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ACT SME: Accelerating Cross-Border Transaction of SMEs

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1 ACT SME: Accelerating Cross-Border Transaction of SMEs
Business Intelligence Sources and Resources for SMEs' Internationalization Training module

2 The training modules in this course has two levels
Preamble: The training modules in this course has two levels Decision-oriented level ICT as a facilitator of online internationalization SEO E-commerce European Landscape for SME Development Tools, Sources and Resources EU Procurement Opportunities as a Means for SMEs’ Internationalization How to operate in international markets – Foreign Trade, etc. 2. Modell-oriented level Business Intelligence Sources and Resources for SMEs' Internationalization

3 The course uses two approaches for teaching methodology:
Preamble: The course uses two approaches for teaching methodology: Transferring declarative knowledge elements (for the decision oriented level) Catalysis of increasing self-consciousness and collecting experiences (for the modelling-level)

4 Modell-oriented level – Life Long Learning effects
Increasing capability of autodidactive learning Using lexica (like Wikipedia) in the preparation phase of problem solving Searching for appropriate databases Involving online translation services Identifying (online/offline) tools for analyses Supporting the identifications of structured thinking Self-checking Examples on basic level Signs for advanced level Tasks as challenges Confronting with consequences

5 Motto: …real human knowledge is what can be transformed into source code, each other form of capabilities (like intuition) are kinds of arts… …knowledge and art can not be ranked comparing to each other… Alert: …each phenomenon has always a relation to each other, therefore the listed elements should always have further items…

6 Structure of the learning materials

7 Introduction The following script tries to introduce new terms, databases, methods and methodologies on the field of BI (business intelligence: for SMEs (small-and- medium-sized-enterprises: sized_enterprises). The conception of the script is the following: introduction of basic knowledge elements (like translation potential, lexica) declaration of tasks for learning by doing (see exercises) demonstration of useful resources (e.g. databases, analytical tools) signalisation of phenomena in advanced level

8 Introduction The script would like to support the “learning by doing” principle and to increase the capability to handle alone successfully and efficiently. The SMEs should be able after the using this script to use this general knowledge for solving other problems even in an autodidactive way effectively… The consequences listed for each topic summarize the most important sentences about BI for SMEs on the field of internationalisation.

9 Definitions – basic level
The following chapters try to introduce the phenomenon “being internationalised” from the point of view of languages: Lacks on translation potential - WIKIPEDIA As you could already see, almost each topic can be interpreted in a successful way based on the WIKIPEDIA (and other online lexica-like sources). They are free and good enough to introduce seemingly complex phenomena. The entrepreneurs can derive a feeling about the potential of being internationalised if they check in WIKIPEDIA whether a term descripted in English is also presented in the own language?! The cultures having lacks of translations and/or own preparation works in lexica can have a higher risk potential being not up-to-date enough… It is important: there can be more articles in case of similar keywords:

10 Examples: Tasks/exercises: Consequences:
in case of the term “business intelligence” there are articles in 37 languages. The same value is in case of the term “SME” is 30. Tasks/exercises: Please, check each term used in this script in WIKIPEDIA and in case of lacks try to create the appropriate article in your own language! Consequences: The less is the capability of following the trends in the world, the less is the internationalisation potential.

11 EUR-LEX The general services (like where you can also translate complex phrases (cf. can not always deliver adequate solutions. However, for specific terms detailed definitions can be offered to: e.g. In case of frequently, wide-ranged used terms (like: turnover - there can be valid a lot of meanings. Some of online translation services make possible to hear, how expression should be used in spoken environments or which language is belonging to a given term at all? If a term was ever used in legal contexts in the EU, then the services of EUR-LEX ( can be involved to clarify, what should be searched in an other (official) language: e.g.

12 Examples: First step for using EUR-LEX is a definition of a search term / keyword: e.g. &text=sme&scope=EURLEX&t ype=quick&lang=en The second step is to identify an appropriate rule: e.g. content/HU/TXT/?qid= &uri=CELEX:32013R1287 The last step is to search for the term in the description in the original and after that in the targeted language(s). It can be, that one-word-terms in a given language are presented in other languages just a phrase…

13 Tasks/exercises: Consequences:
Please, try to follow the above mentioned steps for arbitrary chosen terms by you! Consequences: The less is the capability of searching for adequate phrases, the less is the internationalisation potential.

14 Abbreviations Nowadays a lot of abbreviation are used in general. To identify what do they stand for, is relative simple: Examples: or e.g. Tasks/exercises: Please, filter each abbreviation from this script and check a set of them in the suggested services! Consequences: The less is the capability of following the trends of languages, the less is the internationalisation potential.

