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INDEX Sl. No. Contents Page No. 1 Introduction 2

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1 INDEX 3 4 5 6 Sl. No. Contents Page No. 1 Introduction 2
Meaning of CCE 4 Objectives of CCE Principles of CCE 5 Importance of CCE 6 Advantages & Disadvantage of CCE 7 Conclusion 8 Bibliography

2 Introduction CCE is and education system newly introduced by central Board of Secondary Education in India for Students of sixth to tenth grades. The main aim of CCE is to evaluate every aspect of the child during their presence at the School. This is believed to help reduce the pressure on the Child during before examinations as the Student will have to sit for multiple tests thought the year of which no test or the syllabus covered will be repeated at the end of the year, whatsoever. The CCE method is claimed to bring enormous changes from the traditional chalk and talk method of teaching. Provide it is implemented accurately.

3 Meaning of CCE

4 Objectives of CCE To help develop cognitive, Psychomotor & affective Skills. To lay emphasis on thought process and de-emphasis memorization. To make evaluation an integrate part of teaching –learning process. To use evaluation for improvement of Student’s achievement and teaching-learning. strategies on the basis of regular diagnosis followed by remedial instruction.

5 Principles of CCE 1. Every teacher a CCE teacher
The guiding principle indicates that teachers are in the best position to lead and uphold core values. The collective and individual example of teachers as good adult role model served as illustrating and embodying the best expression of adult living. In additions, teachers are able to create learning opportunities, derived from classroom incidents, simulations to shape and instill every student the core values.

6 2. Values are both taught and caught
The guiding principle includes intuitive response to an individual situation – values been caught. For example, if fight breaks out just before class begins, the teacher has to respond to that unplanned situation. The teacher can then use that opportunity to bring the involved students to reconcile and make responsible decision. Values are caught when students see values lived out of different learning experiences, first in the role models and significant adults to them, then in their lives. This principle also highlighted to me that the teaching of values should not simply depend on ad hoc situations – rather the whole class needs to make responsible decision making after kinds of painful conflicts or misunderstandings. Such learning can be planned for the whole class and need not depend on haphazard instances in which only a few students are involved. This principle also accepts teaching of values by example. I believe strongly that the example of adults who exhibit positive values is the best way to teach values.

7 3. Engaging students through varied modes of delivery
The guiding principle urges that, where appropriate, the nurturing of values be echoed or repeatedly dealt in varied modes of delivery such as instruction, skill practice, role modeling by teachers or peers, positive reinforcement during lesson time and teachable moments. I believe that such repetition by varied modes of delivery will mutually reinforce, from class to class, the learning being sought. For example, a student who hears of the injurious effects of racial tension in his or her science, literature and social studies classes, during CCAs and National Education events is more likely to grasp that notion than if only one teacher dealt with it. This implies that there is some planning going on between teachers of various subjects and committees for the same cohort for such mutually reinforcing classroom learnings.

8 4. Parents as key partners
Teachers can suffer frustrations in trying to develop positive values in students when their parents teach quite the opposite values at home. Example of such conflicts include racial stereotyping, alcohol abuse, dishonesty, environmental issues. Teachers need to enlist the support of parents right from the start. The skillful teacher will go beyond simply informing parents of his or her efforts in the classroom. The teacher will suggest a series of exercises or discussions at home that parallel what is being treated in the classroom, and provide parents a list of suggestions for ways to reinforce what is being taught in school. In those cases where parents disagree with a position the teacher might take, they would communicate that to the teacher and indicate how they deal with that issue with their child. As long as such disagreements can be discussed and dealt with in an adult, reasonable way, those very disagreements may help the child see more clearly the values that are at stake.

9 Importance of CCE CCE helps reducing stress of Students. Improve the students academic achievement (performance) These system aim is all over development of student’s personality. Due to globalization department of Education focus on development of all over personality and skill. Reduce the work load on students and improve his / her over all skills.

10 Advantages of CCE Reduce stress on student can complete project or Formative and Summative Assessment. The CCE system also focuses on develop student’s personality which helps student identify in global. He can take decisions what is wrong and what is right.

11 Disadvantages of CCE “Grading System” because for example students that score between 90 & 100 on A+ marks respectively will still both attain an A+ No one can judge who is deserve 90 who is deserve 100. Students will take studies casually and secondary. Major problem a percentile mark has been introduced by the board. Assessment and other Co-Curriculum activities is too much time consuming and expensive assignments and projects. Students are busy completes lots of project work, they have’t sufficient reading time.

12 Conclusion Bibilography
Evaluation is a internal part of teaching and learning their can be teaching without evaluation it as included Quality and Quantity of learning evaluation is used find out LSRW and it used to develop competitive spirit in the society. Bibilography Sl. No Authors Name Subject Titl Page.NO 1 - 2 of cce. com 3 www. Objectives of 4 The Editor DIET Darwad Life Education-2013

13 Thank you

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