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(After the EPPR telephone conference on 11/May/2016)

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1 (After the EPPR telephone conference on 11/May/2016)
Japan’s proposal (After the EPPR telephone conference on 11/May/2016) 31/May/ 2016 JAPAN AUTOMOBILE STANDARDS INTERNATIONALIZATION CENTER

2 Section II - Text of the global technical regulation 3.20
3.20 “[warm-up cycle ” means sufficient vehicle operation such that the coolant temperature rises by at least 22 ºC from engine start-up to at least 70°C [or the lubrication oil temperature rises by at least [xx] ºC from engine start-up to at least [yy] °C. In the case of an air-cooled engine as alternative to the coolant temperature either the rise in temperature of the cylinder block or of the cylinder head surface may be selected]. India would like to propose that temperature measurement to be monitored during vehicle warm up condition shall be at spark plug seat instead of monitoring various temperatures like coolant, oil, cylinder head / cylinder surface for various configurations like air cooled, water cooled, oil cooled or dry/wet sump, etc. Monitoring spark plug seat temperature is an unique and standardized location for all above combinations without any hurdle for both manufacturer as well as for test authorities. Proposal from India to amend definition of warm up condition to include monitoring of spark plug temperature. India prefer to mention specific location of sensors. Japan comment: Amendment 3.20 “warm-up cycle ” means sufficient vehicle operation such that the coolant temperature rises by at least 22 ºC from engine start-up to at least 70°C. If former method is insufficient to determine the warm up cycle, with the permission of the approval authority, alterative criteria and/or alternative signal(s) or information (e.g. spark plug seat temperature, engine oil temperature, vehicle operation time, accumulative engine revolution, travel distance and etc.) may be adopted. In any case, all signal(s) and information used for determination need to be monitored by ECU and shall be made available by data stream.. Justification: As shown by India, definition of warm up condition defined in 3.20 is not always sufficient especially for air-cooled engine. Japan agrees to allow adoption of alternative definition. However, signal needs to be monitored by ECU in order to erase DTC. Also, new definition of engine warm up needs to be approved by authority to secure its validity.

3 Exemption of Data stream
Annex 1 Functional aspects of on-board diagnostic (OBD) systems P20 [3.2. Except in the case of grade A OBD, if available, the following signals in accordance with the specifications in point in addition to the required freeze-frame information shall be made available on demand through the serial port on the standardised diagnostic connector, if the information is available to the on-board computer or can be determined using information available to the on-board computer: number of stored diagnostic trouble codes, engine coolant temperature, fuel control system status (closed-loop, open-loop, other), fuel trim, ignition timing advance, intake air temperature, manifold air pressure, air flow rate, engine speed, throttle position sensor output value, secondary air status (upstream, downstream or atmosphere), calculated load value, vehicle speed, the position of the antilock brake system switch (on/off), the activated default mode(s) and fuel pressure]. The signals shall be provided in standard units based on the specifications in point Actual signals be clearly identified separately from default value [or limp-home signals] Japan comments: Data-steam is essential for OBD. Japan does not agree to the exemption of Data-stream in case of Grade-A. Justification: Data-stream contributes for improvement of the repair efficiency and furthermore, it does not require additional cost for ECU of Grade-A. Data stream is more important information than F.F.D for repairer, especially for the confirmation after the replacement of parts. See next page for further justification

4 Example of repair process
Example of Data stream used for efficient and effective repair (requested by India at teleconference on 11th May 2016) MI activation criteria Number of cycles necessary to activate MI Regulation allows to determine activation of MI in multiple cycles. (maximum of up to 10 cycles) Thus, some components require multiple cycles to activate MI. Example of repair process Repaired MI deactivated To confirm if the repair was successful, mechanic needs to run multiple DC MI activated Repair complete Failure OK OK OK 1st DC 2nd DC ・・・・ Nth DC If repair was unsuccessful MI is activated after multiple DCs Repair unsuccessful Repeat repair process until it finally completes OK OK Failure 1st DC If data stream is available 2nd DC ・・・・ Nth DC Result of repair can most likely be determined without running DC efficient and effective by monitoring sensor output through data stream

5 Section II - Text of the global technical regulation
The OBD system shall record diagnostic trouble code(s) indicating the status of the control system, i.e. pending (Service $07) or confirmed (Service $03) DTC(s) as in accordance with the specifications in points 3.10 and   Proposal from CLEPA(EPPR-16-11) to add the clause marked red Japan comments: Japan supports the original text. Amendment: The OBD system shall record diagnostic trouble code(s) indicating the status of the control system. (No amendment to original clause for this part) Justification: Existing Paras & 3.11 clearly states the reference ISO for information format and DTC identification. Even without additional clause proposed by CLEPA, reference ISOs are still effective and adding CLEPA clause will not change any meaning. On the other hand, introducing ISO jargons such as SID complicates the content and might cause confusion and difficulty to understand for the reader. It is preferable to keep the text simple and minimum, and indifferent clarification should be refrained.

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