15 Terms Examples: In this chapter terms will be briefly explained and
for additional information further URLs will also be presented: Examples: BI – „Business intelligence (BI) can be described as "a set of techniques and tools for the acquisition and transformation of raw data into meaningful and useful information for business analysis purposes” internationalization: “For the term in computing, see Internationalization and localization. In economics, internationalization is the process of increasing involvement of enterprises in international markets, although there is no agreed definition of internationalization. There are several (25) internationalization theories which try to explain why there are international activities.”

16 Tasks/exercises: Please, search for the following terms in WIKIPEDIA to interpret, what the terms should be meant and deliver for this script: data information knowledge models data asset management information management knowledge management simulators data visualisation robots expert systems automation heuristics deduction induction abduction statistics artificial intelligence hermeneutics reporting drill down techniques classification (anti)discrimination clustering trends regression polynomials TRL (technical realisation level) information brokering data mining (further recommendations)

17 Tasks/exercises: Please, search for the following terms in WIKIPEDIA to interpret, what the terms should be meant and deliver for this script: BI tools – advanced level: identifying redirected articles: go=Go&searchToken=cu0jdbg69ppcr52qqhcyiorc5 (redirect from BI software) … Consequences: The less is the capability of interpreting new terms, the less is the internationalisation potential.

18 Purposes of using BI The potential possibilities for using BI is quasi unlimited. Here and know a lot of trivial arguments will be offered on the field of SME’s internationalization: Examples: benchmarking forecasting risk analysis optimization simulation analysis estimation controlling (strategic) planning comparison case-based reasoning evaluation data-driven policy making profiling calculating (further recommendations)

19 suspicion generating – advanced level through using scientific approximations: t=0%2C5 Tasks/exercises: Please, search for the above listed terms and try to interpret it! Consequences: The less is the capability of interpreting new terms, the less is the internationalisation potential.

20 Online data assets for SMEs on the field of internationalization
Each of the following URLs should be investigate in detail. Why? The general statistics make possible to detect differences between objects like countries, counties, settlements, branches, etc. Country profiles (as the quasi most frequently created comparative views) offer chances to see in a simple way, how other cultures think about the same phenomena…

21 Online data assets for SMEs on the field of internationalization
The Google Trend Services can be seen as a kind of marketing survey service (free of charge). By using of Google Trends services it is possible to explore, what kind of trends were valid for searching terms over 10 years according e.g. countries, topics, media channels… The enterprise information can be important for analyses of competitions… Real estate information help e.g. in case of searching for new headquarters… Price/performance comparison of products/services support also the analyses about competitors…

22 The following data sources are worth testing for own purposes:
International statistics like UNO: OECD: EUROSTAT: Stock markets: Currency exchange rates

23 The following data sources are worth testing for own purposes:
International statistics like Country profiles Global Entrepreneurship Monitor (GEM): (general view), (e.g. Austria), (report, 2014) BBC: World Bank: or UNO: or New Internationalist: for further items:

24 The following data sources are worth testing for own purposes:
International statistics like FADN (farm accountancy data network: FAO: Solvency/risk indices for enterprises (e.g. from CREDITREFORM, or countries (e.g. from Moodies, Fitch Ratings, etc.)

25 The following data sources are worth testing for own purposes:
Google Trends information about search activities in diverse topics: Real Estate information: Price-performance information of products/services ecommerce-sales … (further recommendations)

26 Tasks/exercises: Advanced level: Consequences:
Please, try to search for further language supports in case of each recommended databases Advanced level: Please, search partners for creating a branch-specific association for information services towards members (c.f. services chambers, product councils, etc. – like Consequences: The less is the capability of using facts in an efficient way, the less is the internationalisation potential.

27 Tools/methods/techniques
The below listed terms can/may only be learned following the principle “learning y doing”. Of course, this “doing” can also be a kind of virtual activity like interpreting Youtube- videos: OLAP: pivot: see Excel, - or Open Office -

28 Tools/methods/techniques
expert system generation: MS Office – Excel: SOLVER - similarity analysis (online and free): GIS tools (e.g. Google Maps API – in advanced level) … (further recommendations)

29 Tools/methods/techniques
Examples: see Youtube-videos Tasks/exercises: Define task for yourself based on the further modules in the course (see next slide) Consequences: Without appropriate methods, techniques, the using of data can not help enough!

30 Potential tasks for analyses based on further modules in the course:
Creating scenarios for impact simulation of trading, marketing actions Deriving price/performance ratios in frame of public procurement processes Forecasting of future values in the markets Exploring connections between variables/force fields in the markets Calculating indicators for benchmarking Reporting time series for competitor’s characteristics

31 Thank you for your attention!

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