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eTwinning Ambassador (Latvia)

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Presentation on theme: "eTwinning Ambassador (Latvia)"— Presentation transcript:

1 ICT tools 27.07.2017 Anna Beļska,
eTwinning Ambassador (Latvia) English Teacher at J.Pilsudska Daugavpils State Polish Gymnasium

2 Workshop aim Workshop objectives
to acquire new skills & ideas for using ICT tools in teaching Workshop objectives The participants will: 3. explore useful online resources and websites for teaching; 2. revise ICT language needed to work with a range of technologies for lesson preparation; discuss skills necessary for 21st century education.

3 My background 2 week ICT courses:
Using Technology in Teaching, 2015, Cardiff UK ICT for Teaching, 2016, Jaen Spain ICT tools for eTwinning Ambassadors, 2016, Rhodes Greece Erasmus+ KA1&KA2 project author, implementator, coordinator and participant Erasmus+ Mobility for Traineeship participant eTwinning ambassador Participant of Comenius and Gruntving projects

4 Your background YES NO Who uses technology in the classroom every day?
Who is an advanced technology user? Who has participated in Erasmus+ projects/mobilities/courses? Who is a teacher of English? Who has done eTwinning projects? Who is registered in eTwinning? Who thinks that Erasmus+ and eTwinning bring collaboration and project-based learning to schools?

5 What is the 21st century education?

6 Word cloud TASK Go to: and write 3 words you assosiate with 21st century education Our created word cloud here Tool for making your own word cloud and other interactive presentations:


8 Which of these pictures does decribe Latvia best in your opinion?
Image choice Which of these pictures does decribe Latvia best in your opinion? TASK to vote go to: Voting results here: Tool: Mentimeter

9 Useful Websites for Teaching

10 Speed Match, Jeopardy game;
Seating Chart Maker, Group Maker, Random Name Generator, Classroom timer&Countdown, Interactive Dices, Online Spinner, Interactive game "Who wants to be a millionaire?", QR island

11 Jeopardy game Tutorial to Jeopardy game:
TASK Play Jeopardy game here

12 Revision of ICT language
TASK The game on ICT tools, computer vocabulary and collocations here Prize for the winners here


14 TASK A sample quizlet:
Quizlet makes simple learning tools that let you study anything. Start learning today with flashcards, games and learning tools — all for free. TASK A sample quizlet:

15 TASK Watch the video and do the quiz here provides educational resources for English as a Second Language Students to improve their listening, speaking, grammar, and vocabulary skills.  TASK Watch the video and do the quiz here

LyricsTraining is the new way to learn English and other languages through music and the lyrics of your favourite songs TASK Go to and find the song “We don’t talk anymore” by Charlie Puth & Selena Gomez, choose the level “Beginner” and train the song vocabulary.

17 TASK Play the game here
Create and share multimedia Educational Activities TASK Play the game here

18 TASK Try the game out here

19 Technology is a tool, not a learning outcome

20 Do we remember?

21 Results of the workshop
Reflect on the objectives you have obtained during this workshop and vote. You can choose more than 1 option. Go to: Voting results here

22 Resources used in this workshop
Presentations of PDW in Rhodes What is 21st Century Education? Teacher trainer’s website Websites:

23 Thank you for your attention!

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