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Presentation on theme: " User-friendly and versatile site that is built to maximise communication between those performing pro bono work as well as."— Presentation transcript:

1 User-friendly and versatile site that is built to maximise communication between those performing pro bono work as well as those who want to know more Particular focus on international and cross-border pro bono work, but with materials of value to all involved in pro bono Strategic use of technology to spread information and share experiences 24 hours a day across the globe

2 The site is designed to be user-friendly and to clearly lay out all resources and information.

3 The news archive collects current developments in pro bono around the world. The items can be viewed either by topic or by date. Site users can submit items to be included in the archive.

4 The resources section collects IBA conference papers, articles on developments in pro bono, reports by other organisations describing their work, and other materials submitted by site users.

5 The links section provides a categorised collection of entities of all types who are engaged in international pro bono.

6 The events calendar alerts pro bono practitioners to events that offer information to aid their work. Site users can suggest events to be included on the calendar.

7 The search box on the top right hand corner of each page allows users to search the entire site on any keyword they choose to enter.

8 The roster allows registered site users to obtain contact details, to network with other practitioners and organisations.

9 How can the site make connections between those interested in pro bono?
Following is a series of flow charts to show ways the site can make connections between its users. While they use the scenario of an audience member at an IBA conference session, this same process could be conducted: By an audience member during the conference, the day after the session By an audience member immediately after the conference By an audience member six months to a year after the conference By someone who did not attend the conference, but who read the papers at the website

10 How can the site make connections between those interested in pro bono?
EXAMPLE: Audience member at IBA conference session on pro bono listens to two speakers and wishes to make contact to discuss a point raised in both presentations. Audience Member Speaker 1 Speaker 2 Audience member can go to and : Register to the site, look up the speakers in the roster, and send them an , OR Check the resources section of the site, find contact details in the speakers’ presentations, and send them an .

11 How can the site make connections between those interested in pro bono?
Speaker 1 may now reply to Audience Member’s , copying Speaker 2, and (in this example) Speaker 1 also copies in a colleague who is very familiar with the particular issue. The network has now been created between four pro bono colleagues, of benefit to all in their future work. Audience Member Speaker 1 Colleague Speaker 2 [Reminder – this example could take place in the same way with a non-audience-member, or with the same member any length of time afterward.]

12 How can the site make connections between those interested in pro bono?
Audience member may also write to the website listserv (to be established shortly) which will distribute the query to all registered site users, including speakers at IBA conference sessions who have registered on the site. Audience Member This group includes Speaker 1 and Speaker 2 All registered site users Via listserv This gives any interested person a chance to comment, rather than simply one or two speakers to whom the query might be directed.

13 All registered site users
How can the site make connections between those interested in pro bono? If Speaker 1 responds to Audience Member’s query by writing a reply to the website listserv, it will distribute the answer to all registered members of the site, and the answer will be archived on the site for future access. Speaker 1 can copy in other colleagues as he/she sees fit. Speaker 1 Via listserv All registered site users Audience Member Colleague [Reminder – this example could take place in the same way with a non-audience-member, or with the same member any length of time afterward.]

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