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1. Flexibility 2. Speed 3. Diet 4. Cardiovascular endurance WHY?

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Presentation on theme: "1. Flexibility 2. Speed 3. Diet 4. Cardiovascular endurance WHY?"— Presentation transcript:

1 1. Flexibility 2. Speed 3. Diet 4. Cardiovascular endurance WHY?

2 1. Fluency 2. Efficiency 3. Coordinated 4. Movement WHY?

3 1. volunteering 2. coaching 3. Warm up 4. officiating WHY?

4 1. Lower heart rate 2. Remove lactic acid 3. Raise body temperature 4
1. Lower heart rate 2. Remove lactic acid 3. Raise body temperature 4. Reduces muscle soreness WHY?

5 1. Fats 2. Carbohydrates 3. Fibre 4. Protein WHY?

6 1. Yoga 2. Spin classes 3. Aerobics 4. Pilates WHY?

7 1. Cool down 2. Warm up 3. Health screening 4. Muscular endurance WHY?

8 1. competence 2. performance 3. Developing skills 4. creativity WHY?

9 1. To win the league in football 2. Improve your table tennis serve 3
1. To win the league in football 2. Improve your table tennis serve 3. To win your next rugby match 4. To win a trophy WHY?

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