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Massachusetts Early College Designation

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Presentation on theme: "Massachusetts Early College Designation"— Presentation transcript:

1 Massachusetts Early College Designation
Information Sessions Summer 2017

2 Today’s Objectives Background on the Early College Designation
Introduction to the Guiding Principles and Early College Designation Criteria Designation process Application, timeline, and expectations Funding and other considerations Post-designation implementation Q&A

3 Background on Designation Design Process
January 2016 Launch of Parthenon Study of Early College in Massachusetts December 2016 Parthenon Report released January 24, 2017 Joint BHE/BESE Motion, creation of ECJC February 2017 DHE and DESE staff form working committee in partnership with EOE, to develop criteria and process for Early College Designation March 23, 2017 Launch of the MA Early College Initiative - Event at UMass Club April 12, 2017 First ECJC meeting, review of draft Designation Criteria May 2, 2017 Presentation and feedback from BHE Academic Affairs committee April/May 2017 First round of outreach to policy leaders, early college and dual enrollment experts and stakeholders May 31, 2017 Second ECJC meeting, review and feedback on updated draft criteria Early June 2017 Additional stakeholder outreach, with refinements based on ECJC feedback June 20, 2017 ECJC recommends Early College Designation Criteria to BHE for Board approval – Motion passed June 27, 2017 ECJC recommends Early College Designation Criteria to BESE for Board approval – Motion passed

4 The Goal of the Designation Process
A new process for Massachusetts The Goal of the Designation Process Identify current successful models to ensure that as early college expands within Massachusetts, the effort will benefit from successful local and national models Promote innovation in the development of early college programs and to establish clear, coherent, and unifying expectation as to the most effective structure for early college Prioritize alleviating the barriers to success of early college in Massachusetts

5 Five Guiding Principles
Approved jointly by BHE and BESE Five Guiding Principles Guiding Principles of an Early College School Equitable Access Prioritizing students underrepresented in higher education Eliminating barriers to student participation Guided Academic Pathways Experiences beyond the classroom, exposure to career opportunities Credits toward postsecondary credential (12) College-level rigor and experience Enhanced Student Support Wraparound services to promote success and completion

6 Five Guiding Principles (cont’d)
Approved jointly by BHE and BESE Five Guiding Principles (cont’d) Guiding Principles of an Early College School Connection to Career Exposure to targeted pathway opportunities intended to lead to careers Effective Partnerships At least one institution of higher education and one secondary school and/or district

7 Applicant Criteria Structured partnerships
At least one IHE and one K-12 partner Must apply jointly under the signature of the institutional president and the district superintendent Both applicants will be held accountable for outcomes Cohort program within a larger school, or an entire early college high school

8 Early College Designation Process and Criteria
Approved jointly by BHE and BESE Early College Designation Process and Criteria Two-part application process structured around five guiding principles Preliminary Designation Final Designation application Early College Criteria is basis for application questions Joint application/partnership between institution of higher education & K-12 district Electronic submission, using WizeHive ECJC approves final designations RFP for competitive grant application Separate from designation Requirements of RFP are connected to Preliminary Designation process and Criteria

9 Preliminary Designation Application
Two-stage process Preliminary Designation Application The initial application determines whether the applicant receives Preliminary Designation, which would qualify them to submit a Final Designation Application. Applicant must sufficiently address plans for each of the five guiding principles, according to specified criteria. Key questions for consideration: Is the proposed program structured to eliminate barriers to student participation and designed to prioritize students underrepresented in higher education enrollment and completion? Does the program outline a clear academic pathway from secondary to post-secondary education and onto a career? Does the program identify academic and nonacademic challenges and supports for at-risk, first-generation students? Are career awareness and immersion activities included as an integral part of the early college program? Does the program propose robust and viable partnerships?

10 Preliminary Designation Application
Key dates Preliminary Designation Application September 8, 2017 Non-binding letter of intent due September 27, 2017 Preliminary Designation Application and RFP submissions due October Review Preliminary Designation Applications The RFP will be judged on impact and quality By November 1– Preliminary Designations announced Applicants notified of possible funding and advance to Final Designation phase

11 Final Designation Application
Two-stage process Final Designation Application Receiving a Preliminary Designation will allow the applicant to apply for a Final Designation. Final Designation is also structured around the five guiding principles, with additional requirements to demonstrate evidence of effective implementation. For example: Signed MOU(s) Developed policies Calendars of activities and schedules Staffing plans The Final Designation indicates that a Program has completed all necessary requirements and is either already enrolled or is prepared to enroll students for the following academic year.

12 Final Designation Application
Key dates Final Designation Application November/December Staff conduct Final Designation information sessions February 2, 2018 – Final Designation Application due February – Final Designation Application review by staff Early March 2018 ECJC convenes to review Final Designation Application summaries and interagency working group recommendations Final Designation conferred by ECJC

13 How are Pathways funded?
Applicants will have to assure funding Small amount of competitive funding for AY (approx. 10 districts) Planning funds - November 2017 – June 30, 2018; maximum funding $10,000 per application Implementation funds - July 1, 2018 – Dec. 31, 2019; approx. $100,000 per program EOE exploring sustainable funding source

14 Electronic Application
Posted on DHE and ESE websites

15 Electronic Application (cont’d)
Both the preliminary and final designation applications will be submitted electronically, via WizeHive RFP due along with Preliminary Designation Application lege For reference purposes, the application is available in Word and PDF format

16 Designation Timeline Notes
An applicant that is awarded Preliminary Designation in the fall of 2017 is then eligible to apply for Final Designation – due on February 2, 2018 Programs achieving designation would be expected to launch in the fall of 2018 If applicants do not receive Final Designation by the Early College Joint Committee in the spring of they may reapply in the fall of 2018

17 Post-Designation: Implementation
5 years term length for the designation Designation is a performance contract Clear link between the performance metrics in the MOU and the Commonwealth’s monitoring of performance Tied to renewal of a program’s designation Annual reporting obligations Review/check-in after the first three years

18 Post-Designation: Implementation (con’t)
Ongoing support Convenings/Professional Learning Communities Technical assistance from ESE, DHE Oversight & evaluation Early College performance criteria Annual report Site visits

19 Other Considerations Cohort size Collective bargaining Sustainability
Cost-effectiveness Collective bargaining How do you address this already?

20 Q&A

21 Keep in Touch DHE ESE
Christine Williams, Director of Strategic Initiatives ESE Nyal Fuentes, College and Career Readiness Coordinator Jennifer Gwatkin, Early College Coordinator

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