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Applying Technology: Producing Products and Structures

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2 Applying Technology: Producing Products and Structures
5 Applying Technology: Producing Products and Structures

3 The Types of Material Resources and How They Are Obtained
14 The Types of Material Resources and How They Are Obtained

4 Recall the types of natural resources used as inputs to production systems.
Recall the types of genetic materials used in production systems. Recall the types of fossil fuel materials used in production systems. Recall the types of minerals used in production systems.

5 Explain how genetic materials are obtained for use in production systems.
Explain how fossil fuel materials are located and obtained for use in production systems. Explain how minerals are located and obtained for use in production systems.

6 Types of Natural Resources
Three types of natural resources can become the inputs to production systems.

7 Genetic Materials We obtain genetic materials through:
Farming. Fishing. Forestry. Grains, vegetable fibers, and animals or fish are the more commonly used genetic materials. All genetic materials go through birth or germination, maturity, and death.

8 Fossil Fuel Materials Petroleum. Natural gas. Coal.
Used to make liquids and gases like gasoline, propane, and plastic resins. Natural gas. Used as fuel for homes, to make plastics, chemicals, and fertilizers. Coal. Used as an energy and heating source.

9 Coal Three types of coal: Coal does not burn cleanly.
Lignite coal. Bituminous coal (soft coal). Anthracite coal. Coal does not burn cleanly. Coal’s sulfur content is a source of chemicals that make acid rain.

10 What are the advantages and disadvantages to using fossil fuels?

11 Minerals Minerals can be grouped into four different families based on their similar economic values: Ores. Nonmetallic minerals. Ceramic minerals. Gems.

12 Obtaining Genetic Materials
The major challenge is to harvest the plant or animal at the proper stage of growth. However, most genetic materials are easy to grow or raise. Private farms are made to monitor and control growth of most organic materials that are harvested.

13 Harvesting Trees There are several steps to removing trees:
Timber cruising. Preparing topographical maps. Planning the proper way to harvest. Planning logging roads and loading sites. Selecting the type of logging to match the terrain and forest.

14 Logging Methods Clear cutting. Seed-tree cutting. Selective cutting.
Allows replanting of trees that cannot compete with mature trees. Seed-tree cutting. Controls number of reseeded species. Selective cutting. Used in pine forests.

15 Logging Fellers and buckers prepare the trees for yarding.

16 Obtaining Petroleum and Natural Gas
Geologists and geophysicists look for dense rock formations that usually contain deposits of oil and gas, or proven reserves. The most accurate way to locate petroleum and natural gas is seismographic study. Other methods of finding potential fields: Geological mapping. Fossil study. Core samples from drilling.

17 Drilling for Oil and Gas
A mud mixture is pumped while drilling. Cools and lubricates the drill bit. Pulls rock to the surface. Seals off and maintains pressure to prevent a blowout. A system of valves and pumps then sends oil and gas to plants and refineries.

18 Obtaining Coal Coal is removed by one of three types of mining:
Surface or open-pit mining Underground mining Fluid mining

19 Underground Mining Shaft mining. Slope mining. Drift mining.
Elevators, coal cars, and conveyors are used to get the coal to the surface.

20 Obtaining Minerals Three techniques are used to obtain minerals:
Very deep open-pit mines. Fluid mining (commonly used to mine sulfur). Evaporation (used in the Great Salt Lake in Utah).

21 Forest and conservation workers.
Perform tasks associated with replanting and conserving timberlands. Requires little formal education, but classes are offered in general forestry, wildlife, conservation, and forest harvesting.

22 What are the three types of natural material resources?
Genetic materials, fossil fuels, and minerals.

23 What are some types of genetic materials used in production?
Grains, vegetable fibers, and animals or fish.

24 What fossil fuels are used in production systems?
Petroleum, natural gas, and coal.

25 What sort of minerals are obtained for use in production systems?
Ores, nonmetallic minerals, ceramic minerals, and gems.

26 What is clear-cutting? All trees, regardless of species or size, are removed from a plot of land that is generally less than 1000 acres. This allows for replanting the area with trees that cannot grow in competition with mature trees.

27 How are fossil fuel materials located?
The use of seismographic study is used to find fossil fuels.

28 Through what processes are minerals obtained?
Evaporation, fluid mining, and open-pit mining.

29 Blowout Bucker Ceramic minerals
a dangerous and wasteful occurrence in which oil surges out of a well. Bucker a worker who removes the limbs and tops of trees. Ceramic minerals fine-grained minerals that are formable when wet and become hard when dried or fired.

30 Clear cutting Coal Drift mining
a logging method in which all trees, regardless of species or size, are removed from a plot of land. Coal a combustible solid composed mostly of carbon. Drift mining a type of underground mining used when a coal vein extends to the surface of the earth. Miners dig a horizontal shaft directly into the vein.

31 Evaporation Feller Fluid mining
a way to extract minerals from the oceans using solar energy. Feller a logger who uses a chain saw to cut down appropriate trees. Fluid mining a mining method in which hot water is pumped down a well into a mineral deposit. The water dissolves the mineral and is forced up a second well.

32 Fossil fuels Gems Genetic materials
exhaustible resources that are mixtures of carbon and hydrogen. Gems stones that are cut, polished, and prized for their beauty and hardness. Genetic materials organic materials that have life cycles and can be regenerated. They are obtained during the normal life cycles of plants or animals.

33 Germination Logging Maturity birth.
the activity of cutting down, trimming, and hauling off timber. Maturity the period of time in the life cycles of plants and animals when growth slows down as they reach older age.

34 Minerals Mud Natural gas Nonmetallic minerals
any substances with a specific chemical composition that occur naturally. Mud a mixture of water, clay, and chemicals. Natural gas a combustible gas that occurs in porous rock. Nonmetallic minerals substances that do not have metallic qualities.

35 Open-pit mining Ores Petroleum
a type of mining used when a coal vein is not very deep underground. Ores minerals that have a metal chemically combined with other elements. Petroleum an oily, flammable, nonuniform mixture of a large number of different solid and liquid hydrocarbons.

36 Potential field Proven reserves Seed-tree cutting
an area that has never produced oil or gas. Proven reserves producing oil or gas fields. Seed-tree cutting a logging method in which all trees, regardless of species, are removed from a large area except three or four per acre. These trees are used to reseed the area.

37 Seismographic study Selective cutting Shaft mining
an accurate way to explore for petroleum and natural gas using shock waves. Selective cutting a logging method in which mature trees of a desired species are selected and cut from a plot of land. Shaft mining a type of underground mining that requires a vertical shaft to reach a coal deposit.

38 Slope mining Surface mining
a type of underground mining used when a coal vein is not too deep under the ground. Miners dig a sloping shaft to reach the coal. Surface mining a type of coal mining used when the coal vein is not very deep underground.

39 Timber cruising Underground mining Yarding
a process in which foresters measure the diameter and height of trees to find stands of trees that can be economically harvested. Underground mining a type of mining that requires shafts in the earth to reach the coal deposits. Yarding the process of gathering logs in a central location.

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