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COOEXCEL 2015 TIPS Include clearly your contact details

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Presentation on theme: "COOEXCEL 2015 TIPS Include clearly your contact details"— Presentation transcript:

1 COOEXCEL 2015 TIPS Include clearly your contact details Please specify the call you are going to present your project idea To make your project idea understandable it would be good if you explain the origin of the idea. What problem you want to solve? What is the opportunity identified Please explain clearly your project. You may know many details of your project idea but you should communicate them in a way easily understandable. Do not forget to include in which call you are going to submit the proposal Peer Learning of Innovation Agencies (H2020-INNOSUP ) Brokerage Event: Peer learning for innovation agencies Brussels, February 15th 2017

2 EXCELLENCE ‘Excellence is an art won by training and habituation. We do not act rightly because we have virtue or excellence, but we rather have those because we have acted rightly. We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence, then, is not an act but a habit’. TIPS To make your project idea understandable for the public it would be good if you explain the origin of the idea. What problem you want to solve? What is the opportunity identified? Describe also very briefly the profile of your organisation. Potential partners should know your capabilities in advance. We suggest you to provide information about the activities of your organisation connected with the project proposal Brokerage Event: Peer learning for innovation agencies Brussels, February 15th 2017

3 EFQM: European Foundation for Quality Management
On 15th September 1988, 14 European Business Leaders met with Jacques Delors and signed a "Letter of Intent" to form a European Foundation dedicated to increasing the competitiveness of European businesses. Brokerage Event: Peer learning for innovation agencies Brussels, February 15th 2017

4 The EFQM Model Well, we think there is. The EFQM Excellence Model provides a holistic tool for assessing how effective you are in developing and delivering a stakeholder focused strategy. The 4 result areas focus on what's important to the 4 key stakeholder groups. At its simplest level, the Model is a cause and effect diagram. If we want to achieve a different result, we need to change something we do within the organisation. And because what is considered excellent today will only be considered as adequate tomorrow, there is a continual improvement loop, feeding back the learning from the results achieved and using creativity and innovation to drive increased value for the stakeholders. Brokerage Event: Peer learning for innovation agencies Brussels, February 15th 2017

5 TIPS To make your project idea understandable for the public it would be good if you explain the origin of the idea. What problem you want to solve? What is the opportunity identified? Describe also very briefly the profile of your organisation. Potential partners should know your capabilities in advance. We suggest you to provide information about the activities of your organisation connected with the project proposal Brokerage Event: Peer learning for innovation agencies Brussels, February 15th 2017

6 23 Different types of grants
TIPS To make your project idea understandable for the public it would be good if you explain the origin of the idea. What problem you want to solve? What is the opportunity identified? Describe also very briefly the profile of your organisation. Potential partners should know your capabilities in advance. We suggest you to provide information about the activities of your organisation connected with the project proposal 36M€ budget 23 Different types of grants Brokerage Event: Peer learning for innovation agencies Brussels, February 15th 2017

7 2002 ISO 9001 I&T DIVISION 2004 ISO 9001 2005 ISO 14001 2010
EFQM MODEL TIPS To make your project idea understandable for the public it would be good if you explain the origin of the idea. What problem you want to solve? What is the opportunity identified? Describe also very briefly the profile of your organisation. Potential partners should know your capabilities in advance. We suggest you to provide information about the activities of your organisation connected with the project proposal Brokerage Event: Peer learning for innovation agencies Brussels, February 15th 2017

8 440 1.106 153 76 Companies People trained Evaluators EFQM
Política y Estrategia Gestión de Procesos Gestión de Personas Gestión de Clientes 1.106 People trained 153 Evaluators 76 Winning a prize EFQM TIPS To make your project idea understandable for the public it would be good if you explain the origin of the idea. What problem you want to solve? What is the opportunity identified? Describe also very briefly the profile of your organisation. Potential partners should know your capabilities in advance. We suggest you to provide information about the activities of your organisation connected with the project proposal Brokerage Event: Peer learning for innovation agencies Brussels, February 15th 2017

