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STT gas system a possible implementation

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1 STT gas system a possible implementation
PANDA Tracking Meeting October the 10th 2013 Jülich STT gas system a possible implementation Guidelines adopeted to flush the PANDA straws Parameters to be controlled The gas flow piping: a possible realization with manifolds Test of gas sealing on prototype manifold Conclusions and open questions V. Lucherini – INFN LNF

2 Setting the Task To flux a mixture of gases, Argon-C02, 10(20)-90(80), through » 4650 straw tubes, assuring a given number (» 4 ) of gas changes per day in their overal volume (of » 1000 l) . To ensure the required overpressure (» 2 bar), purity grade and sealing of the mixture. To reduce the redundancy of the system to lower the costs, the material budget and the complexity. To ensure a minimal redundancy to guaranty, in case of failure of single components, the operation of at least parts of any sector; Full automated setting and remote control, with the possibility to switch to manual/local operation, of the gas flow parameters as: - ratio of the two components in the gas mixture; - quantifying the Inlet / Outlet gas flow; - setting and controlling the gas over pressure; controlling the temperature; (uninterrupted gas flow).

3 Layout Control System (M. Bragadireanu talk)
Settling the Task Build independent pipe lines, arranged in such a way to ensure an independent gas flux in every sector and in each main subdivision of each sector. - one line per sector for each (inner & outer) axial straw regions: 6×2 = 12 lines; – two lines per sector for each of the stereo straw groups: 6 × 2 = 12 lines. Total: 24 pipe lines ( + 24 return pipes). SST gas flux Layout Control System (M. Bragadireanu talk)

4 STT (Straw Tubes Tracker ) &“Service Support Frame”
-Gas Pipes” lines: n.4 -Gas Pipes” lines: n.4 -Total “Gas Pipes” lines: 12 (For left half-tracker) -Gas Pipes” lines: n.4 Gas Distribution to straws on this side - STRAW TUBE TRACKER - SERVICE SUPPORT FRAME -Gas Pipes” lines: n.4 p -Gas Pipes” lines: n.4 straw-to-straw gas piping on this side -Gas Pipes” lines: n.4 -Total “Gas Pipes” lines: n. 12 (For left half-tracker) 1000 mm

-The encumbrance of the connectors has not been considered! 20 HV Cables 4 Gas Pipes (From the Forward Side) HV CABLE DATA - Cross Section 8,1mm^2/each - Total: 8,1x20 = 162mm^2 (Each Pathway) - Weight: 0,0162 Kg/m 13 HV Cables 8 Gas Pipes (From the Forward Side) 13 7 Theoretical needed cross section for each top & bottom pathway: = 502mm^2 13 HV Cables 6 8 Gas Pipes (From the Forward Side) 13 GAS PIPE DATA 13 HV Cables - Cross Section 28,26mm^2/each - Total: 28,26x12 = 340mm^2 (Each Pathway) - Weight: kg/m 4Gas Pipes (From the Forward Side) 12 Gas Pipes 20 HV Cables Backward side

6 - GAS PIPES - Weight: 0,0162Kg/m Outer diam: 6 mm Inner diam: 4 mm Inox pipes to distribute (recover) the gas flow to individual straws

7 p GAS MANIFOLD SYSTEM Bleu pipes: gas inlet Yellow pipes: gas outlet

8 Manifold for the Inner Layer
Bleu pipes: gas inlet Yellow pipes: gas outlet

9 Manifold for the Skewed Layer
Bleu pipes: gas inlet Yellow pipes: gas outlet

10 Manifod for the Outer Layer
Bleu pipes: gas inlet Yellow pipes: gas outlet

11 Enlarged view of some of the Manifolds
Bleu pipes: gas inlet Yellow pipes: gas outlet

12 Forward side: pictorial view of the manifols for one sector: three for each one
Bleu pipes: gas inlet Yellow pipes: gas outlet

13 Forward side: pictorial view of the manifols for one sector: three for each one
Bleu pipes: gas inlet Yellow pipes: gas outlet

14 Manifold encumbrance p I.P. 1060mm 1142mm

15 Manifold prototype and test
No gas leakeage from the prototype (made in plexiglas) in a fist test lasting four days

16 Conclusions and open questions
A piping system to flux the SST hase been devised trying to follow the the guidelines of the SST TDR. A compact network of pipes, distributed in an appropriate way in the external surface of the SST set-up can allow to bring the inlet and outlet gas flow in a compact way A manifold has been devised as a possible “interface” between the inlet/outlet gas pipes and the distributor of the gas mixture to the individual straws A propotype manifold has been realized and succesfully tested for gas sealing …of course this is just one, between many, of the possibile solutions of the task...

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