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Session: New applications – new requirements:

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1 Session: New applications – new requirements:
CEPT Workshop on 5G Mobile Communications Mainz, Germany – 2-4 November 2016 Session: New applications – new requirements: (Mission) Critical Communications for PPDR/Public Safety

2 How PPDR work PPDR … work in „emergency“ situations
accidents and incendies large scale events (concerts, football games etc.) natural catastrophies terror attacks are organised in groups are organised in hierarchical structures (command + control) act under time pressure with potentially life-threatening consequences in areas without network coverage sometimes need absolute confidentiality

3 What PPDR need to communicate I
PPDR need (among other features) … voice communication is paramount, but increasingly also data immediate access to their communication partners under any circumstances Push-to-Talk (MCPTT) instead of dialing-in group talks (one talking to many / between group members) pre-emption – access and capacity if needed alarm – absolute priority in emergencies DMO – using terminals without network connection end-to-end encryption control over their „fleets“ (rights and roles)

4 What PPDR need to communicate II
Networks used by PPDR need … to provide high availability under all circumstances to be very resilient to function during catastrophies when other networks fail to provide full coverage in all areas where PPDR might have to become active (presently the coverage has to be permanent; deployable networks might be helpful in the future) provide high degrees of security and data protection ideally also a low latency

5 What PPDR are using today
Narrowband Tetra Standard et al. that provide Emergency button ‐ pre‐emption and priority Group voice calls ‐ all informed talkgroups very rapid call set‐up good voice quality even in high noise environment Voice plus data Short data service / status messaging Packet data can be concatenated Direct Mode gateways and repeaters Multi‐level security Air interface encryption mutual authentication remote terminal disabling end to end encryption

6 Digital Radio Standards for European PPDR (2016)
TETRA in operation TETRA roll-out TETRA planned TETRAPOL APCO 25 (mainly deployed in U.S.) Quelle: Public Safety Radio Group (PSRG) “Status for Public Safety Radio Networks in Europe”, Status: April 2016

7 PPDR Requirements discussed + processed in ETSI + 3GPP
Functional requirements described are: everything that TETRA provides plus other services only possible over a broadband bearer Streaming video Video conferencing Passport and biometric checks Ability to move the back office to the field Transfer of medical information Fire service access to hazardous materials gazetteer Improved automatic vehicle/person location Intranet browsing

8 What PPDR expect from 5G All functionalities they are used to in Tetra/Tetropol environments Availability, coverage and reliability as in dedicated PPDR networks Plus all functionalities that have been or are being standardized in 3GPP releases. And on top further advantages promised by the new radio technology, f.e.: high performance and resilience by default extremely low latency

9 Towards the Future Mission Critical Communication is a fast moving target: PPDR want to take advantage of the functionalities of the broadband world. The more they integrate these functionalities in their daily work the more „mission critical“ they become. The increasing digitalisation of sectors with high relevance to society (transport, utilities etc., also defense) leads to an increasing number of IT-based critical infrastructures. Their owners have an rising interest in highly secure, efficient and resilient infrastructures. In several European countries this convergence of interest has led PPDR organisation and critical infrastructure owners to invest in common infrastructures.

10 Contact Barbara Held – Board Member, TCCA (BDBOS – Federal Agency for Public Safety Digital Radio Berlin Germany)

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