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Fun Campaign Ideas.

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1 Fun Campaign Ideas

2 What can incentives do for my campaign?
Increase enthusiasm Increase average gift Encourage employees to pledge promptly Encourage attendance at campaign meetings Assist in educating employees about United Way of Hall County

3 Incentive or Raffle Criteria
Anyone who participates in UW campaign (gives any amount) First time givers Fair share givers (1% of salary) Leadership Society givers ($1,000) Any giver increasing gift by 10% Any giver who turns in pledge card by certain date Anyone who attends a meeting or tours an agency Company achieves $ goal or participation goal Company reaches a 25% increase in campaign

4 What do I win? What do I win? (Solicit your vendors for give-aways)
Any afternoon off with pay A leave early pass A sleep in pass Casual dress (jeans day) Special parking spaces or managers parking spaces Lunch with the boss Golf with the boss Department pizza party Company promo items, United Way promo items Electronics such as DVD player, TV, MP3 player Drawings for gift cards, gas cards, movie tickets, gift baskets, local sporting events, etc

5 Embarrass Executives (Good Sports for a Good Cause)
Dunking Booths with managers tank Pie in the Eye CEO to Kiss an animal (donkey, pig) Hula Hoop contest among senior mgmt Tricycle races between senior mgmt Executive Car Wash Executive Shoe Shine Janitor for the night Dress up the boss – boss wears a costume voted on by all employees Shave the boss’s head or dye the boss’s hair

6 Food Fundraisers The way to a donors heart……
Pancake or waffle breakfast Fish fry or barbecue Chili cook-off or Desert Contest Candy Bar Sale Popcorn sale Ice cream social Snack & Desert cart Root beer float sales Tailgate party Boss Cooks for you

7 Auction / Sales Book, music and video sale Executive Auction
Garage Sale Home Grown Auction Rummage Sale

8 Sports Events For all kinds of office athletes
Golf Tournament or Putt Putt contest – work with local golf course or set up mini golf course. Each player pays to enter and lowest score wins ½ of pot Ping Pong A Thon – Charge an entry fee and have team elimination. Award winning teams with a prize. Tug-of-War – employees vs. executive staff Office Olympics – Set up an obstacle course in the lunchroom, several office, or outside. Set up obstacles and time participants – typing paragraph station, another station for filing, photocopying, making paper clip chains, sharpening pencils, office chair race,etc.) Contestants pay an entry fee and winner gets a prize.

9 Other Activities Almost anything goes…..
Baby Photo Contest American Idol Costume Contest Cubicle Decorating Draw the Management Latte Stand Silent Auction Trivial Pursuit Contest 50 / 50 raffle

10 Other Activities Almost anything goes…..
Penny Jar War – Each department has a jar and each penny equals a point. Anything else equals its value in negative points. For example, a dime is minus 10 points. The department with the most positive points at the end wins a prize. How well do you know United Way? Write note cards with answers and note cards with questions. Give employees a card with a question and ask them to find the employee with the correct answer Loyal Donor Wall of Fame – create a wall of fame with pictures of employees with years they have given Battle of sexes – men vs. women on who gets highest participation Spelling Bee – using UWHC words – agency names, alzheimer’s, etc.

11 Game Ideas Deal or No Deal
Family Feud – Using a statement from campaign materials like: United Way agencies that support older people. Fear Factor – executives are challenged to face off in events ranging from eating food blind-folded to picking items out of jars full of worms Jeopardy Movie Trivia The Price is Right – Using allocations information for United Way agencies, have employees match the allocation amount with the program Wheel of Fortune – Have several puzzles related to United Way, such as campaign chair, agencies or theme (LIVE UNITED) and have employees write down their guesses and drop them in a box.

12 Themes from raiders to reality shows
Be a Life Saver – distribute life savers with a note attached “Be a life saver and contribute to United Way” Pay Day Candy Bar - “don’t forget United Way on Pay Day” United Way Cookie Caper – Each pledge form is passed out with a cookie and a note – “United Way Cookie Caper – help us bring in the dough”

13 Week Long Celebration Every Day for United Way
“MonWay” kick off week with a doughnut breakfast “TuesWay” host snacks for sale “WednesWay” employees contribute baked goods for sale “ThursWay” encourage each department to pick a theme, dress, decorate, and provide food and ask co-workers for donations to sample the meals “FriWay” conclude the week of fun with a chili cook off Each day offers new ideas and lots of fun

14 Thank You Thank You Thank You Thank You
Send thank you cards At staff meetings In company newsletters Through Through intranet Bulletin Boards With special meal Payroll stuffer Personal thank you from United Way staff or agency representative For an extra special thank you – hold a surprise early morning meeting and give employees the rest of the day off. Or have President or CEO treat employees to lunch


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