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College to Career Program Information Night

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Presentation on theme: "College to Career Program Information Night"— Presentation transcript:

1 College to Career Program Information Night
February 15, 2017 Newman Auditorium Santa Rosa Junior College

2 Welcome and Agenda Welcome Program Overview: What is the C2C Program?
Student perspective: Is the C2C Program Right for Me? Application Process: How do I apply for the C2C Program? Q & A LE

3 What is the C2C Program?

4 What is the C2C Program? What have you heard about the C2C Program?
Three Years Cohort Model NBRC Clients (ASD and ID/DD) Department of Rehabilitation Goal: Competitive, Paid Employment in the Career Area of Your Choice LE

5 HS/Transition Program
How C2C Is Different? C2C HS/Transition Program Day Program Level of Independence No supervision outside of class Supervision throughout the day Level of work College-level work HS level work No academic work Goals Integrated paid employment in the community, obtain Career Technical Education Work Experience, Independent Living Skills Varies; may not be employment related Level of Commitment 3 year commitment; student initiated Mandated services until age 22 Clients may change day program at any time Transportation None Provided Provided by district May be provided by program LE How do you think college is different than high school? Than SCOE? Than a Day Program?

6 Is the C2C Program Right for Me?

7 The Disability Resources Department & C2C
DRD Provides students with: C2C provides students with: Accommodations Content-based tutoring Advising Study Skills Instruction Registration Assistance Peer-to-Peer Support Assistive Technology Career Exploration & Planning Instruction Job Search Skills Education Planning Job Development Work Experience Opportunities Success Coaching DRD provides C2C students with: LA Handout

8 Year one goals 1. Identify career goal 2. Access campus supports
3. Educational Plan LE Reference handout for goals and curriculum Add Classes and activities description handout?

9 Typical Schedule Cohort 2019 Weekly Schedule FALL 2017 LA Monday
Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday 8:00 8:30 APE 301 9:00  STUDY 8:30-10:30  SUCCESS COACH 9:30 10:00 9:30-10:30 STUDY  10:30 DRD 391 DRD 391 11:00 10:30-12:00 11:30 12:00  TUTORING  Campus Activity DRD 784 12:30 12:00-1:00 1:00 1:30 ` 2:00 DRD 370.1A 2:30 2:00-3:00 3:00 3:30 4:00 4:30 5:00 LA

10 What makes a good candidate?
Motivated to WORK and attend COLLEGE Work Experience Commitment Attendance Behavior Independence Transportation Knowledge of DISABILITY LE Reference handout

11 Do you have any work experience?
A. Yes, volunteering. B. Yes, an internship (unpaid). C. Yes, paid work! D. Not yet. E. Yes, and I am currently working! LE

12 Are you comfortable spending time on campus independently?
A. Yes, totally comfortable. B. Yes, with a little support. C. I don’t feel completely comfortable on campus by myself. LE

13 Do you have a transportation plan to attend SRJC?
A. YES, I drive. B. YES, I take the city and/or county bus independently. C. YES, I have a plan to get a ride with a friend and/or family member each day. D. YES, I use Paratransit. E. NO, I don’t have a transportation plan for SRJC. LE

14 Parent words of advice Parent Representative Parent FAQ handout LA

15 How do I apply for the C2C Program?

16 Application Timeline Submit screening forms February- March 2017
Complete and submit C2C Application Packet. Once the packet is received, and basic eligibility is verified, then program staff will contact students to set up an interview or deferral. Application Submission Deadline March 17, 2017 Final date to submit C2C Application to be considered for Fall enrollment. LE Reference handout

17 Application Process: Read the directions.
Fill out C2C Application Packet Due by: MARCH 17 LE (reference handout)

18 Application Process: The Interview
Snapshot of Timeline here with highlights Interview March –April 2017 If you are selected for an interview, other materials will be sent to you to complete or review prior to your interview. The student will meet with a C2C staff member to determine if the student is compatible with the goals and expectations of the C2C program.  Acceptance/Deferral Notification April 28, 2017 Student will receive a notice of acceptance or deferral both by and USPS mail. Acceptance/Deferral Paper Screening

19 What happens if you are accepted?
Attend Orientation and Placement Testing Complete Checklist over the summer School starts August LE

20 What if you are not accepted?
Read Deferral Letter Contact Program Coordinator with Questions Yes, you can apply again next year! LE

21 Q&A Panel Please feel free to ask any clarifying questions of program staff or other representatives. Thank you for coming tonight!

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