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The Australian Curriculum

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Presentation on theme: "The Australian Curriculum"— Presentation transcript:

1 The Australian Curriculum
A Safari ICT Showcase

2 No sign up or joining, just create a room at and begin
Student responses Today's Meet No sign up or joining, just create a room at and begin

3 Student responses Wallwisher
Requires sign up but you, as owner, can approve posts before they appear

4 Create an account at Google to begin
Google Docs Collaborative writing with Create an account at Google to begin

5 Evernote Collaborative writing with …me!
Install Evernote on any device. When you take notes in evernote, everythng syncs so you always have access to all your notes.

6 Google News Archive
sadly, has been closed down, BUT…

7 Trove Searching without Google

8 Google Alternatives Dr Google is not a Sole Practitioner
A web search engine that gives readable results

9 Google Alternatives Dr Google is not a Sole Practitioner
Duck Duck Go is my pick of search engines for young children This is the one I couldn't think of on the fly on Friday

10 You can search delicious without having a delicious account yourself.
Google Alternatives Why not search what has already been bookmarked? You can search delicious without having a delicious account yourself.

11 Screen Capture Jing Record and annotate live and share
Free, but requires sign up. Jing also includes a couple of GB (that's a lot!) of online storage

12 Screen Capture SMART Recorder

13 Screen Capture Inspire Recorder

14 Publishing Convert PowerPoints or scanned images to read on the web

15 Creative Commons Probably aware of flickr creative commons images,
Requires sign up to place pictures at flickr, but can access flickr creative commons without an account.

16 Creative Commons Probably aware of flickr creative commons images, but there is other CC content

17 Creative Commons redkid

18 Google Trips Virtual exploration with Google Earth
The Google Lit Trips website is the place to start, or speak to Karen Stapleton

19 Google Earth ABC Layer in Google Earth

20 Screen Sharing Screen collaboration with skype

21 Screen Sharing Screen collaboration with

22 Reverse image search engine
From where is that image appropriated?

23 Oh, and another new trick from Microsoft
Office 2010 image background removal

24 InfoGraphics How to present complex information quickly and clearly

25 Blogging via your work to create a blog post Moderated

26 Mashups Buffy v Edward A MashUp simply means taking content from 2 or more sites and mashing it together.

27 Book Trailers

28 PhotoStory Free download from here, but ONLY Windows, NOT Mac.
Examples and how-to from here

29 Create a Wordle at
Beautiful Word Clouds Create a Wordle at Source

30 Wordle

31 Wordle

32 Tagxedo Word Clouds with Style

33 VLC Media Player is a free media player for Mac and PC.
Snapshot Video tool VLC Media Player is a free media player for Mac and PC. Use it to take a snapshot of a video without having to pause the video.

34 Site Hoover " Imagine a place in which you store all of your favourite websites"

35 Augmented Reality

36 Augmented Reality

37 Augmented Reality String

38 AIS IT Resources Wiki

39 Dropbox How to I get those HUGE files to the students?
DropBox is free. I use it to share files that might be 100mb or more in size – that's huge.

40 Contact Details Name John Clear Education Consultant
Level 12, 99 York Street, Sydney NSW 2000 Phone (02) Fax (02) Web ABN

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