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Minnesota’s Homeless Management Information System (HMIS)

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Presentation on theme: "Minnesota’s Homeless Management Information System (HMIS)"— Presentation transcript:

1 Minnesota’s Homeless Management Information System (HMIS)
ClientPoint Module – Services Data Entry 122

2 Materials All materials are available on
Helpful documents include: 2014 HUD Data Standards HMIS data entry and ART reporting instructions Required Workflow Documents For each funding source How to add a household member instructions Data Entry forms ( Also includes documents for each funding source If applicable: “Materials are listed in the order they appear in the webinar.” [Instruct users on where to locate needed documentation. Do not need to introduce the purpose of each handout; this is to make sure everyone has necessary documentation to follow video.] [For prerecorded webinars, recommend attendees pause the video here to collect and print materials.] These are three reports we reference in this webinar (HMIS Fundamentals). Annual Homeless Assessment Report (AHAR) Annual Support Plan Annual Homeless Service Use Report

3 Required Steps Workflow
Service-Based or Entry-Based Programs Service-Based ESP and HYA Shelter only - must record services for reporting; entry/exits not required Entry-Based HUD, ESG, LTH, FHPAP, THP, HTHP, HYA, SSVF, PATH Must record entry/exits for reporting (services still required for FHPAP, SSVF, and PATH) *won’t be discussed in this training, covered in “Intro to ClientPoint – Entry/Exit” training.

4 HMIS Data Entry Steps: Service-based programs (ESP, HYA Shelter)
Steps for all programs: Log on to ServicePoint Search for clients/create new records Go into backdate mode At Service Start: Set up a household Complete ROI/security information Complete assessments Enter service transactions Ongoing: End service transactions Run reports in ART


6 Logging On: Preferred Browsers
Chrome (best) Firefox (if you can’t use Chrome) Safari (if you can’t use Chrome) Don’t use IE (Internet Explorer) if possible If you must you IE, make sure it is version 9 Best not to use IE for reporting

7 1. Logging On: Website Address
(training site) (live site) Do not use an internet search engine to find the site - type it in. There are ServicePoint sites for other communities that look similar to Minnesota’s HMIS site Once you type the address in the first time, save it as a book mark

8 1. Logging On: Homepage Top section Left-hand section Center section
Backdate mode; ART Left-hand section ClientPoint (access data entry) and other modules Reports, “Last viewed,” “Favorites,” and Logout Use triangles: to expand, to minimize Center section News: click on a headline to see all details Follow-up list (THP programs)

9 1. Logging On: Homepage Last Viewed Favorites
Click on “last viewed” to see a list of clients you have previously viewed in your current session. If you have just logged in, this will be blank. Favorites Clicking on the star next to the client’s name selects them as a favorite. Use “favorites” to quickly access clients whose records you commonly use and would like to access from session to session.

10 2. Select the EDA Provider

11 2. Select the EDA Provider
When to use EDA Go into EDA mode to do client entry BEFORE searching for or entering a client into the system All data entry or updates should be done in EDA mode to the clients specific provider. Ask yourself “Which project provider am I doing data entry for”

12 2: Selecting the Right Provider
Review the provider naming convention. Agency Name or Abbreviation Activity Type CoC(s) of Service Funder* Funding Stream Optional: Funder project name, grantee, HUD # Optional: For agency use; name agency uses to reference provider (building number, location) (HMIS Provider ID) Example: AEOA-HP-SLC-HUD-ESG-St. Louis-Prevention (3675) *NPP indicates provider is non participating <> serves as a placeholder when a required component does not apply

13 2. Creating a New Client Record
Search first to see if your client is already in the system Enter name, name data quality, SSN, SSN data quality, and veteran status (18+) Check the list of possible matches If there is a match, click on the green plus sign If there is not a match, click “Add Client With This Information” Confirm backdate and go to Profile Tab to complete remaining demographics For anonymous clients (about 3% of all records): Enter Name data quality and SSN data quality as “refused” Click “Add As Anonymous Client” Confirm backdate and go to Profile Tab to complete demographics


15 4. Backdate Mode All information entered into ServicePoint is attached to a specific date. Backdate mode is used to set the date fields in the system to a date in the past. Tells the system that any data entered in backdate mode is current as of that date. Example: Today is April 15th. You are entering forms for a client who started your program on March 29th. Backdating to March 29th tells the system that the information was current as of that date.

16 4. Backdate Mode When to go into backdate mode?
Use built-in reminder pop-up. Whenever you go to a client’s record, a pop-up reminder will ask if you want to choose a backdate or stay at today’s date. Always ask yourself, “Which date do I need to use?”

17 4. Backdate Mode The date you use for backdate mode will usually be one of the following: The client’s program entry/service start date The client’s program exit date The client’s update date; often: Anniversary date Review date (3 month, 6 month, etc.) Last date of a reporting period. Further explanation of updates later on.

