm2 cable meter 600 mm max gas meter main earth bar electrical supply water supply oil supply Equipotential bonding conductors Temporary bonding wire metal bath and basin taps exposed metal pipework Typical earth clip to BS 951 radiator metallic waste pipe Supplementary cross bonding Earth continuity From Plumbing (3rd edition), R.D. Treloar, page 281 Copyright Blackwell Publishing Ltd, all rights reserved:

6 Electrical Work Domestic house wiring 1 Ring final circuit
2.5 mm2 twin and earth PVC cable 13 amp socket outlet junction box E N P N spur outlet P E Ring final circuit neutral conductor 1.5 mm2 twin and earth PVC cable to next light circuit protective conductor to simplify the illustration the earth has been omitted from the lighting circuit note the lighting circuit does not return to the consumer unit N P E circuit breakers or fuses RCD main double pole switch 1st floor landing switch ceiling rose bulb as switch is operated the contacts are made 2-way switching downstairs hall switch Lighting circuit From Plumbing (3rd edition), R.D. Treloar, page 283 Copyright Blackwell Publishing Ltd, all rights reserved: Domestic house wiring 1

7 Termination of cable to a plug
Electrical Work 21 amp double pole switch with neon light indicator neon light cpc (earth) 21 amp heat proof flex 2.5 mm2 twin and earth PVC cable neutral phase thermostat circuit breaker or fuse consumer unit 3 kW heater element Typical radial circuit to an immersion heater dhw storage cylinder thermostat earth (green and yellow or just green) heat proof flex live via the fuse (brown or red) earth cable clamp heater element terminals fuse neutral (blue or black) Note: the second colour listed represents the old flexible cable colours Immersion heater connection cable Termination of cable to a plug Domestic house wiring 2 From Plumbing (3rd edition), R.D. Treloar, page 285 Copyright Blackwell Publishing Ltd, all rights reserved:

8 Electrical Work Installation practices Terminating cables at
cpc must be the last conductor to be disconnected should the supply cable be pulled from the appliance conduit floor board cable not subject to undue stress slotted joist conductors securely terminated Terminating cables at fixed appliances 50 mm min ceiling board steel conduit protection of cables in walls 50 mm min hole in centre line of joist to prevent weakening Support of cables under floors Installation practices From Plumbing (3rd edition), R.D. Treloar, page 287 Copyright Blackwell Publishing Ltd, all rights reserved:

9 Electrical Work Electrical components 1 Bi-metallic strip Differential
power N temperature adjusting screw supply L contacts contacts bi-metallic strip Invar rod brass brass tube immersion heater element etc. (reduced in size) terminals Invar steel Bi-metallic strip temperature setting control Differential expansion terminals step down transformer contacts switch L capillary tube sleeve or pocket into appliance N Filament ignition hammer filament spring crystals Thermostats earth bellows pilot sensor filled with a volatile fluid Liquid expansion electrode spark lead step up transformer L Piezoelectric ignition pilot flame N Spark generator Spark ignition Ignition devices Electric thermostats From Plumbing (3rd edition), R.D. Treloar, page 289 Copyright Blackwell Publishing Ltd, all rights reserved: Electrical components 1

10 Electrical Work Electrical components 2 Transformer Relay Solenoid
soft iron core secondary windings primary windings terminals high voltage current a.c.~ input output Transformer electro-magnetic force back and forth armature coil of wire (solenoid) low voltage current contacts iron armature yoke valve iron core a.c. Relay Solenoid Should a low voltage pass through the coil the armature is drawn into the relay making the high voltage contacts d.c. in out d.c. insulating material single diode rectifier Rectifier a.c. bridge rectifier capacitor fitted to c.h. pump capacitor fitted to c.h. pump metal foil plates Printed circuit board (PCB) Capacitor Contains many electrical components, such as a transformer, relay and capacitor Capacitor Electrical components 2 From Plumbing (3rd edition), R.D. Treloar, page 291 Copyright Blackwell Publishing Ltd, all rights reserved:

11 Electrical Work From Plumbing (3rd edition), R.D. Treloar, page 292 Copyright Blackwell Publishing Ltd, all rights reserved:

12 Central heating wiring systems
Electrical Work domestic circulator 3-port mid-position motorised valve cylinder thermostat room thermostat boiler programmer junction box electrical supply Central heating wiring systems From Plumbing (3rd edition), R.D. Treloar, page 293 Copyright Blackwell Publishing Ltd, all rights reserved:

13 Electrical Work Testing for insulation resistance Multi-test meter
earth terminal phase or neutral terminal Testing for insulation resistance known earth (e.g. screw of plug outlet) known earth (e.g. screw of plug outlet) insulation resistance tester exposed metal Multi-test meter Able to undertake a whole range of electrical tests, from insulation resistance to earth loop impedance digital multi-meter Testing for earth continuity Inspection and testing of electrical work From Plumbing (3rd edition), R.D. Treloar, page 295 Copyright Blackwell Publishing Ltd, all rights reserved:

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