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Trivium Charter High School

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1 Trivium Charter High School

2 topics Graduation Requirements UC/CSU Requirements
Courseload and Schedule Course Delivery Options Teacher, Student, and Parent Responsibilities Academic Support and Extracurricular Opportunities WASC Accreditation Questions and Feedback

3 Graduation Requirements
High School Subject Minimum Graduation Requirements UC/CSU Additional Minimum Requirements English/Language Arts 40 credits – 4 years 4 years of college preparatory English composition/literature World History 10 credits – 1 year Same as graduation requirement* U.S. History Government 5 credits – 1 semester Same as graduation requirement Economics None may satisfy portion of the elective/”g” requirement Mathematics 30 credits – 3 years Including Algebra I 3 years (algebra I and II, geometry), 4 years recommended Life Science 2 years of laboratory science* Physical Science Language Other Than English or Visual /Performing Arts or CTE 2 years of the same language*, ASL accepted, and 1 yearlong Visual/Performing Arts course Electives 90 credits 1 year from any area on “a-g” course list Total High School Units 220 credits 15 yearlong courses are required with grade of C or better*

4 What will my schedule and courseload look like???
Courses and Schedule Typical Semester = 30 credits/5 or 6 courses Rule of thumb: 1 hour+/course/day = 6 hour school day ACE Days (3 classes): Fulfill English, Science and History graduation requirements “a-g” – English, Science, and History courses Non-ACE Day Courses (2 or 3 classes): *Community College Course 3+ credits = 10 high school credits = 2 home-study courses Math (5 credits) Elective/VPA/LOTE(5 credits) Elective/VPA/LOTE (5 credits) Year 2 – 2016/17 Year 3 – 2017/18 Year 4 – 2018/19 World Literature American Literature English World History Physical Science Gov/Econ PPG US History Elective Year 1 – 2019/2020 Ancient Literature Biology Elective

5 Non-ACE day Classes Course delivery options
Math Curriculum Aleks math Thinkwell Fuel Ed (UC/CSU - a-g approved) Time4Learning Math U See Teaching Textbooks Saxon Math Community College (UC/CSU - a-g approved) Trivium Connect Elective Curriculum eDynamic Learning (5 credit courses) (UC/CSU - a-g approved) (28 courses) Fuel Education (5 credit courses) (UC/CSU - a-g approved) 3D Art-Modeling Computer Literacy Game Design Web Design (a-g approved)

6 Non-ace day COURSE DELIVERY OPTIONS, cont’d
Electives continued— Rosetta Stone (UC/CSU – a-g approved) (10 credits) Spanish 1 Spanish 2 Foundations in Personal Finance – Ramsey Solutions (5 credit course) Geography – Mapping the World by Heart (10 credit course) Intro to Automotive – Auto Upkeep/Basic Car Care, Maintenance and Repair 4-H Curriculum Equine Science Entomology Health Painting, Printing and Graphic Design Driver Ed (2.5 credit course) Leadership/Ag Leadership Self-Designed Courses Teacher Assistant or Office Aide*

7 Non-ace day COURSE DELIVERY OPTIONS, cont’d
Electives continued— Community College (UC/CSU - a-g) Allan Hancock - College Now! – 11th and 12th graders, 9th and 10th graders upon appeal Cuesta - Enrichment Program – grades 6-8 and 9-12 SBCC – Dual Enrollment – grades 9-12 Transferable courses receive honors weight in the GPA calculation. (5.0 scale) ((UC/CSU) at the end of course description) Courses may satisfy a-g requirements. C or better in a 3-semester unit transferable college course. 3+ credit semester college course = 10 high school credits (one year) Enrollment fee/Tuition is waived Student/Family is responsible for registration fees (approx. $20) Textbook and/or course material costs will be reimbursed given receipt and student passing the class CASE Day Elective(s) On campus class on a non-ACE day 2.5/5 unit elective course TBD

8 Non-ace day option (students do not attend ace days)
All course work is completed through home-study, community college, self-designed/community based and CASE day elective classes. Meet regularly with teacher to monitor progress, discuss coursework, complete paperwork and address needs.

9 teacher, student, and parent responsibilities
Assign a body of work to be completed (ACE days vs. Home-study) Evaluate work in a timely manner Notify family of academic credit granted for work completed Student Complete all course work outlined in the master agreement and as assigned Parent Monitor/verify all subjects studied on a daily basis, at minimum. Involvement may also include course design, instruction, grading of work, etc. Master Agreement

10 Academic support and Extra-Curricular activities
Extended Day – “4th Block” ACE days 2:30 pm – 3:15 pm Academic Support (1st and 2nd ACE day/week) and Extra-curricular (2nd day) Academic Support 4th Block FEV Tutoring – Online Tutoring Non-ACE day math support Intervention Programs – APP and TIP Extra-curricular Activities ASB Spirit days, talent show, spelling bee, book sale, murder mystery, and more FFA Ag class Meetings, leadership conferences, contests, conventions, Local, sectional, regional, state, national High School students Yearbook Thursday Clubs Sports* Field Trips High School Student Gatherings

11 Western Association of Schools and Colleges
Wasc accreditation Western Association of Schools and Colleges Why? Facilitates transfer of credits to other schools Validates integrity of school’s program and transcripts worldwide for university acceptance Required criteria for the submission of “a-g” course Initial Accreditation – Summer 2013 Self-Study Visit/Accreditation Review – Spring 2016 Commission Meeting – June 2016 We were granted a 6 year term with a mid-term visit!!!

12 Questions, Feedback, etc.
For more information about our High School Program, please contact our High School Director, Dani Pearce, at For answers concerning enrollment, please

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