18 4. Backdate Mode: Date Icons
: “choose date” – brings up calendar : “clear date” : “set to current date These icons appear whenever you see a date field (not just in backdate mode)

19 4. Backdate Mode How do I know if I am in backdate mode?
You will see a yellow bar at the top of the screen. What happens if I forget to backdate? Information will show up as “missing” when you run your reports. The only way to fix this is to re-enter all of the data in backdate mode using the correct Date Effective. Don’t let this happen to you!

20 4. Backdate Mode How do I know if I am in backdate mode?
You will see a yellow bar at the top of the screen. What happens if I forget to backdate? Information will show up as “missing” when you run your reports. The only way to fix this is to re-enter all of the data in backdate mode. Don’t let this happen to you! When do I leave backdate mode? Only when you are completely finished with the client or household member’s record How do I leave backdate mode? Click on the next to the backdate Make sure to check the date and set a new backdate if needed for each new client you enter into the system

21 4. Backdate Mode Is there ever a time that I do not need to backdate?
You are just viewing client data You are entering data on the exact same day the client entered the program. Updates to the sub-assessments. Sub-assessments have a separate “Add” button that opens a pop-up and you can manually type in the date. You are updating client data before the end of the report period. You are completing DHS HTHP and HYA Outcomes Assessments after entry


23 5. Summary Tab First screen you will see when you enter a client record Summary page highlights client basics Name and demographics Release of Information Households Entry/exits Services

24 5. Summary Tab: Review Record
Review services, entry/exit dates Review household members Check if there is an ROI recorded for this client


26 Entry Step 1: Client Profile Tab
Enter additional demographic information on this tab: Date of birth Date of birth data quality Gender Race Ethnicity

27 Entry Step 1: Client Profile Tab: Organization
Client record This is the only place where the Name, SSN/SSN data quality, or Vet status can be updated. Click on the pencil to access. Client Demographics (system standard, not used much) Repeats information in the profile. Fields can be updated with the pencil, but it is faster to update in the Universal Profile section below. Universal Profile For entering, updating, or correcting demographics. If correcting data, click the green bar to the left of the data to delete any previous incorrect information.

28 Entry Step 1: Demographics Pointers
Date of birth is a required field If necessary, enter 01/01/(approximate year of birth) Enter “approximate or partial DOB reported” for data quality Name, SSN & DOB data quality Enter “refused” for anonymous clients and clients who refuse to provide a SSN/DOB. Client Doesn’t Know and Client Refused Use only if this is how the client responds Data Not Collected Use if question is not asked Will show as missing on reports. Update when you get info later

29 Entry Step 1: Demographic Pointers – Race and Ethnicity
Everyone needs both a Race AND an Ethnicity Standard race options Ethnicity options Hispanic Non-Hispanic If client selects Hispanic, they still need to chose a race Races 2-5 are optional If client does not identify as having more than one race, leave them blank

30 Entry Step 1: Client Profile: Optional sections
Client notes Add notes about the clients or data entry reminders for your own use File attachments Pictures, consent forms, etc. Client Incidents Record client incidents or bans

31 Entry Step 1 (continued): HOUSEHOLDS TAB

32 Entry Step 1: Creating a household
NOT required for single clients Basic Steps: From households tab, click “Start New Household” Specify household type Search for and add all household members (first pop-up) Search using name, name DQ, SSN, SSN DQ, and vet status Do not click “Continue” to the second pop-up until all members appear in the “selected clients” section. Add client demographics for other household members on the household pop-up, in the Universal Profile section.

33 Entry Step 1: Household Pointers
Skip this step if you are serving single clients on their own. Each household must have a head. Households can have both anonymous and identifiable clients. System allows for a client to be entered into multiple households in order to show changes over time

34 Entry Step 1: Managing Households
“Manage Household” button Click to make corrections, updates, to the household or client demographics Don’t use the red “remove” button unless directed to by Wilder. If household has changed since last served, create a new household “Household History Report” button shows household changes over time (type, members, relationship, etc.)

35 Entry Step 1: Managing Households
Switching between household members’ records You may wish to go into another household member’s record to view or update their information To do this, click on a household member’s name from the households tab, OR Use drop-down list at the top of the screen to switch between household members’ records


37 Entry Step 2: ROI Tab Only for agencies that share HMIS client records with other agencies ROI’s are recorded as a visual indicator that your client has agreed to share data with another agency. Update ROIs when they expire Contact Wilder to review your security or if you would like to talk about sharing data Don’t demo ROI in training to save time

38 Entry Step 2: ROI/Security: Data Privacy
Know your padlocks: Red padlock = client data can only be seen by users with access at that provider level Red padlock w/exclamation point = Client data is shared with another provider. Could indicate sharing within your own agency (common) or sharing with another agency (less common). Green padlock = client data can be seen by anyone in Minnesota with a ServicePoint license (call Wilder immediately) Take break after this slide.

39 Entry Step 3: ASSESSMENT TAB

40 Entry Step 3: Assessments Tab
Service-based programs (ESP, HYA Shelter) complete assessments in the assessments tab Select an assessment from the drop-down list and click “Submit” to view questions MN: ESP All-Inclusive MN: OEO HYA Shelter Assessment Use the drop-down at the top of the screen to switch between household members’ records.


