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Clay Throwing on the Wheel

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Presentation on theme: "Clay Throwing on the Wheel"— Presentation transcript:

1 Clay Throwing on the Wheel
Intro to Throwing Clay on the Wheel

2 STARTING Wedge at least 3 balls of clay of equal weight (softball size) Grab a bat, sponge, wire tool, bowl/bucket of water, needle tool, a rib, and wear a smock. Keep the wheel at a consistent speed. Lock your arms into your thighs

3 CENTERING Squeeze with both hands (formed like a C) to cone clay up
Keep LEFT hand as a C and “karate chop” with your RIGHT hand Let go slowly Repeat until it doesn’t wobble. wobbling = not centered

4 OPENING UP Pull towards your body (3 o’clock) from the center of clay with your 2 RIGHT fingers Repeat a couple of times Release slowly each time

5 PULL UP WALLS Rest your LEFT handed thumb on the bump of your RIGHT hand’s thumb Put your first and second fingers of your hands together Your LEFT hand fingers are inside your clay, the RIGHT are outside Slowly, pull up together with soft, even pressure at 3 o’clock Release slowly Compress the lid with a sponge Repeat several times (3-4) Finish rim with sponge. Use a fettling knife to get extra clay off base. Leave on bat to trim the next day.

6 Throwing on the Wheel Directions with Pictures

7 Miniature Hand Throwing
Lake Side Pottery Tips and Tutorials

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