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Jo Swallow Mary Valentine April 2009

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1 Jo Swallow Mary Valentine April 2009
CV/Interviews Jo Swallow Mary Valentine April 2009

2 Who’s this? Lee McQueen Winner of The Apprentice series 4
Famous for having a slight CV problem…

3 What’s the point? What’s their purpose?
To present relevant information about you to a prospective employer Part of the matching process of person to job (complements the job description) Needs to be flexible – review and adapt it specifically for each post you apply for

4 CV Content Appearance Page no.s, ?photo Cover letter
Concise, reading CVs is boring, make yours stand out Get a friend/colleague to read it Don’t be shy but don’t lie. Recent achievements only

5 Content Previous posts Any gaps ?reasons Relevant experience
Tailor the content/cover letter to the job application ie. Read person spec and adjust Inform referees that you will be using them, consider whether they need a CV

6 Content 2 Relevant experience?
Your approach to working in a team, (examples of) Your skills which are relevant to the job ?mission statement?


8 Experience and achievements
Management Teaching Audits Research Publications & Presentations Personal achievements – prizes and awards Remember… Concentrate on skills that are demonstrated (but avoid bland generic statements) Bullet points Try to avoid repetition Research & publications in reverse chronological order Try to avoid any section becoming too long – concentrate on the more recent and most relevant

9 Your CVs, any questions? My registrar CV

10 “Other information”, or “Interests” (not “hobbies”)
Try not to list them randomly Can you batch them? How do they feed in to your work as a doctor? (e.g. teamwork, leadership, flexibility, problem solving) You could use this area to list other skills (IT skills, languages) and voluntary experience

11 To discuss… Your questions But what about….
What do you think about how much personal information should be in a CV? What ideas, tips, good examples have you seen? Should you include a photo? Covering letter? How long should a CV be?

12 Cover Letters Business format
Dear Mr…. I noticed with interest your job advert in the BMJ. Therefore I am submitting my CV for your consideration. Core 1-3 paragraphs which highlight your reason for wanting/feeling you are a good candidate, considering echoing parts of the person spec. Sign off with contact details

13 An Example 7th April 2009 Dear ……,
I am interested in the partnership at your practice. I want to work 6 sessions per week in the partnership. As my CV shows, I have an academic post for 2 sessions weekly which I plan to continue. I spoke to …. on the phone this week. The description which she gave and the practice profile suggest a positive team atmosphere with shared responsibilities. This is really important to me. I am keen to fit in with others whilst offering my enthusiasm, skills and suggestions. As you have applied to become a training practice, I am sure that my educational experience would be an asset. I am very keen to become a trainer in the future. I would expect to take a share of the business commitments and gain knowledge in this area whilst progressing to parity. I have experience in family planning including coil insertions. I am interested in developing skills in minor surgery. Thank you, for considering my application, Yours sincerely,

14 Shortlisted! Congratulations, ?Visit
?telephone conversation, ?the leaving person/the current drs/practice manager, the nurses ?do you actually want this post, not just do they want you, Info finding

15 Prepare, Prepare, Prepare
Read GP magazine, Read Pulse Read a broadsheet and watch the news, Find a recent research article just in case! Re-learn the definition of clinical governance, NB medical hot topics courses and most gp refresher courses have a section on political hot issues, well worth a read. What do you understand about practice based commissioning??

16 General Demeanour Suit Don’t fidget Don’t chew gum
Bring several copies of CV with you Arrive early ?Relaxation techniques Don’t take the coffee!

17 Interviewers, what they want to know
Are they the most suitable for the job ?personality/drive Will they do the job well? ?capable and willing Will they fit in? team, character, dependability, initiative, congeniality

18 The obvious questions Why did you apply for this job? Why this place
What are your career aspirations? What are your strengths/weaknesses Tell us about a clinical audit which you have done Tell us about a recent interesting clinical case What is the most challenging situation which you have been in?

19 Obvious 2 Clinical governance
Why do you want to leave your current job? What is the most/least enjoyable part of your current job? What interests do you have outside work? What is your flexibility regarding session timings? Do you have any questions for me? (yes you should!)

20 The absurd questions What is your favourite colour?
If you were on a train and you could choose 3 people to sit next to, who would they be? If you were offered this job would you accept it? How much do you want to be paid?! Which NICE guideline is your most applied?

21 The hard questions What is your opinion on QOF?
How would you plan to progress the practice? – careful! What is your 5 year plan? What is your opinion on regular sabbaticals within the practice? How long would you expect to work for us? What is your present boss like? How do you feel about relicensing?

22 Hard 2 Are you a good leader? How well do you handle criticism?
How have you managed to attend this interview in work time? How do you manage stress? In your current team is there anyone whom you find harder to work with and why is this? What makes a successful practice? Tell me about a memorable patient.


24 Mock interviews Choose an advert, preferably for the type of post you may imagine yourself applying for, In 3’s work through some of the basic and then some of the tougher questions, you may want to add ones from your own experience. What worked well, what didn’t come over well?

25 Successful? Great Do you want the job?! Negotiation of start date
Hand in notice to other job ?Annual leave, study leave, Pay ?BMA contract, ?BMA check on this for you ?correct tax code, if >1 employer, P45s ?Partnership agreement ?Accounts, independent verification ?(3 yrs worth) ?Time to parity, ?mutual assessment period

26 Not this time? It wasn’t meant to be
There is something better around the corner You will have gained good practice But… Write down all the questions which you were asked and the ones which could have gone better, Consider asking for feedback

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