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Update on developments and Revised Outcome Plan

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1 Update on developments and Revised Outcome Plan
Supporting Families : Update on developments and Revised Outcome Plan

2 Purpose of the briefing
To update on the expanded programme and the revised Outcome Plan To provide an understanding of the financial modelling and what that means to Northumberland To provide understanding of how it fits with wider transformation in children’s services To help people understand how they can contribute

3 Recap ‘Troubled Families Programme’ announced in 2010
‘Live’ since April 2012 Target to ‘turn around’ 120,000 families with complex needs About doing things differently

4 2015 onwards Target an additional 400k families nationally
Targeting families before they reach ‘crisis point’ with multiple high cost problems Provide data about families to evaluate the effectiveness of the programme More emphasis on service transformation 2,120 families for Northumberland A broader range of problems, 2 of 6 problems to be identified Two Employment Advisors from JCP

5 The money bit….. Service Transformation Fee £200,000
For each family we identify-£1000 For each family we evidence a ‘sustained and significant’ outcome for-£800 580 to be ‘attached’ for 16/17 Minimum of 380 successful outcomes required in 16/17 Total possible income this year £1,134,000

6 How are we using the money?
Intensive Family Support Workers Early Help Coordinators Admin support for the Hubs Additional performance support Commissioning additional capacity from the VCS Additional support for young people not in education, employment and training (NEET)

7 School Nursing Service Early Help Team
Health Visiting Teams School Nursing Service Early Help Team Disabled Children Team Adult Social Care Schools Northumberland Adolescent Service Children and Young People's Service VCS Organisations Job Centre Plus Inclusion Service Children's Centres Supporting Families is an umbrella programme which identifies families working with these services Children's Social Care Locality Teams Primary Mental Health Teams Educated Other Than At School Early Help Locality Teams

8 How we are identifying families?
Hub referrals Internal systems (ICS, Early Help Module) Online identification form for supporting families In the future the plan will be to streamline with new SPA so that we can identify at front door

9 Outcome Plan At least 2 of 6 issues across multiple family members Parents and children involved in crime or anti social behaviour Children who have not been attending school regularly Children who need help Adults out of work/at risk of financial exclusion/young people at risk of worklessness Families affected by domestic violence and abuse Parents and children with a range of health problems

10 Outcome Plan Two ways to determine ‘success’:
The family achieves significant and sustained progress in every identified area of need, or An adult in the family moves off benefits and into continuous employment

11 Outcome Plan Focuses on outcomes (measurable change), aiming for ‘sustained and significant progress’ A revised Outcome Plan is now in place and is being promoted through events across the county Simplified it, made it easier for lead professionals what is expected

12 Parents and children with a range of health problems
Northumberland Alcohol Harm Reduction Strategy (Young People) Achieving Health and Wellbeing in Northumberland – April 2014 Strategy for Improving the Emotional Health and Wellbeing of Children and Young People in Northumberland 2015 – 2020 Northumberland Joint Strategic Needs Assessment Executive Summary February 2012 Indicator Significant and Sustained Outcome Period Source An adult who has parenting responsibilities or a child, with mental health problems. An adult with parenting responsibilities or a child, with a drug or alcohol problem. A new mother who has a mental health or substance misuse problem and other health factors associated with poor parenting and/or is receiving a relevant service Adults with parenting responsibilities or children, who are nominated by a professional as having mental health or physical health problems of equivalent concern to the indicators above. This may include unhealthy behaviours resulting in problems such as obesity, malnutrition or diabetes. Families where a child has had a baby tooth removed because of tooth decay. Evidence of engagement with relevant health service and improvement in condition resulting in discharge from service or ongoing support if required due to long term condition. 6 months Worker Report Outcome Star (Physical Health: 7 Your Wellbeing: 7 Meeting emotional needs: 8) f. Families where there is a teenage pregnancy (mother or father). No repeat birth 36 months Children’s Centre


14 Data Requirements In order to claim success for a family we must have:
Evidence that the family was eligible, and Evidence that every indicator has a ‘Significant and Sustained’ Outcome and evidence of that outcome. Services will need to provide some of this information, particularly around health outcomes

15 Challenges Access to data
Verifying soft outcomes e.g. health (reliance on lead professional report) Attendance - being looked at by DCLG Progress to work - must happen regardless of benefit type / family circumstances Early Help Assessment process (notification of closure, hand over to new lead professional and outcomes achieved)

16 How do you contribute? Using the Outcome Framework in your assessment and planning Ensuring your Hub Referrals are completed in full, highlighting the key issues for the family Completing EHA registrations and closures and sending Early Help Hub Admin all other necessary information

17 Exercise In groups: Using the outcome plan think of one or two families you are working with: Where there is one outstanding issue - what will you do with the family to improve this? How do you ensure the actions for the family are linked to the Outcome Plan How will you demonstrate these outcomes have been achieved? (15 minutes discussion, 15 minutes feedback)

18 Troubled Families Employment Advisor Offer

19 Purpose of the adviser role
Increase the ability to share data; providing confirmation of benefits in payment and progressions back to work. Provide joined up service for families to access mainstream training opportunities and address gaps in provision. Give you the tools to understand DWP business & embed employability at every contact with families. Upskill JCP staff on NCC services/structure/support/processes Work directly with families to move them closer to the labour market and back into employment.

20 How we can help Mediate with local Jobcentre Work Coaches, Benefit Centres and also HMRC (Needs Enhance Support Team) for Ch. Ben. / CTC. Provide intelligence regarding benefit claim status, last payments received, Work Focused Interview obligations, changes in circs. Support to improve or construct CV’s, provide covering letters, interview coaching, signposting to training, work experience, volunteering and personal development. NEET prevention (in conjunction with Learning & Skills), referrals to provision (contracted/non-contracted) Liaison with Partner Organisations e.g. VCS. Additions to EHM/ChildView/Asset+ : supporting Outcome Plan measures and YJB Quality Screening (E2E support given).

21 DWP & the Work Coaches within Jobcentre Plus, fully support the aims within the Outcome Plan.e.g. easements to Claimant Commitments. Work Coaches have direct links to agencies, organisations and programmes/measures that can help address many family issues.


23 Supporting Families Contacts
Helen Lancaster - Supporting Families Coordinator Telephone: Andrew McKirgan - Senior Performance Development Officer Telephone:

24 Troubled Families Advisers Contacts
David Hogg Youth Offending Team (NAS) Tel: Mobile: Andrew Hall Family Recovery Programme Tel: / Mobile:

25 Questions

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