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15 Great Web-Based Tools for Teachers

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1 15 Great Web-Based Tools for Teachers
By: Monica Parker

2 Brain pop Requires a paid subscription
Engaging videos to introduce or reinforce lessons Provides lesson plans for teachers Create educational games Utilize quizzes for review Create graphic organizers for study tools

3 Super Teacher Tools FREE TO USE. Register to save information
Group Maker for creating random classroom groups Seating Chart Maker to create seating charts for your classes randomly Random name generator to use to keep students engaged during instruction or for classroom incentive awards Jeopardy and Who Wants To Be A Millionaire Review Games Classroom timer and countdown QR code creator for classroom activities. This is a great tool to use with middle and high school students who more likely have cell phones in class

4 Science Buddies No subscription needed
Website for science fair projects Provides search tool for project topics Project Guide that provides steps needed to complete science fair projects Project kits students can purchase to complete their experiments Provides project details including background information, materials, procedure, references for citation and more

5 USA Test Prep Paid subscription required (free trial offer available)
Aligned with Georgia State Standards Create study guides such as quizzes and flashcards to review for assessments Tracks students performance Create online or printable assessments aligned to State Standards Auto analysis of test results that teachers can download and use for remediation or other reporting

6 Khan Academy Free to subscribe
Provides video instruction for various academic topics Interactive activities for practice and reinforcement Available 24/7 Teacher tools that allow you to assign lessons and track student progress

7 Quizlet Free and Paid Teacher Subscription
Quizlet live classroom game that allows students to compete against each other in teams to answer questions Create practice test, flashcards and more Students can access via desktop or mobile devices Create fun games for students to study essential information

8 YouTube Free to use Several educational videos to introduce or reinforce key concepts Ability to upload instruction videos for your students and their parents to view at home Students can access via desktop or mobile devices

9 Study Island Free trial followed by paid subscription
Students can access in school or at home Study and testing material based on Georgia Standards Create assignments for review or quick assessments Build tests that students can complete for units or lessons Track student scores

10 Gizmos Free trial followed by paid subscription
Math and Science Simulations Includes accompanying worksheets for students to complete while conducting the simulation Provides lesson plans for teachers that incorporate Gizmo usage

11 Zip Grade First 100 assessments free, then paid subscription
Create and grade multiple choice text, quizzes, and Exit tickets App for Android and Apple phones Provides answer sheets templates or answer sheet with student names and IDs Use with or without student names and ID numbers Doesn’t require internet access Analysis of student grades

12 Phet Lab Free to use Interactive lab simulations
Includes instructional material for teachers such as homework assignments, lectures, activities and more Includes accessibility for students with disabilities Ability to change the language of the simulation for ELA students Includes accompanying lab simulation worksheet that provides instructions and includes analysis questions for students

13 Chemtutor Free website for teachers and students
Provides help for chemistry related material Provides instructions and sample problems Great tool to help students complete homework assignments or use for studying on their own

14 Chalkbored Free to use website PowerPoint lessons for every subject
Handouts for the power point lessons Excel spreadsheets to evaluate labs Lab procedures and assignments And more

15 New Jersey Center for Teaching and Learning
Free to use, requires registration, must be a teacher Complete teaching resources for every grade level and subject Interactive white board or pdf slides to conduct instruction Lessons plans to keep instruction on track Pre designed Homework, quizzes, labs and assessments complete with answer sheets Great resource for new and existing teachers

16 Google Sites Free to use Easy to set up
Provides teachers with a free webpage to post information for their class Students and parents can access at any time Great for posting syllabus, class rules, weekly lesson plans, handouts and more

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