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Presented by: University of Rochester Medical Center

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1 Presented by: University of Rochester Medical Center
Down Time Rhapsody Presented by: University of Rochester Medical Center Project Overview – Dave Niggli, Project Lead Technical - Chris Van Vranken, Programmer

2 Summary

3 URMC Current Annual Volume
Clinical Pathology 3 Sites 2.3 million patients orders 3.5 million specimens received per year 5 million tests performed Anatomic Pathology 114,500 Cases 51,000 Surgical Pathology Cases 89,000 Surgical Pathology Specimens 63,000 Cytology Cases & Specimens Courier Services 350,000 specimens pick ups and deliveries per year

4 Automation in the Lab Sysmex (Hematology)
XE-2100 automated instrument line MOLIS WAM middleware Roche (Chemistry) Modular Analytic Instruments Modular Preanalytic Automation Data Innovations Middleware (DI)

5 When down time was unnecessary
Those were the days In the past three years we have gone through three SOFT upgrades that required a 10hr+ downtime each.

6 Previous Solution Pre printed sheet of barcoded order numbers
handed out blocks of order numbers to 4 separate departments Manually enter patient demographics into a database that would print a demographic label Make a copy of the requisition for every area of testing. Manually prepare sample for testing. Use a combo of analyzer printout and req copy for resulting.

7 Issues With Previous Solution
Triple the staff needed to process samples Wrong Barcodes labels on tubes Needed locally installed printers Could not use preanalytic automation Very Large paper trail Multiple bottle neck areas Multiple areas for patient identification errors Manually enter orders into middleware

8 Major Challenges Order placement in middleware
Barcoded sample with patient demographics Assurance of proper test ordering for automated recovery Switching from an automated live system to a manual downtime system. Interdepartmental coordination and communication Minimize recovery time from downtime Improving recovery efficiency has the largest impact in terms of mitigating the adverse effects of being down.

9 Technology used Microsoft Visual Studio-C# Microsoft Sql Database
AutoIt HL7

10 Components The Sql Database
A daily synch tool that copies Soft setup data The downtime application Launched from a link SharePoint Web page Desktop

11 Downtime

12 Modules Respiratory Therapy (Blood Gases) Lab Micro Molis Entry
Specimen Tracking Query Recovery

13 Respiratory Therapy Module
The Respiratory module is the simplest, it has a place to enter the patient’s name, a dropdown to choose a labeler, and a button to print the label. Prints a Specimen label and a Demographic label

14 Lab Module Lab Order Entry provides fields to
order tests Identify the patient record collection/receive times Tests are compared to a copy of the Soft setup tables to make certain that they are valid, orderable tests. Patient data is checked for proper formatting before printing labels. Ability to look up test mnemonics to provide standardization. Sends HL7 messages to our DI middleware.

15 HL7 Reduced the time of ordering tests in DI middleware by 100%
HL7 is sent to our DI system immediately after the order is placed in our Downtime system.

16 Lab Module

17 Micro module The Micro module is effectively identical to the Lab module but with extra fields. Provides the ability to capture Source, Site, and Plated time. Standardized test ordering to ensure smooth recovery.

18 Micro Module

19 Aliquot Module Aliquot Module provides the ability to quickly reprint labels Has the ability to reprint pre-downtime labels Orders that exist in Soft and not the Downtime System Provides flexibility in processing options

20 Aliquot Module

21 Molis Entry Molis Entry is a scripted interface that transfers orders form the downtime program to the Molis middleware. Eliminated the potential for users to enter patient data incorrectly. Reduced order entry time by 95%

22 Molis Entry

23 Specimen Tracking Specimen tracking n easy way to track and locate samples Old tracking tags are automatically placed in the comment section Live system tracking can be added in order to find samples tracked prior to downtime Only applicable to a planned downtime

24 Specimen Tracking

25 Downtime Query

26 Recovery Recovery is a scripted interface that transfers the orders placed in downtime to our live system using the order numbers assigned by downtime. If the billing number is not in Soft Live the system will notify the user.

27 Recovery Recovery is a scripted interface that transfers the orders placed in downtime to our live system using the order numbers assigned by downtime. If the billing number is not in Soft Live the system will notify the user.

28 Length of Recovery Prior to our Downtime system we had a recovery time of 150% of the actual time spent with the LIS down. Our last downtime was 12hrs, that would have been an 18hr recovery. Using our downtime system it only took us 90min to recover from our last downtime. Lab can not start the results recovery until all the Downtime orders have been placed in soft

29 Recovery

30 Improvisation The Demo

31 Any Questions?

32 Final Notes Contact Information Chris Van Vranken Dave Niggli

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