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Guided reading Examples & ideas Reading evidence- moderation

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Presentation on theme: "Guided reading Examples & ideas Reading evidence- moderation"— Presentation transcript:

1 Guided reading Examples & ideas Reading evidence- moderation

2 Guided Reading Aims- to rehearse/ expand reading strategies
Children to read a variety of texts with ease and deep understanding To allow teachers to support and assess pupils in the area of reading.

3 Top Tips Have a good plan in place- carousel of activities?
Group children with similar reading abilities- small, manageable groups Ensure group texts: matches their knowledge base helps them take their next steps in learning to read are interesting! offer enough challenge to support problem solving as well as fluency and meaning

4 My weekly Guided Reading schedule:


6 Carousel Activities Follow- up activities Storyline predictions
High Frequency word bingo Word & picture matching / sentence & picture matching Book corner time Phonics recovery- reading words with the same phoneme iPad- ABC magic reading app My Big Cat app Follow- up activities Storyline predictions Character comparisons Book reviews Inference questions- comprehension Setting descriptions Non- fiction: Glossary/ index finders Interpreting diagrams Interesting facts (recount)

7 Consonant blends CCVC CVCC Multiple Syllables Reading Sentences

8 Oxford Owl / Active Learning (websites)
Check London Grid For Learning- other free apps/ interactive reading resources Oxford Owl / Active Learning (websites)

9 Steps for a good guided reading session:
Before reading -set the purpose for reading (objective) -introduce vocabulary -make predictions or re-cap from previous session -talk about good strategies to use: context clues phonics knowledge sentence or word structure

10 Steps for a guided reading session:
During reading -guide children as they read -give prompts and clues -encourage and praise After reading -comprehension skills- questioning/ follow-up activities

11 Reading evidence- moderation
Recordings- iPad/ sound clips Reading records Teacher records- running assessments/ weekly notes by supporting adult Follow- up activities Observation of pupil reading with teacher

12 Example of TA/ Teacher notes

13 Strengthening mental maths in your class Problem solving ideas
Mathematics Strengthening mental maths in your class Problem solving ideas

14 Mental arithmetic Daily- little and often
Build from children’s existing knowledge- regular assessments Teach the links! Interactive games- make it fun Songs/ chants help it to stick to the mind

15 Content domain for KS1 mathematics

16 Ideas!! Fun and active: Counting choir Counting puppet
‘Let’s move’ counting Number tennis – ‘Ping pong’ number bonds Human number sentences- zero as place holder Counting stick: Counting in multiples Number line- missing numbers Estimating IWB websites: Let’s have a look

17 Making the links BIG Maths PIM 3 + 4 = 7 30 + 40 = 70 300 + 400 = 700
If I can count in 2’s… I can count in 20’s

18 Problem Solving Incorporate this into your lessons- questioning: Why not? How do you know? Model solving problems Scaffold steps Provide talk frames if necessary Remember, word problems are one strand of problem solving (focus on one context)

19 Example- concept cartoons

20 Example- correcting errors

21 Example- correcting misconceptions

22 Example- starting with the answer

23 Great documents to look at:
Maths Mastery Pitch and expectations

24 Engaging strategies Work samples
Writing Engaging strategies Work samples

25 Strategies Use your working wall as you teach
Ensure children have access to additional resources- word banks/ thesauruses Highlight language features as you model Explore a range of phrases- give children options

26 I WANT MY HAT BACK Role on the wall Still images- drama
Indefinite prop (imagination) Conscious alley Definite prop (description) Line of enquiry (emotions)

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