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The Gas Laws Chemistry Dr. May.

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1 The Gas Laws Chemistry Dr. May

2 Gaseous Matter Indefinite __________ and ___ fixed shape
Particles move ____________ of each other Particles have gained enough energy to overcome the attractive forces that held them together as _________ ______ __________

3 Avogadro’s Number One mole of a gas contains Avogadro’s number of molecules Avogadro’s number is _______________ 602,000,000,000,000,000,000,000

4 Diatomic Gas Elements Gas Hydrogen (H2) Nitrogen (N2) Oxygen (O2)
Fluorine (F2) Chlorine (Cl2) Molar Mass 2 grams/mole 28 grams/mole 32 grams/mole 38 grams/mole 70 grams/mole

5 Inert Gas Elements Gas Helium Neon Argon Krypton Xenon Radon
Molar Mass 4 grams/mole 20 grams/mole 40 grams/mole 84 grams/mole 131 grams/mole 222 grams/mole

6 Other Important Gases Gas Carbon Dioxide Carbon Monoxide
Sulfur Dioxide Methane Ethane Freon 14 Formula Molar Mass CO2 44 g/mole CO 28 g/mole SO2 64 g/mole CH4 16 g/mole CH3CH3 30 g/mole CF4 88 g/mole

7 One Mole of Oxygen Gas (O2)
Has a mass of _____ grams Occupies _______ liters at STP 273 Kelvins (0oC) One atmosphere ( kPa)(760 mm) Contains _____________ molecules (Avogadro’s Number)

8 Mole of Carbon Dioxide (CO2)
Has a mass of ___ grams Occupies _______ liters at STP Contains _________________ molecules

9 One Mole of Nitrogen Gas (N2)
Has a mass of ___ grams Occupies _______ liters at STP Contains _____________ molecules

10 Mole of Hydrogen Gas (H2)
Mass Volume at STP Molecules ______ grams _______ liters 6.02 x 1023

11 Standard Conditions (STP)
Molar Volume Standard Temperature Standard Pressure _______ liters/mole _____ oC _____ Kelvins ____ atmosphere ________ kilopascals _____ mm Hg

12 Gas Law Unit Conversions
liters  milliliters milliliters  liters o C  Kelvins Kelvins  o C mm  atm atm  mm atm  kPa kPa  atm Multiply by 1000 Divide by 1000 Add 273 Subtract 273 Divide by 760 Multiply by 760 Multiply by Divide by

13 Charles’ Law At constant pressure, the volume of a gas is directly proportional to its temperature in Kelvins ___________________________________ As the temperature goes _____, the volume goes_______

14 As the pressure goes _______ the volume goes ________
Boyle’s Law At constant temperature, the volume of a gas is inversely proportional to the pressure. __________________________________ As the pressure goes _______ the volume goes ________

15 Combined Gas Law ________________________________________
Standard Pressure (P) = kPa, 1 atm, or 760 mm Hg Standard Temperature (T) is 273 K Volume (V) is in liters, ml or cm3

16 Charles’ Law Problem A balloon with a volume of 2 liters and a temperature of 25oC is heated to 38oC. What is the new volume? 1. Convert oC to Kelvins = 298 K = 311 K 2. Insert into formula

17 Charles’ Law Solution T1 T2 V1 = 2 liters V2 = Unknown
V1 = V2 T T2 V1 = 2 liters V2 = Unknown T1 = 298 K T2 = 311 K 2 = V2

18 Charles’ Law Solution 2 = V2 298 311 298 V2 = (2) 311 V2 = 622 298
298 V2 = (2) 311 V2 = 622 298 V2 =

19 Charles’ Law Problem Answer
A balloon with a volume of 2 liters and a temperature of 25oC is heated to 38oC. What is the new volume?

20 Boyle’s Law Problem A balloon has a volume of 2.0 liters at
743 mm. The pressure is increased to 2.5 atmospheres (atm). What is the new volume? 1. Convert pressure to the same units 743  760 = .98 atm 2. Insert into formula

21 Boyle’s Law Solution P1V1 = P2V2 P1 = 0.98 atm P2 = 2.5 atm
V1 = 2.0 liters V2 = unknown 0.98 (2.0) = 2.5 V2

22 Boyle’s Law Solution P1V1 = P2V2 0.98 (2.0) = 2.5 V2 V2 = 0.98 (2.0)

23 Boyle’s Law Problem Answer
A balloon has a volume of 2.0 liters at 743 mm. The pressure is increased to 2.5 atmospheres (atm). What is the new volume?

24 Combined Gas Law Problem
A balloon has a volume of 2.0 liters at a pressure of 98 kPa and a temperature of 25 oC. What is the volume under standard conditions? 1. Convert 25 oC to Kelvins = 298 K 2. Standard pressure is kPa 3. Standard temperature is 273 K 4. Insert into formula

25 Combined Gas Law Solution
P1V1 = P2V2 T T2 P1 = 98 kPa P2 = kPa V1 = 2.0 liters V2 = unknown T1 = 298 K T2 = 273 K

26 Combined Gas Law Solution
P1V1 = P2V2 T T2 98 (2.0) = V2 (298) (101.32) V2 = (273) (98) (2.0)

27 Combined Gas Law Solution
P1V1 = P2V2 T T2 (298) (101.32) V2 = (273) (98) (2.0) V2 = (98) (2.0) (298) (101.32)

28 Combined Gas Law Solution
P1V1 = P2V2 T1 T2 V2 = (98) (2.0) (298) (101.32) V2 =

29 Combined Gas Law Problem Answer
A balloon has a volume of 2.0 liters at a pressure of 98 kPa and a temperature of 25 oC. What is the volume under standard conditions?

30 Combined Gas Law – V2 T1 T2 P1V1T2 = P2V2T1 P2T1 P1V1 = P2V2
P1V1T2 = V2 P2T1

31 The End This presentation was created for the benefit of our students by the Science Department at Howard High School of Technology Please send suggestions and comments to

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