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Dimensional Analysis CONVERTING UNITS

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1 Dimensional Analysis CONVERTING UNITS

2 The Fundamental SI Units (ie: Système International, SI)
Physical Quantity Name Abbreviation Mass kilogram kg Length meter m Time second s Temperature Kelvin K Amount of Substance (1 mol = 6.02x1023) mole mol

3 BASE UNIT SI Prefix Abbr Exp Meaning Equality mega M 106 kilo k 103
1 million x larger 1,000,000 base unit = 1 M_ kilo k 103 1,000 times larger 1,000 base unit = 1 k_ deca da 10 10 times larger 10 base unit = 1 D_ BASE UNIT (meters, grams, liters, etc.) 1 1 base unit deci d 10-1 1/10 1 base unit = 10 d_ centi c 10-2 1/100 1 base unit = 100 c_ milli m 10-3 1/1,000 1 base unit = 1,000 m_ micro 10-6 1/million 1 base unit = 1,000,000 _ nano n 10-9 1/billion 1,000,000,000 n_ pico p 10-12 1/trillion 1,000,000,000,000 p_

4 Y Z E P T G M k h da d c m µ n p f a z y
FACTOR ...or in full ... or in words SI PREFIX SI SYMBOL 1,0E+24 1,0E+21 1,0E+18 1,0E+15 1,0E+12 1,0E+9 1,0E+6 1,0E+3 1,0E+2 1,0E+1 1,0E-1 1,0E-2 1,0E-3 1,0E-6 1,0E-9 1,0E-12 1,0E-15 1,0E-18 1,0E-21 1,0E-24 ,1 0,01 0,001 0, , , , , , , septillion sextillion quintillion quadrillion trillion billion million thousand hundred ten tenth hundredth thousandth millionth billionth trillionth quadrillionth quintillionth sextillionth septillionth yotta- zetta- exa- peta- tera- giga- mega- kilo- hecto- deca- deci- centi- milli- micro- nano- pico- femto- atto- zepto- yocto- Y Z E P T G M k h da d c m µ n p f a z y

5 SI Basic Units & Quantities
Length = meter (m) Volume = volume of 1m x 1m x 1m cube = 1 m3 More convenient = liter (L) 1 cm3 = 1 mL 10 drops H2O ≈ 1 mL Mass = kilogram (kg) Defined as the mass of 1 L of 4ºC weight is a force that measures the pull on a given mass by gravity

6 SI Basic Units & Quantities
Temperature = Celsius (°C) - Water 0 °C Water 100 °C Kelvin (K) - the absolute scale Don’t use the degree symbol Water 273 K Water 373 K K = °C + 273 °C = K - 273

7 Conversion Factors Quantities can be expressed several different ways
1 dollar = 4 quarters = 10 dimes = 20 nickels = 100 pennies 1 meter = 10 decimeters = 100 centimeters = 1000 millimeters Conversion Factor: a ratio of equivalent measurements Units are vital Numerator and denominator are equivalent Conversion factors change the number & unit, however, the actual size of the quantity measured remains the same.

8 Conversion Factors Examples: 1 dollar = 100 pennies 1 dollar
1 L = 1,000 mL 1 L 1,000 mL OR 1,000 mL 1 L

9 Conversion Factors Smaller # Larger Unit 1 dollar 100 pennies Larger #
Smaller Unit How many significant figures does a conversion factor within a system of measurement have? Unlimited

10 Dimensional Analysis 60 min 1 h 60 sec 1 min 8 h x x = 28,800 s
Set up conversion factors so that the units will cancel out to get to the desired unit Cancel units & check for correct units Multiply by numbers on the top Divide by numbers on the bottom

11 Dimensional Analysis A way to analyze and solve problems using units, or dimensions, of the measurements. How many seconds are in a workday that lasts exactly eight hours? Unknowns Knowns Plan Solve

12 Dimensional Analysis How many seconds are in a workday that lasts exactly eight hours? Unknowns 8 hours = ? seconds Knowns time worked = 8 hours 1 hour = 60 minutes 1 minute = 60 secondsseconds Plan - use the units Solve

13 Dimensional Analysis 60 min 1 h 60 sec 1 min 8 h x x = 28,800 s
Set up conversion factors so that the units will cancel out to get to the desired unit Cancel units & check for correct units Multiply by numbers on the top Divide by numbers on the bottom

14 Converting meters to centimeters
135 meters is how many centimeters? Unknown= ? cm = 135 meters Known: 1 meter = 100 cm Plan: m  cm Solve: m x cm = m ** Multiple top values, divide bottom values. 13, 500 cm

15 Converting meters to centimeters
233 centimeters is how many meters? Unknown= ? m = 233 centimeters Known: 1 meter = 100 cm Plan: cm  m Solve: cm x m = 100cm ** Multiple top values, divide bottom values. 2.33 m

16 Converting meters to centimeters
233 centimeters is how many millimeters? Unknown= ? mm = 233 centimeters Known: 1 centimeter = 10 mm Plan: cm  mm Solve: cm x mm = 1 cm ** Multiple top values, divide bottom values. 2330 mm

17 Converting meters to centimeters
3456 millimeters is how many centimeters? Unknown= ? cm = 3456 millimeters Known: 1 centimeter = 10 mm Plan: mm  cm Solve: mm x cm = 10mm ** Multiple top values, divide bottom values. 345.6 cm

18 Convert the Following 99.2 cm to meters Unknown: Known: Plan: Solve:

19 Convert the Following 2.34 m to cm Unknown: Known: Plan: Solve:

20 Convert the Following 2340 mm to cm Unknown: Known: Plan: Solve:

21 How many eggs do YOU weigh?
What is your unknown? What do you know? What is your plan? Solve the problem!! ? = 5 dozen eggs weigh 2.5 kg

22 How many eggs do YOU weigh?
= What is your unknown? What do you know? What is your plan? Solve the problem!! 5 dozen eggs weigh 2.5 kg

23 Convert the Following How many minutes are there in exactly one week?

24 Convert the Following How many seconds are in exactly a 40-hour work week?

25 Convert the Following 0.044 km to meters

26 Convert the Following 15 cm3 to liters

27 Convert the Following The radius of a potassium atom is nm. Express this radius in the unit centimeters.

28 Convert the Following The diameter of the Earth is 1.3 x 104 km. What is the diameter expressed in decimeters?

29 U: K: P: S:

30 Convert the Following The mass of a unit volume of a substance is a property called density. The density of manganese is 7.21 g/cm3. What is the density of manganese expressed in units kg/m3?

31 Convert the Following Gold has a density of 19.3 g/cm3. What is the density in kilograms per cubic meter?

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