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Government Buildings.

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1 Government Buildings

2 Forum


4 @125x460 ft.

5 Portico/colonnade ( 2nd c. BCE)

6 Architectural Orders


8 West ( travertine replacement)

9 Re-paving with travertine

10 Macellum portico


12 House of Julia Felix 70m.high x 31m. Frieze (less than 10m.)


14 Honorary Equestrian statues

15 Basilica

16 Basilica Multi-purpose roofed, hall Commerce Judicial Government

17 Building Materials Main façade=large plain blocks of Nocera tufa/ brick columns with tufa capitals 5 doors opening into Forum, fitted with wooden shutters Floor=brick and tile plus mortar pounded(Opus signinum)

18 Pre-Roman and later (Opus quadratum)

19 Date and Identification (?)
Pottery Graffiti which says ‘basilica’ CIL IV 1842 Gaius Pumidius Dipilus was here, five days before the nones of October when Marcus Lepidus and Quintus Catulus were consuls. ( October 2, 78 BCE)

20 Basilica ( c. 2nd c BCE?) 16,000 sq. ft. 180x79 ft.

21 Engaged Ionic columns Second story Corinthian columns ( windows) Roofed ( NI. Pupie tile stamps) single-truss double-pitched. Interior columns either Corinthian or Ionic


23 Reconstructed pediment



26 First Style wall decoration (Incrustation Style)

27 Opus signinum


29 Early Basilicas basilike stoa ( Royal stoa at Athens?/Hellenistic royal buildings?) Rome Basilica Porcia—Cato the Elder ( 184 BCE) Basilica Aemelia—Marcus Aemelius Lepidus (179 BCE) Basilica Sempronia(170 BCE---Basilica Julia (46 BCE)


31 Graffiti Pyrrhus to his colleague Chius: I grieve because I hear you have died, and so farewell (CIL IV 1852) Lucius Istacidius, I regard as a stranger anyone who doesn’t invite me to dinner(CIL IV 1880)

32 Love dictates and Cupid points the way as I write.
I’d rather die than be a god without you (CIL IV 1928) Chios, I hope your piles again become sore, so that they hurt more than they hurt before (CIL IV 1820)

33 Political Institutions
Comitium (‘people’s assembly’) Ordo Decurionum (legislative body) Magistracy ( 2 senior and 2 junior officials)

34 Municipal Buildings apsidal

35 Curia? Tabularium?



38 Comitium

39 Comitium (rostrum)

40 Official Weights and measures
Mensa Ponderaria (offical table on west side of Forum) 20 BCE radical modification Five central measuring holes enlarged and four new ones added. Oscan labels erased.

41 Mensa Ponderaria Aulus Clodius Flaccus, son of Aulus and Numerius Arcaeus Arellianus Caledus, son of Numerius, duumvirs with judicial power saw to the standardization of the measures in accordance with a decree of the town councillors. CIL X 793=ILS 5602

42 Arches

43 Triumphal Arches

44 Imperial Presence To Marcus Claudius Marcellus, son of Gaius, patron (CIL X 832= ILS 898)

45 Marcellus Marcellus (?) Nephew and son-in-law of Augustus and
Possible successor


47 Vespasian 69 CE program to stabilize empire’s finances
Agent(Suedius Clemens) sent to Pompeii to investigate usurpation of public lands by individuals

48 Boundary Markers Outside Herculaneum, Vesuvian and Nucerian gates

49 Multiple copies of Inscription
On the authority of Caesar Vespasian Augustus, Titus Suedius Clemens, tribune, restored the public lands of the Pompeian state that had been taken over by private individuals, having investigated the cases and carried out appropriate surveys CIL X 1018= ILS 5942

50 Electoral influence I beg you to elect Marcus Epidius Sabinus duumvir with judicial power, in accordance with the opinion of Suedius Clemens CIL IV 791= ILS 6438d

51 Electoral Influence I beg you to elect Marcus Epidius Sabinus duumvir with judicial power. He is worthy. May you elect one who is a protector of the colony according to the opinion of Suedius Clemens, the worshipful judge, and by agreement of the whole council on account of his merits and his honesty, worthy of public office Sabinus, the theater official, elects him with applause CIL IV 768= ILS 643d

52 Herculaneum

53 Herculaneum (Hercules in Arcadia)

54 Theseus ( Minotaur)

55 Herculaneum Marcus Nonius Balbus
Senator and proconsul (Time of Augustus) Posthumous bisellium Herculaneum theater


57 Headquarters of Augustales ?

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