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MOBIUS Annual Conference June 7, 2016

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1 MOBIUS Annual Conference June 7, 2016
Streaming & Screaming Maintaining Sanity While Working With Streaming Videos MOBIUS Annual Conference June 7, 2016

2 Presenters Mary Ann Mercante Assistant Dean/Head Tech Services
Maryville University Julie Portman Technical Services Librarian Fontbonne University

3 Our Universities Fontbonne Maryville FTE 902 3,813 Headcount 1,713
6,414 Online Students 2,761 Online Courses 98 Personnel 5 FT librarians 4 PT librarians 3 FT staff 2 30hr staff 4 FT staff 4 20hr staff

4 Benefits of Streaming Video
Freedom from physical media Multi-user access Anytime access Device flexibility Course management software

5 Downsides Licenses not ownership
Keeping track of license periods & restrictions folders Excel spreadsheets Notes in order records, bibs, etc. Vendor reminders ERM? Disappearing titles from batch licenses Licenses not ownership – continual repaying for content vs. don’t need to make the long-term commitment of ownership (once you have it physically, it can be harder to let it go) Latter consideration is more important in fields where currency is paramount (health & science)

6 Technical Considerations
Initial Setup Vendor Changes in Technology Mobile Usage Initial setup – any plugins required – SWANK Google Widevine Media Optimizer -- Vendor Changes in Technology ( Swank –changed from Silverlight to Google…..)

7 Technical Considerations Users
Trouble-shooting Faculty & course management systems User level Students and Faculty

8 Institutional Streaming Video
Title-By-Title Package licenses from small vendors Package licenses from large vendors

9 Acquisitions: Finding the Film
Is it available to stream? If so, that’s the easy part Where? Who has the rights? Platform? Used copies not available as with physical formats

10 Individual Streaming vs Institutional Streaming
What individuals can access is different than what libraries can disseminate Users’ expectations

11 Library Fund Allocation
Balance of supporting an individual faculty need vs supporting institution as a whole

12 Large Vendor Companies
Aggregate films from a variety of producers Vendor hosts film(s) on vendor site Vendor Understands Library Needs MARC records IP Access & Proxy Servers Usage Statistics Course Management Systems

13 Films on Demand – Streaming Packages
Multi subject collections Webster, Fontbonne & Maryville license the Master Academic Package containing approx. 23,500 titles Individual subject collections Maryville licenses the Nursing Video Collection containing approx. 504 titles Also able to license individual titles not in packages

14 Films on Demand - Dashboard

15 A really nice page with good information about each collection and the status of MARC records. Note at the top of screen: Solutions for: Libraries link

16 Kanopy Kanopy is an on-demand streaming video service for educational institution Access to more than 26,000 films License individual titles PDA available

17 Kanopy - Dashboard

18 SWANK – Popular Movies Aggregates from multiple producers
Digital Campus Service targeted to libraries Most restrictive license agreements, including social media restrictions on announcements Interesting concept of providing MARC records SWANK provided a spreadsheet of our titles with OCLC #s

19 Small Companies / Individuals
Usually providing their own productions Not Oriented to Libraries No MARC records, Usage Stats, etc. Vendor sometimes does not host & sends digital file you have to host on your site or DVD from which you need to extract digital file Vendor not hosting – Responsibility for access then becomes 100% yours

20 Fuld Institute for Technology in Nursing Education (FITNE)
25 videos, each an interview with a modern nursing theorist Videos are minutes in length Previously issued on VHS & DVD These can be used as primary source material in research projects for Maryville’s Nursing Theory course, so these are very important to our program. Since each video was previously issued as a VHS and/or DVD, there are parallel MARC records in OCLC and for some titles, in our Bridges cluster catalog, for the same content in a different format.

21 From MU Database Page While it doesn’t have the library-specific services that the larger companies have, Fitne does provide a nice list of expiration dates. Note also it does indicate that Maryville University is the provider at the top of the screen.

22 International Clinical Educators (ICE)
ICE Video Library: 179 short videos Most are under 5 minutes; shortest is 1 min., 25 secs.; longest is 7 minutes. StrokeHelp Online Courses: 119 short videos Teaching Independence Functional Treatment Ideas & Strategies Treatment Strategies in Acute Care Very, very specific titles and content, such as: “Spinal stenosis, 3 months post surgery: sit to stand”, “Femur fracture, 5 weeks post surgery patient interview in preparation to return home” and “Femur Fracture 5 weeks post surgery: beginning ambulation and sidestepping”

23 These are very short

24 (ICE) – VHS & DVD were issued for StrokeHelp Series
The VHS and DVD were compilations of the short films gathered together on various topics. You could not get down to specific video clips as you can with the streaming. There are no parallel MARC records for the content in other formats as there are for the FITNE videos, which impacts how Maryville treats them for cataloging (see later slides)

25 This is an example where the vendor does not host the film, but instead gives you permission to extract a digital file from your existing physical format, or sends you a digital file. At Maryville, our Learning Technologies Dept (a separate department from the traditional IT department which handles the technology related to the business applications & network infrastructure) has a streaming server on which are stored the videos that faculty make for their classes. Learning Technologies is willing to have us place the digital file for this film on the streaming server, but will not provide a URL instead requiring that faculty who wish to use this film contact them.

