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Brand Activation Agency

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1 Brand Activation Agency
Compulsory Briefing Session 13 September 2013

2 Agenda Welcome Introduction of RAF members
Circulation of Attendance Register Presentation by RAF : Procurement Marketing & Communication Scope of Work/Specification Q & A Closing

3 Bid Details RFB NUMBER: RAF/2013/00029 DESCRIPTION:
Request For Bid : Proposals for coordinating all brand activations and events of the RFA VALIDITY PERIOD: 90 days from the closing date ENQUIRIES: All questions / enquiries must be forwarded in writing not later than 11:00 on 16th September 2013 CLOSING DATE: 27th September 2013 CLOSING TIME: 11:00 a.m. the closing time will be as per the clock at the RAF reception COMPULSORY BRIEFING SESSION: Date: 13th September 2013 Time: 11h00 am BID RESPONSES MUST BE HAND DELIVERED Road Accident Fund (RAF) 38 Ida Street, MENLO PARK (at reception, on the ground floor) PRETORIA

4 Background The RAF has an integrated Marketing and Communication Strategy Mandate to drive constant brand visibility in the market and take the RAF services to the people The RAF would like to partner with a creative and established Brand Activations Agency that will bring the RAF Brand to life and create brand connections (engagements) The RAF requires the services of a highly experienced Brand Activation Agency which will interact with various customer grouping The Agency will also be expected to coordinate all the Marketing functions

5 Scope of Work The successful bidder must:
Design, plan and implement 25 events in every province per year Design, plan and implement 5 different experiences in all provinces per year Develop and execute a comprehensive inter grated events, promotions and activations strategy Possess an in-depth knowledge and experience in brand activations, events promotions and campaign management Demonstrate the ability to plan and execute activities on an adhoc basis eg RAF on the road, World Aids Day, October Transport month

6 Scope of Work 6. Have necessary financial resources to allow for the production of branding collateral and promotional items 7. Demonstrate ability to collaborate with traditional leaders, national and local government and other influential stakeholders Plan activities calendar annually and project plans in consultation with RFA Develop a brochure/s and/or an information pack on the programme Ability to provide HR and related resources (3 – 15 personnel per event/experience Provide a report within 3 days after each event and experience showing the data collected in terms of claims initiated, queries addressed, RAF information brochures distributed….

7 Compliance Issues Document check list in the bid document
No telephonic communication Only communication up to the 16th of September 2013 Complete in full and sign the bid document All supporting documents (where applicable) must be submitted Bid closing date and time must be observed NB. Bidders may be disqualified for non-compliance should applicable documents not be submitted

8 Mandatory Requirements
The bidder must confirm that they have read and understood the terms and conditions set out in the bid document, which terms and conditions the bidder accepts, in the event that the RAF awards the contract to the bidder pursuant to this bid Failure by the successful bidder to conclude a contract within 30 days following the issuing by the Fund of the award letter to the successful bidder, will result in the bid being deemed to be non-responsive which will then entitle the RAF to consider other responsive bids and award the tender to another bidder or bidders

9 Evaluation Criteria Price = 90 points BBBEE = 10 points
Technical and Functional: 3.1 Experience and expertise in providing similar services = 20 points 3.2 KPIs 3.1.1 Delivery capability =10 points 3.1.2 Quality of services/deliverables = 10 points 3.1.3 Geographical presence = 10 points Bidder Culture = 10 points Presentation = 40 points

10 Disqualification The bidders that score 45% or more out of 60% before presentations will be shortlisted for presentations and those that score low will be disqualified All bidders who score less than 75% on functionality including presentations will not be considered for further evaluation on Price and BBBEE

11 Response Format Bid response format to be strictly adhered to for easy reference

12 Questions ?


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