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Albert Einstein High School

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Presentation on theme: "Albert Einstein High School"— Presentation transcript:

1 Albert Einstein High School
Junior Parent Meeting Albert Einstein High School Agenda College Application Timeline College Testing Info Naviance Info Important Dates/Websites Q&A: Student Panel

2 Albert Einstein High School
Junior Parent Meeting Albert Einstein High School Objective: To make the college search and application process as smooth as possible and thus minimize senior year stress. Perfect World: 100% of applications completed before the first day of school Senior year Realistic goal: 50-75% of applications completed

3 College Admissions Factors: Know what matters….
Rank the 12 College Admissions Factors Admissions Test Scores Grades in Core Academic Courses Personal Essay/Writing Sample Students Demonstrated Interest Counselor Recommendation Teacher Recommendation Class Rank Strength of Curriculum Interview AP/IB Test scores Extracurricular Activities Power Point Designed by Natalie Williams

4 NACAC State of Admissions Report
Power Point Designed by Natalie Williams

5 College Application Timeline
Fall Spring 2017 Take SAT, ACT, or both (5-week prep courses available here at Einstein; free practice/prep online) Naviance Super Match College Search and identify 5-10 “Colleges I’m Thinking About” Complete 10 question Self-evaluation in Naviance aka “Brag Sheet” Sign up for college visits on Naviance Visit College Campuses

6 College Application Timeline
Spring/Summer 2017 Continue researching “Colleges I’m Thinking About” Continue to sign up for college visits Continue to visit colleges of interest (schedule a campus tour) Identify “Colleges I’m Applying To” and create organizational system w/ deadlines Begin college applications (including on or about August 1st, 2017

7 Organizational System
College Name Common App (Y/N) Early Action Deadline Scholarship Deadline Requirements (i.e. average GPA/ average test scores of admitted students) Local Admissions Contact (Mont Co; MD; etc)

8 College Application Timeline
Fall 2017 Take ACT or SAT again if unhappy with 1st score Sign up for College Visits on Naviance Finalize and submit college applications (before Early Action Deadlines) Ask teachers for teacher recommendations (1st couple weeks of school) Submit Transcript Request form and List of “Colleges I’m Applying to” (given to students and available on our website)

9 ~College Testing~ Placement & Preparation
New State law: all students must take one of the following during 11th grade: Sat Act Accuplacer

10 Differences & Similarities
ACT, SAT & Accuplacer Review handout for detailed explanation of the Redesigned SAT vs the New ACT Students should take 1 or both tests before the end of 11th grade ***Fee waivers available – Contact Ms Leaman (Career Center)**** Prep Classes offered at Einstein Accuplacer: Tests knowledge of HS content: Arithmetic, College-Level Math, Elementary Algebra (75), Reading Comprehension (79), and Sentence Skills (90) Multiple choice Determines course placement, NOT admission Untimed

11 SAT/ACT online Resources/ Free Practice (Sat) (ACT)

12 ~Programs To Help You Choose The Right College/Career~
Naviance- A program designed to help students and parents with the college and career search process User name: Student ID# Password=Student ID# Parents - counselor to have your account activated College Board- A website designed to assist students and parents with college search, scholarships, SAT registration and preparation ACT- website to register for the ACT

13 ~Factors To Consider When Choosing A College~
Location Major Accreditation by Major Size Cost Graduation Rate Activities/Sports Diversity Campus Life Disability Services Facilities Housing Freshmen Retention Rate Alumni Job Placement



16 How many college applications should I submit??
Reach School-- A reach school is a college that you have a chance of getting into, but your test scores and/or high school grades are lower than the scores on the school's profile. Match School--A match school is a college that you are pretty likely to get into because your test scores and/or high school grades fall right into the middle range when you look at the school's profile. Safe School--A safety school is a college that you will almost certainly get into because your test scores and/or high school grades are well above average when you look at the school's profile. In-state School-- at least 1 Maryland school for in-state financial aid opportunities (Bowie, Coppin, Frostburg, Salisbury, Towson, U of Baltimore, Morgan, St. Mary’s, US Naval Academy, U of MD-CP, Baltimore, Eastern Shore and University College) How many college applications should I submit?? There is no magic number, however 5-9 are usually enough. This number should be made up of a combination of reach(3), match(3) and safe(2) schools.

17 ~Helpful Websites~
“That was easy!!”

18 Tasks to complete before the end of Junior year
Prepare for and take the SAT and/or ACT Complete the 10 questions of the Self-Evaluation questionnaire in Naviance Conduct Super Match College Search and add at least 5-10 colleges to the “Colleges I’m Thinking About” in Naviance Attend MCPS college fair (April 5-6, 2017) Visit Colleges!! Power Point Designed by Natalie Williams

19 Tasks to complete over the Summer
Continue to research colleges and create an organizational system Visit colleges of interest/schedule campus tour Begin Applications (including Common which typically open August 1st, 2017 Write Personal Essays for apps Power Point Designed by Natalie Williams

20 ~Important Dates To Remember~
Spring break ……….April 7– April 17 College Fair(MC Fairgrounds)…….April 5/6 SAT test dates….see handout Act test dates…..see handout

21 AEHS Holiday Ornament $5 each Proceeds will benefit the Class of 2018
Please return order form with payment to Mr. Nappo (Rm. 154) Contact Mr. Nappo w/ questions:

22 Q&A Panel Let’s hear from current seniors!

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