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Packaging Sustainability

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1 Packaging Sustainability
Andy Mowery Packaging Category Leader Johnson & Johnson Services, Inc. May 22, 2008

2 Confidential Johnson & Johnson

3 Healthy Planet 2010 Goals A road map for Johnson & Johnson to be one of the most environmentally responsible companies in the world. The road map encompasses: biodiversity, environmental literacy, compliance, product stewardship, carbon dioxide, waste reduction, external manufacturing, waste reduction, water usage, and paper/packaging Performance is reported publicly each year in the Sustainability Report

4 Confidential Johnson & Johnson

5 Confidential Johnson & Johnson

6 Confidential Johnson & Johnson


8 Guidelines Prevention by source reduction Eliminate heavy metals Eliminate dangerous substances Make packaging reusable Design for recovery Maximize the use of recycled materials Use renewable sources Anticipate and exceed regulatory requirements Work with suppliers that have the best environmental practices

9 Driving through the Supply Chain
Communicate! Communicate! Observe! What gets measured gets done. Support.

10 Communication Suppliers must know where we are going and what we want.
Don’t just listen to what they say. Watch what they do.

11 Measurement The measurements and process aren’t complete or perfect, but it helps us set the right tone % Recycled Content (PIR and PCR) Certification Status (FSC, SFI, PEFC,…) Ink Sources % of Power from Renewable Sources % Material reduction

12 Support Green Suppliers Network sponsorship
In the midst of pilots and evaluating for further roll out Beneficial for small and mid-market companies that do not have the resources and knowledge to pursue it alone Collateral benefits of Lean and Clean Voice of Customer Generate and communicate the demand for more sustainable alternatives to our suppliers top management

13 Many Steps to a Smaller Footprint
“Sustainability is a process. We start with small steps and then improve as we go to ensure that not only packaging but the process itself is sustainable.” Michael Maggio – Vice President, JJGCC, Global Strategic Design Operations

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