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Agenda February 25th Today we will be….. Learning goals…..

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1 Agenda February 25th Today we will be….. Learning goals…..
Get notebook Chapter 6.1 labor and delivery notes Assign. “Baby You” Due: March 4th I can explain the biological process of birth I can describe the difference between natural birth and caesarian birth I can describe the stages of birth I can describe possible complications of birth

2 Chapter 6 Section 1 Notes: Labor and Birth

3 The Beginning of Labor Lightening: baby settles deep into pelvis; pressure on upper abdomen is lightened “Show” or “bloody show”: few drops of blood or pinkish vaginal stain; occurs when mucus that plugs uterus dissolves Plug seals cervix (lower part of uterus)

4 Water breaks: amniotic sac, holding fluid around baby has broken
Woman should note time, amount, color and odor Delivery should happen within hours to prevent infection Contraction: tightening and releasing of muscles in uterus; pushes fetus against cervix

5 Fetal monitoring: watching an unborn baby’s heart rate for indications of stress
Premature birth: occurs when fetus has been developing for 37 weeks or less Real labor: when contractions follow a regular pattern and grow in intensity Induce: starting labor by artificial means; medication or puncturing amniotic sac

6 Stages of Labor Stage 1: Contractions open the cervix
Active labor: when contractions are 60 seconds and 2-3 minutes apart Dilate: to widen or open Breech: bottom first

7 Stage 2: Baby is born Episiotomy: surgical cut to widen birth canal Stage 3: Placenta is expelled Placenta: organ developed to supply oxygen to fetus Cord blood: blood left behind in umbilical cord and placenta Can have cord blood stored or donated

8 Terms to Know Anesthesia: drugs that cause a loss of feeling
Epidural blocks: injected into lower back and numb lower half of body Cesarean birth: delivery of a baby through a surgical incision in mother’s abdomen Incubator: special enclosed crib where oxygen supply, temperature, and humidity can be closely controlled

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