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Presentation on theme: "CHAPTER 5 PREVIEW."— Presentation transcript:


2 The Industrial Revolution
Began in early-1800s Gained momentum after Civil War (1865) By late-1800s, U.S. is world’s leading industrial nation

3 The Steel Industry


5 Why Did It Happen Here? Vast natural resources A large workforce
Timber, coal, iron, copper A large workforce : population of U.S. triples

6 New Inventions The telephone Alexander Graham Bell The typewriter
Christopher Sholes The lightbulb Thomas Edison The Camera George Eastman

7 Impact of Technology The way we live is changed Refrigeration
Clothing industry Communication: telegraph across Atlantic

8 Free Enterprise Laissez-faire “let people do as they choose”
Government involvement in economy should be very limited Entrepreneurs People who risk their capital (money) to run businesses

9 How Government Helped Low taxes High tariffs (taxes on imported goods)

10 Connecting the Nation Transcontinental Railroad



13 Who Were Some of the Big Players?
Robber Barons


15 The Rise of Big Business
Corporations Owned by many people stockholders


17 How To Get All These Goods To Us?
Large illustrated ads in newspapers and magazines Chain stores Department stores Catalogs


19 Unions Emerge Protect workers’ rights Industry oppose

20 Political Opposition to ‘New’ America
Rise of “Marxism” Workers will eventually revolt and take over

21 Ch 5 Essential Questions
What economic policies allowed industries to expand after the Civil War? Explain how those policies worked How did the railroads encourage settlements of the Plains and the West? Why did many Robber Barons expand their businesses through new ways of organization? Why did workers form unions?

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