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One Methodology, Many Services

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1 One Methodology, Many Services
How different institutions are using the careers registration methodology and what impact it can have for institutional and national strategy development Dr Bob Gilworth, Diane Richardson, David Mashiter & Fiona Cobb

2 Careers Registration Employability-related questions included in student registration data collection Completed by all new and all re-enrolling students at the start of each year Pioneered at University of Leeds in 2012 Both cross-sectional and longitudinal Already scaled and sustainable

3 Career Decidedness (CD)
Readiness to engage with career management Decide, Plan, Compete Please select the statement which best represents your current careers position: I am not ready to start thinking about my career yet (Decide) I have no career ideas yet but want to start thinking (Decide) I have some ideas about my career & am ready to start planning (Decide) I have a career in mind & intend to gain relevant work experience (Plan) I know what I want to do but not sure how to get there (Plan) I want to spend a year gaining experience (Plan) I am ready to apply for graduate level / professional opportunities (Compete) I am ready to apply for further study (Compete) I have been applying for opportunities & have not been successful (Compete) I have a job, further study or my own business plan confirmed (Other)

4 Employability Experience (EE)
I have gained work experience through (select all that apply): a placement year during my degree a summer internship with an organisation a vacation internship (not summer) with an organisation work shadowing a short placement as part of a University module (e.g. 10 or 20 credit module) part time work alongside my studies a holiday job volunteering a position of responsibility in a club or society full time work prior to my course (two years or less) full time work prior to my course (more than two years) self-employment / running my own business I have no work experience to date

5 Benefits of CR Current: Live data vs DLHE data six months after graduation Comprehensive: Extent and nature of students’ work experience vs limited information from formal placements Consistent: Same data on all students vs patchy data gathered through departments Connected: Links employability data to the student record Comparable: Individual progress (starting points and trajectory) — what support students’ need and when Institutional impact —cohorts, departments, backgrounds — where to target scarce resources

6 Visualising the ‘journey’

7 Project partners Institution Status University of Bristol
Implemented 2014 University of Exeter Goldsmiths, University of London Implemented 2015 King’s College London Lancaster University Liverpool John Moores University Queen Mary, University of London Aiming for implementation 2017 Royal Veterinary College Negotiating implementation, other measures St George’s University of London Implemented 2015 (variations) St Mary’s University Pilot from 2015, full implementation 2017 School of Oriental and African Studies Implemented 2015 (non-mandatory) University College London Aiming for implementation 2016 University of Edinburgh Pilot in 2014, wider roll-out 2015 Ulster University Range of different circumstances across institutions

8 Primary Research Question
Does Careers Registration provide a viable method for obtaining data that provides an indication of learning gain related to work readiness? Correlating CR data with existing measures of work related learning gain Key research question How we plan to achieve it

9 Secondary Research Questions
What’s the best way to implement CR? Statement wording Can we use CR to highlight employability needs of different groups? Links to WP factors Can we use CR to evaluate different employability activities? Stakeholder application of data Three secondary research questions which are important to us, some issues within these questions, How do we implement it? What does it tell us? How do we use it?

10 Suggested success criteria
Analysis Cross-sectional Longitudinal Comparison DLHE Employability health check NSS Self Efficacy Individual – Academic records/retention Implementation Effectiveness of existing measures of CR Monitored roll out of CR Application Widening participation Interventions Consultants use of data Engagement: Careers services, Academics, Students Initial draft, may adapt in consultation with HEFCE Conservative success criteria at this stage Recommendations

11 The TEF Source: Fig 2. TEF assessment framework conceptual model

12 The TEF Student Outcomes and Learning Gain
Indicative list of additional evidence Aspect Possible examples of evidence Student Outcomes and Learning Gain Learning gain and distance-travelled by students Evidence of longer-term employment outcomes and progression of graduates including into highly-skilled employment Evidence and impact of initiatives aimed at maximising graduate employability Extent of student involvement in enterprise and entrepreneurship Impact of initiatives aimed at closing gaps in development, attainment and progression for students from different backgrounds, in particular those from disadvantaged backgrounds or those who are at greater risk of not achieving positive outcomes. Source: TEF Technical Consultation for Year Two, May 2016

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