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ADMISSIONS OFFICE Sherri Baker, M.D Associate Professor of Pediatrics

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2 ADMISSIONS OFFICE Sherri Baker, M.D Associate Professor of Pediatrics
Associate Dean for Admissions Dotty Shaw Killam Director of Admissions Brent Ross Outreach and Recruitment Coordinator

3 Prerequisites Minimum 90 college hours (verify the following):
Required: 1 semester General Zoology/Biology (including lab) 2 semesters General Chemistry 2 semesters Organic Chemistry 2 semesters Physics 2 semesters English 1 semester Genetics, Cell Biology, or Molecular Biology 3 semesters Psychology, Sociology, Philosophy, or Humanities Recommended: Biochemistry and a writing-intensive English Course

4 Requirements U.S. citizen or hold a permanent visa
GPA average of 3.0 or better Letter grade of C or better required in prerequisite courses We will accept Pass/Fail grading, advanced placement, & CLEP courses if a higher course is taken for a grade Medical College Admission Test (MCAT) score of 492 or better

5 Application Timeline Jan-July Medical College Admission Test (MCAT)
May Begin American Medical College Application Service (AMCAS) October 15 AMCAS Deadline (4-6 weeks to process) October Interviews Begin (Complete in Sept) November 1 Supplemental Deadline November Interviews January Interviews & Final Adm Board Meeting August Class Begins Junior Year Senior Year

6 Suggested Timeline Have AMCAS submitted by August 15
Supplemental will follow and should be completed by Sept 1 This allows you to be considered for Oct interviews We notify applicants of interview offer ~ 1 month ahead so travel arrangements, etc can be made

7 First Monday Advisement
First Mondays – AM or PM sessions open to anyone interested in medicine and are posted on our website and Facebook. RSVP to

8 General Recommendations
Join the Pre-Med/Pre-Health Club Select a Major of Interest Prioritize Academics Gain Health Care Experience Volunteer Time Become Involved on Campus

9 The Interview We hold 10 interview days and interview ~30 applicants each day. One day in Tulsa Interviews are held October through January. The interview is one hour long and is “semi-blind”. The interview is a 3 on 1 interview style. A typical team consists of one faculty physician, one community physician, and one 4th year medical student.

10 Applicant Pool - Class of 2020
Categories Total GPA MCAT BCPM CS Residents 452 3.56 501.40 3.45 73.09 Nonresidents 1585 499.81 3.34 59.69 Male 1138 3.46 501.16 3.38 65.11 Female 899 3.49 499.32 59.39 Total UNIVERSITY OF OKLAHOMA

11 Interviewed Pool - Class of 2020
Categories Total GPA MCAT BCPM CS Residents 251 3.71 508.22 3.64 83.57 Nonresidents 31 3.79 511.27 3.73 87.57 Male 164 3.70 508.77 3.65 84.45 Female 118 3.76 508.26 83.40 Total

12 Class of 2020 UNIVERSITY OF OKLAHOMA Categories Total GPA MCAT BCPM CS
Residents 152 3.73 508.10 3.68 83.91 Nonresidents 13 3.79 510.57 3.74 87.31 Male 92 3.70 508.73 84.61 Female 73 3.78 507.80 3.69 83.62 Total UNIVERSITY OF OKLAHOMA

13 Average for Accepted Class
For Comparison Old MCAT Percentile MCAT 2015 OSRHE Minimum 21 27 % 492 25 % Minimum for Interview 26 55 % 501 54 % Average for Accepted Class 30 78 % 508 77-80 %

14 Majors in Class of 2020 Aerospace Engineering Biochemistry Biology
Biomedical Engineering Business Chemistry Economics English European Studies Health and Exercise Science Letters Media Arts Microbiology Natural Resource Ecology Neuroscience Philosophy Physiology Sociology Spanish Zoology

15 Schools Represented in Class of 2020
Baylor University California Lutheran University Cameron University College of Charleston College of William & Mary Cornell University Duke University East Central University East Tennessee State University Hendrix College Johns Hopkins University Loyola University Montana State University Northeastern State University Northwestern University- Evanston Oklahoma Baptist University Oklahoma Christian University Oklahoma City University Oklahoma State University Oral Roberts University Rogers State University Saint Louis University Southeastern OK State Univ. Southern Methodist University Southern Nazarene University Southwestern OK State University Texas Christian University Trinity University Tulane University United States Air Force Academy United States Military Academy University of Arkansas University of Central Oklahoma University of Georgia University of Kansas University of Iowa University of Missouri-Kansas City University of Oklahoma Univ. of Phoenix-Southern Arizona University of Texas at Austin University of Tulsa Washington Univ. in St. Louis Wheaton College Wichita State University

16 What’s Continuing School of Community Medicine- A full 4 year track!
We will do one full interview day in Tulsa on Nov 18th Structured Interview Questions Applicant should think about past examples of behavior that show readiness for medical training. Consider reviewing AAMC Core Competencies for Entering Medical Students MCAT 2015

17 MCAT Resources
The AAMC website includes the following MCAT information: Link to register for the Exam Official Guidebook for the MCAT Practice tests and study plans Updated information on the 2015 MCAT Exam

18 MCAT 2015 All applicants this year MUST have a MCAT 2015 score
We use the latest score

19 Report to the Goodenough Committee, British Medical Assn
Report to the Goodenough Committee, British Medical Assn (reported in Smyth, DH British Medical Journal 14: ) “The methods of (medical student) selection fail to exclude a number who, though able to pass examinations, have not the necessary aptitude, character or staying power for a medical career.” “Instead of endeavoring to differentiate among the top ranks of a pool of outstandingly qualified applicants, the selection effort might be better focused on identifying those potentially unsuitable in terms of their non-academic personal qualities” Powis, D. Selecting medical students: An unresolved challenge Medical Teacher 37:

20 Structured Interview Questions
What is meant by structured interview questions? Consistent, pre-designated questions to evaluate Behavioral consistency Judgement in a situation Lievens F. et al. The operational validity of a video-based situational judgment test for medical college admissions: Illustrating the importance of matching predictor and criterion construct domains. J Applied Psychology 90: (2005) Patterson, F. et al. Evaluations of situational judgment tests to asses non-academic attributes in selection. Medical Education 46: (2012) Lievens F. Adjusting medical school admissions: assessing interpersonal skills using situational judgment tests. Medical Education 47: (2013)

21 Why It Works Behavioral Consistency Situational Judgment Based on the premise that past behavior is predictive of future behavior Requires the applicant to respond to situations concerning prior responsibilities, duties, accomplishments, etc. Based on the premise that intentions predict behaviors Requires the applicant to indicate what he/she would do in dealing with potential situations posed by the interviewer Lievens F, Adjusting medical school admission: assessing interpersonal skills using situational judgment tests. Medical Education 47: , (2013)

22 AAMC Core Competencies for Entering Medical Students
Interpersonal Competencies Intrapersonal Competencies Service Orientation Cultural Competence Teamwork Oral Communication Social and Interpersonal Skills Ethical Responsibility to Self and Others Reliability and Dependability Resilience and Adaptability Capacity for Improvement Koenig TW et al: Core personal competencies important to entering medical students in medical school: what are they and how could they be assessed early in the admissions process. Academic Medicine 88: (2013) AAMC Admissions Initiative (


24 College of Medicine – Admissions
Contact Information College of Medicine – Admissions PO Box 26901, BSEB 241 Oklahoma City, OK 73126 Phone: (405) Fax: (406) Web:

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