9 Peer Learning of Innovation Agencies (H2020-INNOSUP-2014-05)
EFQM- Framework for innovation agencies TIPS To make your project idea understandable for the public it would be good if you explain the origin of the idea. What problem you want to solve? What is the opportunity identified? Describe also very briefly the profile of your organisation. Potential partners should know your capabilities in advance. We suggest you to provide information about the activities of your organisation connected with the project proposal Brokerage Event: Peer learning for innovation agencies Brussels, February 15th 2017

10 COOEXCEL2015 Collaborating for the excellence of public entities for business promotion. An example of policies aimed at the improvement of the competitiveness of the regional enterprises throughout the EFQM TIPS To make your project idea understandable for the public it would be good if you explain the origin of the idea. What problem you want to solve? What is the opportunity identified? Describe also very briefly the profile of your organisation. Potential partners should know your capabilities in advance. We suggest you to provide information about the activities of your organisation connected with the project proposal Brokerage Event: Peer learning for innovation agencies Brussels, February 15th 2017

11 COOEXCELL Objectives To use the EFQM Framework for Innovation Agencies as a tool for self-assessment by the Regional Economic Agency of La Rioja ADER. To progress in the implementation of a roadmap aimed at achieving the ‘EFQM Recognised for Excellence’ certificate. To build capacities in the partners human capital, to define and implement a consistent EFQM strategy. TIPS To make your project idea understandable for the public it would be good if you explain the origin of the idea. What problem you want to solve? What is the opportunity identified? Describe also very briefly the profile of your organisation. Potential partners should know your capabilities in advance. We suggest you to provide information about the activities of your organisation connected with the project proposal Brokerage Event: Peer learning for innovation agencies Brussels, February 15th 2017

12 Activities A 2 day workshop with staff of ADER
Facilitation by an EFQM lead assessor with use of simple assessment tools Creation of a self-assessment report following a specific methodology A 1.5 day training with 2 peer assessors from Innovation Norway and ARDVEST Familiarising with assessment techniques and the case of the ADER (self-assessment report) Assessment of the innovation agency Committed to Excellence assessment performed by the 2 peer assessors with the supervision of the EFQM lead assessor TIPS Please explain clearly your project. You may know many details of your project idea but you should communicate them in a way easily understandable. Do not forget to include in which call you are going to submit the proposal Please indicate also the type of partners your are seeking, if there is already a existing consortia with other partners and specially be focused on what activities the partners you are looking for would do in your project Brokerage Event: Peer learning for innovation agencies Brussels, February 15th 2017

13 Timeline 01/09/2015 Starting date 26-28/10/2015 Training WorkShop for the Economic Development Agency of La Rioja (ADER) /01/2016 EFQM Assessor Training for Nordic Innovation (2 people) 22-23/02/2016 EFQM Assessor Training for West RDA 08/03/2016 Delivery of the Management Document and attachments (Strategic Plan & Process Map) to be distributed to the evaluation team /04/2016 Recognised for Excellence Assessment 21/04/ 2016 Recognised for Excellence Closing Meeting 27/04/ 2016 Self-assessment report and recommendations from peer evaluation for “EFQM Framework for innovation agencies”. 29/04/2016 Final Report TIPS Please explain clearly your project. You may know many details of your project idea but you should communicate them in a way easily understandable. Do not forget to include in which call you are going to submit the proposal Please indicate also the type of partners your are seeking, if there is already a existing consortia with other partners and specially be focused on what activities the partners you are looking for would do in your project Brokerage Event: Peer learning for innovation agencies Brussels, February 15th 2017

14 # of employees interviewed: 29 # of hours consensus meeting: 8
Peer Assessment # of interviews: 21 # of mirror meetings: 3 # of Focus Groups: 2 # of employees interviewed: 29 # of hours consensus meeting: 8 TIPS Please explain clearly your project. You may know many details of your project idea but you should communicate them in a way easily understandable. Do not forget to include in which call you are going to submit the proposal Please indicate also the type of partners your are seeking, if there is already a existing consortia with other partners and specially be focused on what activities the partners you are looking for would do in your project Brokerage Event: Peer learning for innovation agencies Brussels, February 15th 2017

