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The social Security 2016-2017.

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1 The social Security

2 The French social Security system

3 What’s the social Security ?
It’s the state body responsible for reimbursing part of the healthcare costs. Mandatory for all residents in France. Reimbursements rates : from 15% to 80%. Each beneficiary receives a unique social Security number. Exp: A social security card called « carte vitale », to be shown to all healthcare professionals you consult.

4 What’s the social Security ?
An exemple of a consultation to a referenced general practitioner: 25 € Medical excess Amount the insured person has to pay: 6,90 € Part refunded by the social Security system: 15,10 €

5 What’s the social Security ?
Mandatory for all students enrolled in an institution of higher education (school, university…) in France. Same reimbursement rates: 15% to 80%. Period of coverage : from 09/01/2016 to 09/30/2017. Reimbursements and procedures managed by the « CPAM ».

6 Do I have to take the student social Security?

7 Affiliation Table Summary
Student arriving from : Affiliation to the student social Security < 28 years old + 28 years old European Economic Area + Switzerland country No affiliation (EHIC) Private insurance (CEE…) Quebec No affiliation (special certificates from RAMQ) Non- European Economic Area + Switzerland country Affiliation: 215 € registration fee Campus France scholarship Affiliation (registration fee covered by Campus France)

8 How do I register to the student social Security?
One and unique way: the school registration office!!

9 Next step: sending the complementary papers to LMDE
In order to have a full reimbursement: Bank details (BIC: Bank Identifier Code) Referenced General Practitioner To get the permanent social Security number: Birth certificate (transleted in french + original language) Resident permit (or copy of passeport with the OFII visa)

10 My online account on
To create my account I need social Security number. With the secured LMDE online account, I can : Acces to my profile, Follow my reimbursements, Add personal informations (phone, adress, etc…), Register my bank details, Register my referenced general practitioner, Print my certificate of social Security affiliation, Request my EHIC, Request my social Security card.

11 My temporary social Security number
Year of birth Department of birth (99 if not born in France) Country code (000 if code unknown) 1 for a man 2 for a woman Month of birth

12 How do I get my « Carte Vitale » ?
I send the photocopy of my resident permit + my birth certificate. Then : I will receive a first mail, with a form to be completed with a photo and photocopy of an identity card, I will receive my « carte vitale »

13 … In the mean time To be reimbursed from the Social security part, just send the medical claim form to LMDE. For the hospital : simply a certificate of social security affiliation is required.

14 100% health care coverage : Top-Up
Full coverage of the routine medical expenses. Not mandatory but highly recommended! The mandatory lilability insurance included. 4 different top-ups available.

15 100% health care coverage : Top-Up
An exemple : you are admitted to a hospital for an urgent case, you are kept in hospital under observation for 3 days at a cost of 2 002,10 €. Part paid by the LMDE complementary health insurance Part refunded by the social Security system

16 Health insurance 09-16

17 Which health insurance do I have to choose?

18 Contact

19 Contact LMDE social Security part
Tel : , press 1 (0,06 € / min + price of call) Postal adress : LMDE Assurance Maladie 35070 RENNES CEDEX 9

20 Contact LMDE (complementary part)
Tel: , press 2 (0,06 € / min + price of call) Postal adress : LMDE Mutuelle Complémentaire TSA 97001 59779 LILLE CEDEX 9

21 Thank you for your attention!

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