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Promotion of Streaming Collection

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1 Promotion of Streaming Collection
Overview Randall Library has a large educational and documentary DVD collection (4,800+) which continues to grow. Like many we are experiencing an increasing number of requests for streaming video titles due in part to UNCW offering more distance education and online courses. In FY13 we received a faculty request for the Media Education Foundation’s Media Studies and Communication streaming video package. We considered the subscription despite a significant 65% overlap of titles in our existing DVD collection. With the availability of some one-time funding, we chose to subscribe to a 3 year license for the streaming package, hosted on Kanopy, and to analyze use. Cost/Benefit Factors $ spent on duplication of content Ongoing costs for streaming vs. one-time purchase High circulation of DVDs in collection Ability to embed streaming video permalinks in course management software, syllabi, and web pages Ability to select and use clips in streaming video Closed Captioning and transcripts available for streaming videos Potential unavailability of DVDs if damaged/lost/stolen/checked-out Unlimited simultaneous use of streaming videos Anytime availability of streaming video, including on mobile devices High speed internet connection needed for streaming Promotion of Streaming Collection to subject liaison (Communication Studies) to all library faculty Presented at Research and Instruction, and all staff meeting

2 DVD and Streaming Video: Choices for an Academic Library ~ Susannah Benedetti, Jeanne Cross University of North Carolina Wilmington ~ Charleston Conference, November Collection Management Question: Is it worth it for the library to duplicate purchased content and support ongoing costs for a licensed subscription? Results after 1st year of 3 year subscription: DVD use FY14 FY15 Total Checkouts 74 50 Number of titles used 27 19 % of DVDs used 57% 40% Highest circulation of single title 10 7 Streaming use Total number of plays 254 Number of titles played 17 % of streaming titles used 36% Average length of time 23 minutes Video with highest number of plays 46

3 Conclusions Use Analysis of 47 Overlap Titles
The technical benefits of streaming video are clear. After one year, this investment appears to be worth the costs. We believe that there can be value to double purchasing content in order to provide streaming access in subject areas where the physical collection exhibits consistent high use. Additionally, due to continued use of the DVD collection, after the first year of our streaming subscription, we do not foresee deselection of this physical format. In this way we can meet a variety of user needs and address today’s student expectations.

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