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Coaching and Mentoring workshop

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1 Coaching and Mentoring workshop
October 2015 Coaching and Mentoring workshop

2 Housekeeping Emergency evacuation Creature comforts Mobile phones

3 What are we doing at this session?
Defining coaching and mentoring Coaching contract and building trust in the coaching relationship Setting goals Developing options  Effective Feedback Overcoming obstacles  Reaching the end

4 Coaching and mentoring – the difference

5 Coaching vs Mentoring Let’s discuss the difference!

6 Coaching Unlocking a person’s potential to maximize their own performance. It is helping them to learn rather than teaching them” (Whitmore 2003) Coaching is about developing a person’s skills and knowledge so that their job performance improves, hopefully leading to the achievement of organisational objectives. It targets high performance and improvement at work, although it may also have an impact on an individual’s private life. It usually lasts for a short period and focuses on specific skills and goals.” (CIPD 2009)

7 In a nutshell…

8 Mentoring A mentor is a more experienced individual willing to share knowledge with someone less experienced in a relationship of mutual trust" - David Clutterbuck Mentoring is a long term relationship that meets a development need, helps develop full potential, and benefits all partners, mentor, mentee and the organisation". - Suzanne Faure

9 In a nutshell…the difference
Coaching – the coachee is the expert in the room! Mentoring – the mentor is the expert in the room! In relation to workplace situations and organisational knowledge, processes and procedures

10 So when to choose which intervention
In what situations do you feel you might choose… Coaching Mentoring

11 Coaching contract and building trust in the relationship

12 Building trust in a coaching relationship
Creating a strong foundation of trust is the first step in building every coaching relationship Coaching happens in a collaborative relationship based on mutual trust with a high degree of openness between both parties Being able to talk openly without being judged

13 Coaching contract Really important to set the ground rules for a coaching relationship Objectives and goal setting are agreed during the contract stage – what is to be achieved by the coaching internvention Ground rules Confidentiality is paramount Except – if the coach believes what is being said is going to put the coach, coachee or organisation is jeopardy Coaching contract is usually 3 way…. The coach The coachee The coachee’s line manager

14 Setting goals and coaching models

15 Setting goals Coaching session plan
Review the coaching contract for the success criteria SMART goals

16 Coaching models A coaching model is a framework; it does not tell you how to coach but, rather, it's the underlying structure that you can use when you're coaching someone GROW model CLEAR model

17 Coaching tools and techniques
Lets have a look at a few available.. Wheel of life Hot air balloon Perspectives SWOT Circles of influence Scale Metaphors Umbrella KISS

18 Overcoming obstacles

19 Obstacles in coaching From the coachee Attitude Personality Commitment
Habits Reverting to old behaviour We need to focus on Change in mind set Re-evaluate goals See positive results

20 The end of the coaching relationship

21 How to close a coaching relationship
How to know when the coaching intervention is coming to an end You will know! Creating the final plan Before your final session you need to make an exit plan and also close the coaching contract Transitioning the coachee Believe they can do it!

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