42 Assessment Questions: Universal/Funder Specific*
Universal (All Funders) LTH HUD, ESG, SSVF Relationship to Head of Household Residence Information Rapid Rehousing Projects Current Residence Residential Move-In Date Health Insurance Housing Cost Homeless Prevention Projects Disability of Long Duration Question Housing Subsidy Housing Assessment at Exit Disability Sub-assessment PATH Veteran Status Connection to SOAR Foster Care/Domestic Violence (Yes/No) Income Information FHPAP & PATH Non-Cash Benefits Housing Status Housing Situation * Detailed instruction in funder specific workflows. Chronic Homelessness Questions


44 Service Transactions*
Required for ESP, FHPAP, PATH, and SSVF Basic Steps Click Service Transactions tab ESP and FHPAP: Click “Multiple Services” PATH and SSVF: Click “Add Service” Check boxes next to other household members’ names Complete service transaction information Click “Save” or “Add Another” No longer required for HUD or LTH clients starting the program on or after July 1, 2011 – but remember to end services at exit if they are still open!

45 Service Transactions (ESP and FHPAP)
Start and end dates must coincide with the time the client was in the program FHPAP Provider must match the provider selected for the program entry/exit Start/end dates can’t go beyond program entry/exit dates FHPAP services must pick from accepted list of financial services Case management and other supportive services not required after 7/1/2013 Source is required Amount is only required if there is a cost for the service (ex. Rental Assistance)

46 Service Transactions – PATH and SSVF
Include all household members unless service is only for one particular member. Use “Add Service Button” PATH: record 1 outreach service at initial contact All other PATH services recorded after enrollment Record ALL services provided Two-Step process Select Service type and save Select Specific Service for funding type SSVF: Choose Type of SSVF Service If Financial service, include type and amount


48 Exiting Clients: Ending Services
Basic Steps End all service transactions (ESP, FHPAP, PATH, SSVF) HUD, ESG LTH, THP –check for and end any open service transactions. Services were required in the past for these programs and may still be open. Ending services can be done through Summary tab OR Service Transactions tab: Click either “View Entire Service History” or “View Previous Service Transactions” Then click “Services” tab (caution: the system will not default to the Services tab! You must click it)! PATH: Click referral sub-tab to complete open referrals and record outcome Put an end date on all open services On or before exit date


50 Searching for an Existing Client Record
Option 1: Global Search (fastest) Access from any section of the system Type a client name or ID number into the search bar Option 2: ClientPoint Click on “ClientPoint” module Search by client name (top section) or ID number (second section)

51 Looking up client records
Global Search Type in client name or ID number “Favorites” Section Clients carry over from session to session “Last viewed” Section Only displays clients viewed in the current session ClientPoint Search by name or client ID

52 Question History Question history shows: To view question history:
Which HMIS user at your agency answered the question The date the response was accurate for (i.e., the backdate) How the client responded to the question To view question history: Click the colored bar to the left of any question A pop-up will open showing what day the response was recorded Most often the day should match the program entry date (entry- based programs) or service start date (service-based programs)

53 Entry/Exit Tab vs. Assessment Tab
For Entry Based Programs only Use when entering program entry data or exit data Use when viewing entry or exit data Use when correcting entry or exit data Assessment Tab ESP use when entering all client assessment data PATH, HTHP, and HYA use to complete certain assessments All programs: Use to make mid-program updates Use to correct mid-program updates Use to review complete record in “live mode”

54 Backdating: Entry/Exit Tab, Assessment Tab, Sub-Assessments
No need to backdate. All items here are stamped with the entry or exit date (depending on which you are editing) Assessment Tab: Backdating is necessary when entering or editing data Unless you are making updates before the end of the report period. Don’t backdate if just viewing the client’s record Sub-Assessment Places where you click “Add” to include additional information (disability, income, non-cash benefits, Residence – LTH only). No need to backdate when entering or editing information

55 Basic Entry/Exit Data Correction
Correcting Data – For Service-Based Programs Determine the date the error is associated with: Service Start, Service End, or Update date Backdate to the appropriate date Go to the Assessment Tab and select the funder-specific assessment Answer the question with the correct response The process is the same for data entered incorrectly or not entered at all SAVE! Click the colored bar to review the history of a question Delete any incorrect answers Two different answers on the same date Right answer on the wrong date Wrong answer on the right date

56 Remember: Before you log on…
Checklist: Data privacy notice posted Client consent form for each person (even if unsigned) All necessary data entry forms “Required steps for HMIS” cheat sheet specific to your funding source Any other instruction documents you may need

57 Resource Recap HMIS newsletter HMIS website (
Read immediately – only sent on an as-needed basis HMIS website ( Newly updated “Help for Users” section Data entry forms and instructions Webinars (located in System News) Funder-specific updates and details Data check reports Helpline ( or phone) M-F, 8:30-4:30

58 THANK YOU FOR WATCHING! For Help Consult online help (
Call or the Helpdesk (Available: 8:30-4:30 M-F) (651) 1(855) and ask for HMIS Helpdesk Please use client ID number and initials instead of name in correspondence LSA Contact?

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