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Romford Market Transformation Programme

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1 Romford Market Transformation Programme
Over 50’s Forum 14th March 2017 Suzanne Lansley, Projects and Programmes Manager and Lindsay Hondebrink, Interim Business Development Manager

2 Today’s objectives Overview of market transformation programme and the vison for the market Overview of the physical works development Overview of the business growth project Market management update

3 4 Themes of Market Transformation
Business growth Operational management Physical transformation – improved use of space Branding, identity and vision

4 Vision for the Market “To transform Romford Market, create a new heart of the town in the Market Place and enable growth…” a higher quality, more diverse product offer retain current customers..but attract new customer demographics – overall increase in footfall provide new places to eat, drink and socialise ….a catalyst for additional investment in the town

5 Market Place Layout

6 Market House evocative of a ‘market house’
characterful roof profile that matches that of the nearby Church House. open frame on the first floor provides a framework for integrated canopies. Highly durable material Machined Not cladding

7 Images of Market House

8 What will be there? Catering – pop ups and semi-permanent
Space for events and activities New Trees and planters A safe place to play Permanent and moveable seating An accessible sensory experience Following review of the concept design, the new market square has been extended to cover the whole width of the Market Place in the area in front of the Church and moving down to encompass the boundary with South Street. Previously, the design incorporated parking along the southern side of the west end on non-market days. We have moved away from this idea to allow the creation of a safe, pedestrian space which encourages people to dwell, socialise and play. The space will be framed at the Eastern End by the new market building, in whatever form that takes, which will provide a natural boundary to the area. Seating from the building will spill out into the Market Square, and will be surrounded on the opposite side by semi-permanent and pop up food and drink options which will complement the anchor tenant which occupies the building – offering a variety of options for people to choose from and also adding vibrancy and colour through carefully selected high quality providers with their own individualistic or quirky outlets and stalls.

9 What will it be used for? A meeting place –socialising, eating
Organised performance, events and activities Hosting visiting and seasonal markets A gateway to the Church - weddings, funerals Informal group gatherings On market days, stalls will sit alongside and around the Market Square, adding interest and theatre to the area. Relaxation, extending out from the churchyard – or interest and buzz sitting next to the bustling market. Clear sight lines in either direction. An activities programme Informal activities for ad hoc groups Incidental play for all ages An adaptable space fit to host large scale public events, and visiting and seasonal markets The Market Square will be an inclusive and accessible space that can be used by both existing visitors to the market, and also as a destination for new visitors. Safe space to play whilst parents relax, sit and perhaps enjoy a drink or something to eat will support the vision to draw young families to the market during daytime hours during the week. A relaxed, vibrant atmosphere with wifi connectivity, comfortable seating and a diverse food offer aims to draw in young professionals and local workers later into the afternoon and evening – capturing the potential which exists for engaging the new residents who will be taking advantage of new properties available to rent or buy around the town centre, as part of the Romford Housing Zone. At weekends the space is large enough to support a range of different user groups, including extended families, social groups of friends of all ages, and visitors from others areas who have come to see what Romford has to offer. Play

10 Construction procurement
Programme – key dates April- May 2017 Construction procurement Summer 2017 Start on site Spring/Summer 2018 Completion AUGUST 2016 Construction Project Manager Appointed GLA MDAG review SEPTEMBER 2016 RIBA stage 3 sign off OCTOBER 2016 Planning application submitted Market trial layout begins DECEMBER 2016 Construction procurement FEBRUARY 2017 RIBA stage 4 (technical design) completed MAY 2017 Start on site MARCH 2018 Completion

11 Business Growth Business Growth Milestones
Annual Events Programme (and Review) Footfall Counters Installed Market Perception Research Growth Strategy Agreed New Brand and Identity Town Centre WiFi Business Support Programme

12 Operational Management
Highly experienced new Market Manager appointed in January 2017 New Traders Panel – improved governance to strengthen engagement and communication Review of operations underway – stall set-up and breakdown, utilities Options analysis for new stall infrastructure and implementation Trader incentive scheme during construction phase to support retention and recruitment Trader pledge – raising the quality standard John – previously managed Barking market. Branding and marketing being reviewed and a new programme of events and publicity to be devised. Reviewing Social Media usage to improve profile with positive images and comments. Analysis of existing traders to identify gaps and opportunities for growth

13 Further Information Suzanne Lansley, Projects and Programmes Manager
  Lindsay Hondebrink, Interim Business Development Manager John – previously managed Barking market. Branding and marketing being reviewed and a new programme of events and publicity to be devised. Reviewing Social Media usage to improve profile with positive images and comments. Analysis of existing traders to identify gaps and opportunities for growth

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