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February 5: The Beauty of Reformed Worship

2 Sad Trends in Modern Worship
Trivializing worship – a preoccupation with creating atmosphere and mood (how it makes me feel); Misdirecting worship – man-centered rather than God centered (its all about me); Deadening worship – stones for bread – no preaching or proclamation; Perverting worship – by filling it with emotional, self-indulgent experiences; Exploiting worship with market-driven values (how to become healthy, wealthy and wise).

3 Defining Worship: Worship is about created beings responding to the only God of heaven and earth with honour and humility, praise and petition, song and submission. Worship involves all of life. Worship happens in a personal setting, a family setting and a corporate setting.

4 Characteristics of Corporate Worship:
Commanded – worship is neither suggested nor optional but ordered. “Worship the Lord in the splendor of holiness.” (Ps. 96:9) Covenantal – it is about a special relationship between two parties – God and man. “And I will walk among you and be your God and you shall be my people.” (Lev. 26:12) Dialogical – it is about two-way traffic in that God speaks to man and man responds to him. “So Moses came...and set before them all these words that the Lord had commanded him. All the people answered together...” (Ex. 19:7, 8)

5 Spiritual – worship is done in the power of the Holy Spirit
Spiritual – worship is done in the power of the Holy Spirit. “God is spirit, and those who worship him must worship in spirit and truth.” (John 4:24) Truthful – worship must be done in conformity to God’s Word. “Your word is truth.” (John 17:17) Reverential – worship must recognize that God is both utterly holy and supremely powerful. “Let us offer to God acceptable worship, with reverence and awe, for our God is a consuming fire.” (Heb. 12: 28, 29) Orderly – worship must have structure and order. “But all things should be done decently and in order.” (I Cor. 14: 40) Regular – worship (corporate) must be done regularly and on a weekly basis. “Not neglecting to meet together...” (Heb 10: 25)

6 The Elements of Worship
The reading of Scripture (Acts 15: 21; Rev. 1: 3) The preaching of the Word of God (II Tim 4: 2) The hearing of the Word of God (Jas 1: 9) The administration of baptism (Matt 28: 19) The celebration of the Lord’s Supper (I Cor 11: 23; Acts 2: 42) The singing of psalms, hymns and spiritual songs ( Col 3: 16; Eph. 5: 19; Jas 5:13) The collection of offerings (Gal 2: 10; I Cor. 9: 3 – 12) The offering of prayers (Acts 2: 42)

7 The Circumstances of Worship
Should we worship in a house or in a building? Should we come together at at 9:30 or 10:30 am? Should we use an organ, piano or guitar? Should we sing only Psalms or Hymns too? Should the offering come in the middle or near the end of the service? Should the elders sit at the front of the church? Should the Lord’s Supper be celebrated once a month, every two or three months? Should we have two or three prayers in a service? Should we stand or sit when we sing?

8 The Flow of Worship Suggested A: (Book of Praise, p. 595) Confession
Greeting Singing Law Reading Prayer Offering Text Sermon Blessings

9 The Flow of Worship Suggested B (Book of Praise, p. 595) Confession
Greeting Singing Law Prayer Reading Text Sermon Offering

10 Baldivis Worship (A, B or C?)
Morning order of worship: - Confession Greeting - Singing Law - Prayer - Offering Scripture Reading Text Sermon Blessing

11 Pointers for Blessed Worship
The day before - get ready for it – preparing, pondering, praying, planning The day itself – make the most of it – wake up on time, pray over it, arrive on time, listen well (open wide your ears and your heart), read, pray and sing along, discuss it, think about it, appropriate it. The day after – apply it.

12 Discussion Points on Worship
Singing: Psalms (Genevan or Scottish? American or Australian?) Hymns (how many?) Instruments (piano, organ, other instruments?) Liturgical Order: A, B, C or D? The Elder: May he bless? May he preach? The Minister: preaching content preaching style preaching length preaching emphasis The Congregation: when to stand or sit? responses – yes or no? appropriate dress sermon discussions The Sacraments: Baptism – the current Form - how to administer? Lord’s Supper - frequency? - manner of celebration – table, pew, walking - elements used – bread (gluten free?), wine (or juice?)


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