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STANDS Launch Event and Critical Appraisal Workshop

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1 STANDS Launch Event and Critical Appraisal Workshop
Welcome from John Loy Sarah Lewis Natalie Gabe Chris Johns

2 Program Coffee and Registration Welcome and Intro (All) Ice breaker – What one thing do you want from the group? Who would you most like to invite to a dinner party? (NG) Aims and TOR (CJ) LIS-STANDS – membership and use Feedback from Knowledge Café (CJ) Format and frequency of group meetings Shared space & ideas discussion via list Blog/file share platform KSS example (function, spec, limits) Feedback from SMN’s Dotocracy 11.30 – STEP Program update (SL) 11.50 – National Training Needs Analysis (TNA) for NHS library staff (JL) STandS CPD? – Value & Impact, Webex/Social Media, Marketing, Shadowing Lunch 13.00 – Synthesis workgroup initiation- based on Mike Rodham’s model (SL) Outline of model Volunteers to facilitate/co-ordinate small groups 13.15– Critical Appraisal Training: Challenges, Solutions and Tips (BJ & JH) 15.15 – Sum up, dates for regional meetings and close (ALL)

3 Ice breaker What one thing do you want from the group and who would you most like to invite to a dinner party? On a post it note write down one thing you want from the STandS group. These will be added to the ‘Car Park’ and comments collated and responded to. Put your name on the back if a direct response required.

4 Aims and TOR LIS-STANDS – membership and use Purpose of the group To be a community of practice that shares ideas and best practice to establish common standards, develops skills and expertise and supports library staff to deliver high quality training and literature searches. Terms of reference - to be added to the HEE Library & Knowledge Services website

5 Aims To benchmark our services, develop KPI’s and use the value and impact toolkit to showcase the impact that training and literature search skills have. To create shared marketing and promote tools that can be customised and used by all. To learn from each other about approaches to literature searching and training via meetings, peer support, discussion list and online repository. To act as a source of advice about literature searching and training to the wider NHS South network. To further develop synthesis and summarising skills so that all library staff are confident and able to deliver searches to support clinical and management decision making. To provide CPD opportunities for the members of the group. CPD will include training but also other ways of developing in role, for example, job-shadowing or buddying-up. In conjunction with local experts, maintain an overview of e-resource management in order to facilitate timely problem solving.

6 Structure, membership, accountability
The group will be initially co-chaired by Sarah Lewis and Chris Johns for a period of 2 years. Subsequently the chair of the group will be selected by the group members for a period of 12 months. Membership of the group will be open to anyone in the South whose role includes (or it is anticipated will include) the creation of literature searches and/or the delivery of training. LKS staff from other regions in England will be welcome to be part of the shared discussion list and can attend face-to-face meetings as observers. The group will meet 3 times a year. There will be a workshop for all across the South, and 2 local regional meetings in SW and TVW. The regional meetings will use the same agenda. Webinars will be scheduled as required. Strong communication links will be established with the SERC group and the CPD group. The group will report back to LKS managers in the South via the strategic management network with an annual report in April.

7 Feedback from Knowledge Café

8 Feedback from Knowledge Café
Format and frequency of group meetings: Once a year summer group event Regional joint meeting spring and/or Autumn Ad hoc webex on specific topics Shared space & ideas discussion via list – subject prefix for topic – SEARCH, TRAIN or SYNTH Join at Google LIS-STANDS Blog/file share platform KSS example (function, spec, limits) – volunteers for testing? Looking at NHS Networks, Google Sites and Lib Guides.

9 Feedback from SMN’s Dotocracy
The results from the SMN dotocracy exercise showing where LKS managers feel the priorities for collaboration should be are: Number of dots  Ways we can collaborate 7 Share training guides/lesson plans/study skills exercises  for L2 and L3. Adaptable training guides and PPT presentations. Share literature search results e.g. via KnowledgeShare 3 Synthesis and summarising as a learning process Critical appraisal toolkit 1 Social media guru Consider other areas for collaboration and share via discussion thread.

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