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Teacher/Student Introductions

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Presentation on theme: "Teacher/Student Introductions"— Presentation transcript:

1 Teacher/Student Introductions
Seating Chart Choose your seat, WISELY!

2 Introduction to English
Mr. Larson Ms. Gabriel

3 Homework: English Supplies
Folder Notebook Blue or Black pen Pencil Highlighter Access to Collab.

4 The Three R’s RESPECT!!!! Now you’ve done it! The Classroom
Other Students Yourself! Now you’ve done it! Warning Out of the room! Detention + Phone call Student Services

5 Grammar Parts of Speech Nouns Verbs Adjectives Adverbs Pronouns
Conjunctions Interjections This will only be taught on Fridays!

6 Writing Always bring your composition notebook!!!! Sentences
Types and Structure Paragraphs Essays a minimum of (3) five paragraph themes

7 Novels Flowers for Algernon The Old Man and the Sea The Hobbit
Daniel Keyes The Old Man and the Sea Ernest Hemingway The Hobbit J.R.R. Tolkien The Call of the Wild Jack London The Outsiders S.E. Hinton A Non-Fiction Novel from our selection

8 Drama William Shakespeare A Midsummer Night’s Dream Play Format
Acts, Scenes, etc. Staging Performance?

9 Short Story Reading Comprehension Plotline Literary Elements
Setting, Conflict, etc. Literary Elements i.e., Irony

10 Mythology Read myths from a variety of cultures
Become familiar with the different types of: Heroes Supernatural forces Monsters Values/Morals

11 Poetry Types of Poetry Literary Elements Haiku Cinquain Memory Bio
Hyperbole Onomatopoeia

12 Grading and Homework Everyone has a chance to get an “A”.
Scale: percentage based on points. Everyone should get at least a “C”. School View Moodle

13 Summer Reading 5 pts. – Due Friday
Each student was supposed to read one of these novels: Enders Game The Raft Okay for Now Lost in the Sun Small as an Elephant Each student will need to create (3) questions from their novel. Each question will be written separately on a note card. (Title of novel provided) Please provide the answer on the back of the card.

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