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The Job Interview.

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Presentation on theme: "The Job Interview."— Presentation transcript:

1 The Job Interview

2 Contents Before an interview During an interview After an interview

3 Learning Outcomes Describe the purpose of an interview
Describe the application process List at least 3 key things to prepare for an interview List 1 thing you should & shouldn’t do in an interview

4 What is the purpose of an interview?
To find out more out you To see if you are suitable for the job To meet you face to face For you to ask questions

5 The application process…
Employer posts job advert Candidates apply for job before closing date Employer filters applications Invites candidates for interview Interviews candidates Appoints successful candidate

6 Q. On average, how many people apply for a job?
A) 50 B) 100 C) 200

7 Q. On average, how many people apply for a job?
It depends on the job but on average there are over 100 people apply for a job vacancy!

8 Before the interview

9 What 3 things should you always do before an interview?

10 Plan & Prepare Read the job description / person specification
Research the job Research the company Plan how you will get there (on time) Prepare what you will wear Check your portfolio

11 What is a Portfolio? Your CV Copies of certificates / qualifications
Any references given Anything else relevant e.g. DBS check

12 Q. Where can we find information about the job/company?
The job description/person specification Company website Media Web directories e.g. Yell, Thompson Other internet pages

13 Key Information Summary of the job Main duties Hours / days Pay Leave
Job description Person specification Summary of the job Main duties Hours / days Pay Leave Required experience Necessary qualifications Personal traits

14 First impressions…count!
Did you know it only takes 7 seconds for someone to get a first impression of you! Dress / clothing Body language / posture Body odour What you say & how you say it

15 Your Application / CV Always read the job description & person specification (if there is one) Make sure your application meets the key requirements for the job For example, if they are looking for excellent communication skills, give an example of where you gained these Proof read – for spelling and grammar

16 How are applications filtered?
Say 100 people apply for a job Half will be eliminated if they do not meet the job description or person specification A further group will be eliminated based on spelling, grammar, typos The employer will then choose a small group to interview

17 Prepare Answers The employer will ask common questions
You need to prepare answers to these Practice them with someone (or in front of a mirror!) Think of questions you want to ask them about the job

18 During the interview

19 The interview Been offered an interview means the employer feels you have what they are looking for and wants to meet you Ensure you arrive on time (if not earlier) this will help you relax and prepare Try to remain calm but not over confident Be polite and friendly Listen to any questions and take notes – don’t be afraid to ask them to repeat or clarify a question Ensure you answer the question with good examples

20 Strengths and weaknesses
An interview is your chance to sell your self Demonstrate you are the best person for the job Always emphasise your strengths – match them to the job though Never say anything negative about your self Try to turn a weakness into a positive

21 After the interview… Always ask questions about the job or company – it shows you are interested Re-cap why you feel you are right for the job Ask when they will reach a decision If you are unsuccessful, always ask for feedback why.

22 Summary Research the job & company
Read the job description / person specification Prepare & plan Practice, practice, practice Give examples of your key skills and experience

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