15 EFQM Levels of Recognition
FOR HIGH PERFORMERS - EFQM GLOBAL EXCELLENCE AWARD PROGRAMME CHART YOUR PROGRESS - EFQM RECOGNISED FOR EXCELLENCE CREATE PASSION AND COMMITMENT - EFQM COMMITTED TO EXCELLENCE TIPS Please explain clearly your project. You may know many details of your project idea but you should communicate them in a way easily understandable. Do not forget to include in which call you are going to submit the proposal Please indicate also the type of partners your are seeking, if there is already a existing consortia with other partners and specially be focused on what activities the partners you are looking for would do in your project Brokerage Event: Peer learning for innovation agencies Brussels, February 15th 2017

16 EFQM Levels of Recognition
CHART YOUR PROGRESS - EFQM RECOGNISED FOR EXCELLENCE TIPS Please explain clearly your project. You may know many details of your project idea but you should communicate them in a way easily understandable. Do not forget to include in which call you are going to submit the proposal Please indicate also the type of partners your are seeking, if there is already a existing consortia with other partners and specially be focused on what activities the partners you are looking for would do in your project Brokerage Event: Peer learning for innovation agencies Brussels, February 15th 2017

17 Results TIPS Please explain clearly your project. You may know many details of your project idea but you should communicate them in a way easily understandable. Do not forget to include in which call you are going to submit the proposal Please indicate also the type of partners your are seeking, if there is already a existing consortia with other partners and specially be focused on what activities the partners you are looking for would do in your project Brokerage Event: Peer learning for innovation agencies Brussels, February 15th 2017

18 ‘Excellent firms don't believe in excellence, only in constant improvement and constant change’.
Tom Peters TIPS Please explain clearly your project. You may know many details of your project idea but you should communicate them in a way easily understandable. Do not forget to include in which call you are going to submit the proposal Please indicate also the type of partners your are seeking, if there is already a existing consortia with other partners and specially be focused on what activities the partners you are looking for would do in your project Brokerage Event: Peer learning for innovation agencies Brussels, February 15th 2017

Next steps KEEP STRIVING FOR EXCELLENCE ELLABORATION OF AN ACTION PLAN BASED ON STRENGHTS AND OPPORTUNITIES FOR IMPROVEMENT EFQM GLOBAL EXCELLENCE AWARD TIPS Please explain clearly your project. You may know many details of your project idea but you should communicate them in a way easily understandable. Do not forget to include in which call you are going to submit the proposal Please indicate also the type of partners your are seeking, if there is already a existing consortia with other partners and specially be focused on what activities the partners you are looking for would do in your project Brokerage Event: Peer learning for innovation agencies Brussels, February 15th 2017

20 Interesting for other agencies:
As a structure to define and implement a consistent strategy. As a tool for self-assessment, by measuring how the organisation is performing, and helping to understand the gaps towards excellence in managing the implementation of strategy. As a tool for external assessment, e.g., for a group of agencies willing to start a joint learning and benchmarking process based on reciprocal assessments TIPS To make your project idea understandable for the public it would be good if you explain the origin of the idea. What problem you want to solve? What is the opportunity identified? Describe also very briefly the profile of your organisation. Potential partners should know your capabilities in advance. We suggest you to provide information about the activities of your organisation connected with the project proposal Brokerage Event: Peer learning for innovation agencies Brussels, February 15th 2017

21 Thank you for your attention!
Enrique Esteban Technology Transfer Manager Enterprise Europe Network Economic Development Agency of La Rioja (ADER) Government of La Rioja Tph: TIPS Include clearly your contact details Please specify the call you are going to present your project idea To make your project idea understandable it would be good if you explain the origin of the idea. What problem you want to solve? What is the opportunity identified Please explain clearly your project. You may know many details of your project idea but you should communicate them in a way easily understandable. Do not forget to include in which call you are going to submit the proposal Brokerage Event: Peer learning for innovation agencies Brussels, February 15th 2017

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