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Grudgeball Review North and East Asia.

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Presentation on theme: "Grudgeball Review North and East Asia."— Presentation transcript:

1 Grudgeball Review North and East Asia

2 What is the Capital of China?

3 Beijing

4 The Koreas are a ________ of China.

5 Peninsula

6 The body of water separates japan from the koreas.

7 Sea of japan

8 This physical feature covers part of Mongolia and China.

9 The gobi desert

10 This physical feature makes up part of the southwestern border of china.

11 The Himalayas

12 This physical feature is the largest and most elevated of its kind.

13 The plateau of tibet or tibetan plateau

14 China relies heavily on this fossil fuel for energy.

15 Coal

16 Name three environmental problems china faces.

17 Air Pollution, Water pollution, biodiversity/Habitat loss, Desertification.

18 Name 3 effects of one of these environmental problems.

19 Air – Makes air unsafe to breathe, Causes Hundreds of Thousands of deaths each year, causes air pollution in other countries Water – water is undrinkable, kills plant and animal life, causes cancer Desertification – loss of farmland, loss of homes, causes people to relocate (increases urbanization) Biodiversity – increases poaching in other countries for ivory/skins/bones, endangers animal populations already threatened, displaces animals/destroys natural habitats

20 Name the former population control method china had.

21 The one-Child policy

22 What kind of leader does North Korea Have?

23 A Dictator

24 This country has an early warning system for earthquakes.

25 japan

26 This is the form of green energy that china is investing heavily in.

27 Hydroelectricity

28 How is hydroelectricity normally created?

29 The building and use of Dams (China – Three Gorges Dam)

30 This philosophy encourages the worship of nature spirits or Kami.

31 Shinto

32 This Philosopher might have said, “A Ruler must take care of his people.”

33 Confucius

34 This Philosophy encourages its followers to look to nature and to follow a natural “Path” or “way”.

35 Daoism

36 Where do most people in China live Geographically and why
Where do most people in China live Geographically and why? Name 3 reasons.

37 In the eastern Half. - Better Climate - More arable land closer to Sea Level - Access to the coast and fresh water from major rivers - Access to more resources

38 What is something controversial the Chinese Communist party does to its people?

39 Controls its access to information (Limited Freedom of Speech and of the Press, Censored Internet/News)

40 This Chinese province wishes to gain its political and religious independence from China.

41 Tibet

42 Both Japan and Korea have limited agricultural production because of…

43 Mountainous Landscapes

44 Who was the leader during the cultural Revolution of China?

45 Mao zedong

46 China’s government makes many economic decisions therefore they have a…

47 Command Economy

48 A government in Which there are no restrictions on the government’s actions is called A(N)…

49 Unlimited Government

50 Japan and South Korea have an interdependent trade relationship because of…

51 Scarcity

52 What are two things that are controversial about North Korea?

53 -nuclear program -communist dictatorship -poverty level -secrecy -information control -restrictions on travel -Human rights violations

54 What is Per Capita GDp?

55 Gross domestic Product divided by the population

56 China’s main industry is…

57 Manufacturing

58 What is one environmental problem affecting Japan and the Koreas?

59 Overfishing, Pollution, Deforestation, Flooding

60 What is GDp?

61 The sum of a Country’s total Economic Output in ONE year.

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