26 IT ProTV Series of streaming videos for information systems specialists Password access only at present Subscribed for 1 year for a specific faculty member; not likely to do again As discussed earlier, this is an example of balancing the needs of a specific faculty member vs the institution. While we license other streaming videos at the request of specific faculty for a specific class, the video is available to all Maryville students, faculty, and staff, similar to what happens when we purchase a book or DVD at the request of a specific faculty member. With the password access, this is not easily available to others beyond this faculty member and his class.

27 Discovery Systems Large vendors – connectors may exist
Some vendors – items only get into Discovery through having records in the catalog Before we talk about cataloging – think about Discovery systems and getting the records in.

28 Record Loads May be for an individual institution (e.g. Maryville & Alexander Street Press) Multiple institutions in a cluster may subscribe to the same resource (e.g. Films on Demand) Bridges libraries coordinate with MCO for large data loads for multiple libraries

29 Bridges Libraries Who Subscribe to Films Demand

30 Removing Records from Catalog
Fontbonne removes FOD records for Bridges cluster Code Maryville and Fontbonne items for removal Discovery layer Delete items and bibs from catalog

31 Cataloging for NonLoads - MU
Whatever gets access for the patrons as quickly as possible without doing too much damage to cataloging standards FITNE –full records in OCLC for DVDs; manageable # of videos (25), so derived new records in OCLC ICE –brief records in catalog; no upload to OCLC; too many videos (299) for orig RDA cat

32 Example of a record for one of the short ICE videos
Example of a record for one of the short ICE videos. Created brief records in Bridges with the help of a student assistant. No upload to MOBIUS or OCLC because of briefness of records and non-standardness of some of the info. I created a basic template for each ICE series of videos. The student used the ICE website to fill in the title, date, time length, summary note and 518 date. (For summary note, the student copied the summary info from the website, as well as the 518 date which was provided. There were too many videos for which access was needed in too short a time frame to be able to do original OCLC RDA cataloging for these.

33 Cataloging for NonLoads - MU
SWANK – A Real Hodge-Podge! Used existing Bridges records for SWANK streaming where available (thank you, Webster!) Used existing OCLC records for a streaming version (usually SWANK) Did copy record function in Bridges from DVD or VHS version & modified Again, did not create original cataloging records in OCLC. Wrestling with the question of provider-neutral records for streaming. Theoretically these probably should be done as provider-neutral if doing original cat in OCLC, but no one seems to be doing these that way. With the FITNE videos, I felt comfortable putting new records into OCLC that were not provider-neutral since FITNE is the producer/creator as well as the sole provider so provider-neutral was not an issue, but with the popular movies, provider-neutral seems more appropriate for OCLC.

34 Bib Record Agreement in Bridges to continue GMD usage
[electronic resources (video)] – MU & Fontbonne Series or note as applicable and 710 access point for provider 856 subfield z

35 Item Record - Fontbonne
Maryville does similar

36 MOBIUS & OCLC: Contribute or Not?
Ownership v.s. Access Quality Agency issue with MOBIUS

37 Course Management Systems
Link to catalog record? Link to vendor site? Linking to vendor site is more direct, but students will probably not recognize that the film is brought to them by the library. Linking to the catalog record gets that recognition (hopefully!) but does require an extra click.

38 And…What If You Can’t Find the Film to Stream?
It streams, but you can’t provide it There is no streaming version available When can you make a streaming file from your DVD?

39 Copying from your DVD/VHS?
First, try to find streaming license If not, try to get permission from copyright holder. If neither of the above, can you make a fair use case for that class? At Maryville, If we can’t get a general streaming license, but can get a specific permission or claim fair use, the film is only made available to that specific class, not placed in the catalog or our Discovery system

40 Fair Use – The 4 Factors Fair Use case for that class?
Purpose & character of your use Nature of the copyrighted work Amount & substantiality of the portion taken Effect of the use on the potential market Usually we are strong on 1 (since it is a non-profit educational use) and 4 (if a streaming version is not available). 2 and 3 are the problematic ones that work against fair use.

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